日历第20号第110届国会报告参议院第一届会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议参议院第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-5次会议第110-第372条]武装部队委员会,将该条例草案(372)委员会授权2007财年为美国政府,情报界管理账户和中央情报局的情报和情报相关活动拨款退休和残疾系统,以及其他目的,认为是相同的,在没有修正案的情况下报告有利地报告并建议账单通过。ReportsReports票据S. 372的目的将授权2007财政年度拨款和其他事项,了解美国的情报活动,包括武装服务委员会管辖范围内的某些国防部有关活动。参议院委员会情报委员会于2007年1月24日报告了该法案,并于2007年1月24日提到了2007年1月24日的武装部队委员会,根据参议院第400号决议第9届大会第3(b)条,如修订参议院第445号决议,第108号国会,一段时间不超过10天的会议。委员会的范围审议委员会仔细审查了2007财年和参议院报告的情报授权法案,伴随着S. 372(REPT。110-2)。武装部队委员会管辖范围内的总金额已纳入2007财年约翰华纳国防授权法(公式109-364)。下文解释了委员会澄清参议院智能委员会颁发的报告。委员会报告的分类和敏感附件委员会向本报告编写了一个分类的附件,该报告描述了对自然界分类和敏感的其他建议和关切。Cobra Judy Replacepart计划委员会认为,COBRA Judy Replace申请计划对于确保我们国家获得对外国弹道导弹计划及其能力的必要情报的能力非常重要。 The committee strongly supports development and integration of this sophisticated solid-state phased array radar technology and ship as a prudent investment in intelligence collection that monitors foreign threats and supports the acquisition of our ballistic missile defensive systems. The COBRA JUDY Replacement Program will replace the USNS Observation Island, which is due to leave service in 2012, and will satisfy vital intelligence requirements necessary for the acquisition of defensive systems designed to defend the nation from ballistic missile attack. Therefore, the committee urges the conferees on the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 to preserve for this important program in fiscal year 2007. The committee further urges the continued funding in the Future Years Defense Program of the COBRA JUDY Replacement Program by the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) in order to support national defense requirements. SPACE RADAR The committee notes that the DNI is conducting a study to determine future collections architectures. One of the elements of the study is a space radar capability. The committee firmly believes that only one space radar capability is affordable in the future and urges the DNI and the Secretary of Defense to develop a joint space radar program if there is a requirement for such a capability. The committee, notwithstanding any other direction, strongly encourages the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to direct the DNI to participate in the study required in the statement of managers (H. Rept 109-702) accompanying the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109-364). DNI participation is required to determine respective roles and missions of the military and intelligence communities in the development of a space radar program, including requirements, cost-sharing, acquisition strategy, and operational concepts. The committee also believes that for the DNI not to participate in a joint study to understand space radar requirements, guided by the collections architecture, would be a mistake that could result in a significant waste of taxpayer dollars. Committee Action In accordance with the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, the committee's vote to report the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 was by voice vote. Fiscal Data The committee will publish in the Congressional Record information on 5-year cost projections when such information is received from the Congressional Budget Office. Regulatory Impact Paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate requires that a report on the regulatory impact of a bill be included in the report on the bill. The committee finds that there is no regulatory impact in the cost of S. 372, the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007. Changes in Existing Law Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the changes in existing law made by certain portions of the bill have not been shown in this section of the report because, in the opinion of the committee, it is necessary to dispense with showing such changes in order to expedite the business of the Senate and reduce the expenditure of funds.