[国会记录:2008年5月21日(扩展)][E989页]将阿什克罗夫特联邦调查局指南替换为利瓦伊联邦调查局指南______鲍比。斯科特在众议院,弗吉尼亚州斯科特先生,弗吉尼亚州,2008年5月20日星期二。议长女士2002年5月30日司法部长约翰·阿什克罗夫特修改了由司法部长爱德华·列维于1976年制定的指导方针,以遏制联邦调查局(FBI)在水门事件后的“敌人名单”曝光后的滥用职权行为。在教会委员会发现联邦调查局开发了50多万份关于美国人和国内团体的国内情报文件,并明确有针对性地进行调查,以扰乱持不同政见者的努力后,《利瓦伊指南》被采纳。这个著名的委员会详细描述了联邦调查局监视美国人的令人不安的程度,这些人包括马丁·路德·金博士、前海军军官罗伊·布尔杰尔神父、大屠杀幸存者和祖母伊迪丝·贝尔,他们都是和平抗议者和他们信仰的倡导者。虽然列维指导方针确保进行正当的刑事调查并监督此类调查,但阿什克罗夫特指导方针使联邦调查局能够调查团体和个人,无论是否存在犯罪活动的证据。《利瓦伊准则》要求,联邦调查局应根据事实或情况进行有限的调查,这些事实或情况合理地表明,已经犯下、正在犯下或即将犯下联邦犯罪。在《阿什克罗夫特指南》的指导下,我们甚至看到大学生仅仅因为在大学社区张贴不敬的海报,就受到纳税人资助的联邦调查局的审问和调查。在一个案件中,联邦调查局就一名北卡罗莱纳州的大学生公寓里的“非美国材料”对她进行了盘问,比如一张乔治·w·布什(George W. Bush)拿着绞索的海报。上面写着:‘我们关注您的每一个字。'' While some may argue this is not in good taste, it is far from a potential act of terrorism. The Ashcroft Guidelines have allowed the FBI to attend and begin to track those present in every public meeting, at every demonstration and visiting all internet chat rooms. Americans need to be able to meet and debate without fear that their associations and dissent will end up in an FBI database at every turn. By severing the tie between evidence of crime and initial FBI surveillance, the Ashcroft Guidelines fundamentally alter the role of the FBI in our society and ignore the very basis for adoption of the original Levi Guidelines. My Resolution is simple. It calls on Congress to reinstate the Levi guidelines which provide better protections for ordinary Americans from unwarranted, domestic FBI spying, on this, the 6-year anniversary of the eradication of such critical guidelines. This will end domestic spying such as that documented by the Church Committee report, where there is no evidence of criminal activity, while ensuring that the FBI can investigate anyone as long as there is a rational basis for doing so. For these reasons, I urge my colleagues to support this resolution urging that the Ashcroft Guidelines be replaced with a return to the Levi Guidelines. ____________________