国会记录:2008年1月31日(Senate)[PageS535-S537]参议员将恢复审议法案S2248待定:洛克菲勒-邦德修正号3911 性质替代Feingold-Dodd修正号3909号修正要求某些记录提交国会邦德修正号3916号修正3909完美性Reid修正号第3918号修正案与2007年保护美法扩展师傅改编师傅主席,我请求一致同意撤销所有未决修正,替代修正和Feingold修正号3909并修改后同意请求复议下方为唯一第一度修正以提交法案,除协议规定外,表决前不作二度修正任何时间辩论修正均以平分并控以常用形式修改后两处修改,并按修改后商定,并按修改后再复议动议合组排列表:Whitehouse第20/2005号修正3932肯尼迪修正号3960和邦德修正号3945协议,不修改八大修正需受多数票阈值约束,并按顺序提交八大修正中的任何一项三九四一修改二十分钟邦德修正号3938修改20分钟Feingold修正号39072小时specter-Whitehouse修正号39272小时Feingold修正号391340分钟Feingold修正号391240分钟Feingold修正号391540分钟Feingold-Web修正固存90分钟后3项修正受60支持投票阈值约束,如果达不到该阈值,则撤销修正:Feinstein修正No39192小时卡丁修正号三九三六分白屋修正号三九二六分归根结底,费因斯坦修正号3910程序不变,不作任何辩论限制管理者修改程序由管理者与领导者审核处理所有修正后,接受修改后修改,并第三次阅读元老院随后投票动议 援引块块法案法案一获通过 参院即开始517 H.R.3773和所有后发布条款2248经修改后插入取而代之,法案推后三读通过,动议复议放在表上S通道2248失效后返回日历代理办公人有反对意见吗无反对意见,按此排序修改版3909修改号3932号修改3960修改号协议3945如下:Reports3909, As Modified           On page 56, strike line 14 and all that follows through        page 57, line 14, and insert the following:         (b) Reports by Attorney General on Certain Other Orders.--       Such section 601 is further amended by adding at the end the        following:         ``(c) Submissions to Congress.--The Attorney General shall        submit to the committees of Congress referred to in        subsection (a)--         ``(1) a copy of any decision, order, or opinion issued by        the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or the Foreign        Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review that includes        significant construction or interpretation of any provision        of this Act, and any pleadings, applications, or memoranda of        law associated with such decision, order, or opinion, not        later than 45 days after such decision, order, or opinion is        issued!并(2)拷贝2008年FISA修正法颁布之日起五年期间发布但尚未提交分节(a)下报告的任何此类决定、命令或意见以及与此类决定、命令或意见有关的任何书状、申请或法律备忘录``(d) Protection of National Security.--The Attorney        General, in consultation with the Director of National        Intelligence, may authorize redactions of materials described        in subsection (c) that are provided to the committees of        Congress referred to in subsection (a), if such redactions        are necessary to protect the national security of the United        States and are limited to sensitive sources and methods        information or the identities of targets.''.定义.-经分节(a)和(b)修正的601节在结尾处添加以下内容:.--`外国情报监视法院'指根据第103(a)节设立的法院外国情报监视庭审查`外国情报监视法院'指第103(b)节所设立的法院'修正号第19页修改后,第10至12段并插入以下内容:``(C) Implementation pending appeal.--Not later than 60        days after the filing of an appeal of an order under        paragraph (5)(B) directing the correction of a deficiency,        the Court of Review shall determine, and enter a        corresponding order regarding, whether all or any part of the        correction order, as issued or modified, shall be implemented        during the pendency of the appeal.第19页,第13行,罢工qua修正号3960,第6页第13行,Cripse'and'和所有从第10页第5行插入如下:“(4)不得故意获取通讯,了解获取时发件人和所有预期收件者在美国的已知位置!并以符合《美国宪法第四修正案》的方式进行QQL.-A授权获取和q(2)分段(d)和(e)所要求的目标化最小化程序``(d) Targeting Procedures.--         ``(1) Requirement to adopt.--The Attorney General, in        consultation with the Director of National Intelligence,        shall adopt targeting procedures that are reasonably designed        to ensure that any acquisition authorized under subsection        (a) is limited to targeting persons reasonably believed to be        located outside the United States and does not result in the        intentional acquisition of any communication as to which the        sender and all intended recipients are known at the time of        the acquisition to be located in the United States.