[国会记录:2007年10月18日(院)] [第H11759]邮政信箱1142分辨率扬声器临时。在众议院的以前的订单,从弗吉尼亚绅士(莫兰先生)被认定为5分钟。弗吉尼亚MORAN先生。议长先生,从1942年至第二次世界大战结束,绝密军事情报局秘密操作上我们自己的波托马克河岸边。在亨特堡公园,沿着大路GW,秘密安装在默默我们国家的首都的阴影操作。只有通过它的邮寄地址,邮政信箱知盒1142,在这个职位的男性和女性提供的军事情报,帮助制止第二次世界大战,给了美国在冷战早期的优势。邮政信箱箱1142是一个审讯中心。在整个战争及其后果,后置处理和审讯近4000战争中最重要的德国战俘。 The men who performed the interrogations were drawn from across the country. The shared attribute is that they all spoke fluent German to be able to interact with their captives. Many were Jewish, to ensure their loyalty to America's mission. And most had friends and family battling on the front lines against Nazi Germany. To them, the war was personal and would impact their lives forever. Despite these circumstances, their interrogations never resorted to torture, used violence, or implemented cruel tactics to obtain the vital information required to support our Nation at war. Instead, their most effective interrogation technique was to start a dialogue to develop trust with their captives. They all talked with their captives, played card games, took walks, discussed their lives, and ultimately obtained the necessary information from their captives. Despite the apparent simplicity of these methods, these interrogations resulted in the discovery of most of Germany's secret weapons programs. P.O. Box 1142 learned about research to develop the atomic bomb, the jet engine and the V-2 rocket, all technologies that became essential informational components in waging the Cold War. The detainment and interrogation of high-ranking German officials, such as Reinhard Gehlen, who ran the German intelligence operations, advanced our military intelligence operations well beyond the Soviet Union's capabilities. In advancing the Nation's interests and uncovering vital secrets, the interrogators at P.O. Box 1142 never resorted to tactics such as sleep deprivation, electrical shock, or waterboarding. Their captives were never sexually abused, humiliated, or tortured. They never resorted to the methods that have recently branded our Nation so negatively. As a result of the war on terror, I'm afraid that America is now haunted by lasting images of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay. The current intelligence community can learn from the men of P.O. Box 1142. For all our sake, I hope it's not too late. Despite the vital work that the interrogators at P.O. Box 1142 performed, their activities remained closely held secrets by those who worked at the post. Many of these men never told family or loved ones. It wasn't until park rangers from the GW Memorial Parkway uncovered declassified documents and met former officers of P.O. Box 1142 that the operations that occurred at Fort Hunt Park during World War II became known. Under the encouragement of the National Park Service, these park rangers identified veterans of P.O. Box 1142. They conducted professional oral history interviews. The deeper the park rangers dug, the more obvious it became they had discovered a remarkable story that had remained unrecognized by the officers because of their oath of secrecy. After 2 years of work, the National Park Service decided it was time for the men of P.O. Box 1142 to finally be acknowledged. On October 5 and 6, the National Park Service held the first-ever reunion of the veterans of P.O. Box 1142 at Fort Hunt Park. The veterans raised the American flag in the post's original flag pole setting and memorialized the grounds. Today, I'm proud to play a small part in giving justified credit for the tremendous work performed at P.O. Box 1142. Along with my northern Virginia colleagues, Congressmen Tom Davis and Frank Wolf, I'm introducing a long, overdue resolution to honor the men of P.O. Box 1142. Mr. Speaker, I extend my appreciation to these veterans. The Nation owes a great debt to them for their sacrifice to our Nation during a time of war for their pursuit of critical intelligence, while maintaining the highest level of integrity and America's moral values, and for their intrepid actions that have, until very recently, gone unacknowledged. ____________________




H. RES。753

表彰并感谢该所服务的项目名称`邮政信箱1142' 下的绝密单位为美国军事情报局的士兵。





表彰并感谢该所服务的项目名称`邮政信箱1142' 下的绝密单位为美国军事情报局的士兵。











Whereas the detainment and interrogation of high-ranking German officials, such as Reinhard Gehlen, a prisoner who ran the German intelligence operations in the Soviet Union, proved instrumental at aiding the development of U.S. intelligence operations on the Soviets during the onset of the Cold War;







Whereas at exactly 11:42 a.m. on October 5, the National Park Service and the living veterans of Post Office Box 1142 raised an American flag in the post's original flagpole setting, and forever memorialized the grounds as the home of Post Office Box 1142: Now, therefore, be it