司法复议-第(1)款所述程序应依据(h)分节接受司法复议QQLM程序--QLID程序-NCSDD`(2)司法复议.-本分节要求的最小化程序应根据分节(h)接受司法复议a)分节授权获取前,检察总长和国家情报总长应宣誓提供本分节描述的书面认证``(B) Exception.--If the Attorney General and the Director        of National Intelligence determine that immediate action by        the Government is required and time does not permit the        preparation of a certification under this subsection prior to        the initiation of an acquisition, the Attorney General and        the Director of National Intelligence shall prepare such        certification, including such determination, as soon as        possible but in no event more than 168 hours after such        determination is made.``(2) Requirements.--A certification made under this        subsection shall--         ``(A) attest that--         ``(i) there are reasonable procedures in place for        determining that the acquisition authorized under subsection        (a) is targeted at persons reasonably believed to be located        outside the United States and that such procedures have been        approved by, or will be submitted in not more than 5 days for        approval by, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court        pursuant to subsection (h)!``(ii) there are reasonable procedures in place for        determining that the acquisition authorized under subsection        (a) does not result in the intentional acquisition of any        communication as to which the sender and all intended        recipients are known at the time of the acquisition to be        located in the United States, and that such procedures have        been approved by, or will be submitted in not more than 5        days for approval by, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance        Court pursuant to subsection (h)!``(iii) the procedures referred to in clauses (i) and (ii)        are consistent with the requirements of the fourth amendment        to the Constitution of the United States and do not    [[Page S537]]         permit the intentional targeting of any person who is known        at the time of acquisition to be located in the United States        or the intentional acquisition of any communication as to        which the sender and all intended recipients are known at the        time of acquisition to be located in the United States!QQQI获取重要目的就是获取外国情报最小化程序-Q-Q-I满足第101(h)节或301(4)节对最小化程序定义并提交外国情报监视法院根据(h)小节批准或5天内提交QQLIET获取外国情报和qlvii获取不构成电子监控 受701节限制并插入“States.''并不会导致故意获取通信 了解获取时发件人和所有预期接收者修正号第15页从线10开始,并“最晚在发布此决定后7天内”。师傅改编师傅主席,请允许我正式向这么多人表示谢意。具体地说,我想提及洛克菲勒参议员和邦德参议员他们的员工花数天执行协议幸好他们有关系 让他们能达成协议但它不可能实现我不想谈共和党参议员问题,但我确信有很多无名英雄我不能谈他们主持者怀特豪斯参议员 以情报和司法委员会成员身份 做得很好 帮助我们解决此事算上我所有时间, 大约11小时的辩论加投票肯尼迪参议员也总是很容易处理他热切相信自己所信,但他总是非常理解我的问题我感谢他费吾尔德参议员是位高手, 人总能看清 法律中每一小段文字一直以来他都很好地工作我感谢他卡丁参议员对我们所做的一切非常耐心最后,我想谈两个人我今天花了很多时间 参议员芬斯坦作为情报委员会成员,她是一个真正的信教者她是委员会二等成员日复一日的委员会听证 倾听事实并努力想出究竟发生了什么 并不容易所有情报成员离报社都办妥情报委员会成员除了满足自己为国家和世界做善事之外,很少得到认识。我感谢参议员芬斯坦 和我们一起工作 这样我们就可以达成最后协议即便他的名字没有出现在我读到的任何协议中, 参议员Leahy将实现他认为本法案应该实现的目标,我有一个参议员告诉我-事实上, 是参议员肯特康拉德说在整个公共事业中 他从未比拉希参议员 更了解谈判者我想他可能是最优秀的名不见名之地,他还是大获全胜我们知道Dodd参议员对这项立法的诚意和深度人谁一直 深深地参与 我们做的一切 在这个帐单中我感谢他愿意与我们共事至此我和他都同意 法律中应该发生什么时间只会显示我们是否得到了druthers,但至少我们被联合来完成同样的事情感谢大家按此法例工作不容易找到我们所在,但这就是我们所在,我很感激大家的注意力和帮助。____________________