国会记录:[Page H8496-H8546] CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 1,实现2007年9/11委员会的建议法案密西西比汤普森先生提交以下会议报告和声明法案(H.R. 1)提供建议的实施恐怖袭击的国家委员会在美国:会议报告(h .报告。110 - 259)[…]第六章情报的国会监督第601章向公众提供某些情报资金信息的情况。(a)每财政年度拨款金额.--在2007财政年度开始于2007财年结束后不迟于2007年,国家情报署署长向公众披露国民国会拨款的总资金金额根据此类财政年度的情报计划。(b)豁免 - 从2009财政年度开始,总统可能会免除或推迟由此类财政年度结束后30天内的第(a)款所需的披露(a)款,提交给选定参议院智力委员会委员会和常驻代表议员智力委员会 - (1)以未分类的形式发表声明,本财政年度的披露所需的披露会损害国家安全;(2)一份声明,详细说明豁免或推迟的原因,可按分类表格提交。(c)定义.--如本节所用,术语``“国家情报计划”赋予了1947年国家安全法案第3(6)条的含义(50 u.s.c. 401a(6))。秒。602.公共利益解密委员会。修改了2000年(50美元,50美元435章)的公共利益裁定法 - (1)通过罢工“中央情报总监”,每个术语出现并插入国家情报董事“;(2)在第704(e) - (a)部分中,通过击中``'''''并插入以下内容:``(1)一般.--如果要求''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Authority of board.--Upon receiving a congressional request described in section 703(b)(5), the Board may conduct the review and make the recommendations described in that section, regardless of whether such a review is requested by the President. ``(3) Reporting.--Any recommendations submitted to the President by the Board under section 703(b)(5), shall be submitted to the chairman and ranking minority member of the committee of Congress that made the request relating to such recommendations.''; (3) in section 705(c), in the subsection heading, by striking ``Director of Central Intelligence'' and inserting ``Director of National Intelligence''; and (4) in section 710(b), by striking ``8 years after the date'' and all that follows and inserting ``on December 31, 2012.''. SEC. 603. SENSE OF THE SENATE REGARDING A REPORT ON THE 9/11 COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND CONGRESSIONAL INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT REFORM. (a) Findings.--Congress makes the following findings: (1) The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (referred to in this section as the ``9/11 Commission'') conducted a lengthy review of the facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, including those relating to the intelligence community, law enforcement agencies, and the role of congressional oversight and resource allocation. (2) In its final report, the 9/11 Commission found that-- (A) congressional oversight of the intelligence activities of the United States is dysfunctional; (B) under the rules of the Senate and the House of Representatives in effect at the time the report was completed, the committees of Congress charged with oversight of the intelligence activities lacked the power, influence, and sustained capability to meet the daunting challenges faced by the intelligence community of the United States; (C) as long as such oversight is governed by such rules of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the people of the United States will not get the security they want and need; (D) a strong, stable, and capable congressional committee structure is needed to give the intelligence community of the United States appropriate oversight, support, and leadership; and (E) the reforms recommended by the 9/11 Commission in its final report will not succeed if congressional oversight of the intelligence community in the United States is not changed. (3) The 9/11 Commission recommended structural changes to Congress to improve the oversight of intelligence activities. (4) Congress has enacted some of the recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission and is considering implementing additional recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. (5) The Senate adopted Senate Resolution 445 in the 108th Congress to address some of the intelligence oversight recommendations of the 9/11 Commission by abolishing term limits for the members of the Select Committee on Intelligence, clarifying jurisdiction for intelligence- related nominations, and streamlining procedures for the referral of intelligence-related legislation, but other aspects of the 9/11 Commission recommendations regarding intelligence oversight have not been implemented. (b) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate each, or jointly, should-- (1) undertake a review of the recommendations made in the final report of the 9/11 Commission with respect to intelligence reform and congressional intelligence oversight reform; (2) review and consider any other suggestions, options, or recommendations for improving intelligence oversight; and (3) not later than December 21, 2007, submit to the Senate a report that includes the recommendations of the committees, if any, for carrying out such reforms. SEC. 604. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST DECLASSIFICATION BOARD. Section 21067 of the Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007 (division B of Public Law 109-289; 120 Stat. 1311), as amended by Public Law 109-369 (120 Stat. 2642), Public [[Page H8516]] Law 109-383 (120 Stat. 2678), and Public Law 110-5, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: ``(c) From the amount provided by this section, the National Archives and Records Administration may obligate monies necessary to carry out the activities of the Public Interest Declassification Board.''. SEC. 605. AVAILABILITY OF THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE REPORT ON CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ACCOUNTABILITY REGARDING THE TERRORIST ATTACKS OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2001. (a) Public Availability.--Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall prepare and make available to the public a version of the Executive Summary of the report entitled the ``Office of Inspector General Report on Central Intelligence Agency Accountability Regarding Findings and Conclusions of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001'' issued in June 2005 that is declassified to the maximum extent possible, consistent with national security. (b) Report to Congress.--The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall submit to Congress a classified annex to the redacted Executive Summary made available under subsection (a) that explains the reason that any redacted material in the Executive Summary was withheld from the public.

会议报告(H.报告110-259)[…]第六章,国会对情报的监督第601可用性到一定的智能性资金的信息公开并没有类似的内部提供。参议院法案第1201条要求总统向公众披露要求的国家情报计划每一会计年度的资金总额。这还需要国会披露的总金额授权公众拨付,并划拨给国家情报计划的总金额。9/11委员会在2004年建议,国家情报经费的总额被解密,并于2004年情报改革与恐怖主义防范法案的参议院版本通过包含有类似的规定。会议采用替代参议院规定进行修改。会议要求替代国家情报总监透露给公众国会对国家情报计划拨款的总额,与2007财年年初与2009财政年度开始,它允许总统放弃或推迟本公开提交专责委员会在众议院未分类的声明中表示,披露会损害国家安全,以及参议院和常设特别委员会的情报发表声明,详细说明该放弃或推迟,这可能以分类的形式提交的原因。第602公益解密局并没有类似的内部提供。参议院法案的第1203授权公共利益解密委员会,在收到请求国会,进行检讨,并提出建议,无论审查是否由总统要求。它进一步规定,提交董事会主席的建议,还应当提交主席和请求委员会少数党成员,并延长了董事会四年的授权,直到2012年年底。在其报告中描述 activities in the 109th Congress (S. Rep. No. 110-57, at p. 26), in September 2006, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released two reports on prewar intelligence regarding Iraq. In the introduction to one, the Committee expressed disagreement with the Intelligence Community's decision to classify portions of the report. Members of the Committee wrote to the then recently constituted Public Interest Declassification Board to request that it review the material and make recommendations about its classification. The Board responded that it might not be able to do so without White House authorization. In December 2006, the Board wrote to Congress to request that the statute establishing the Board be clarified to enable it to begin, without White House approval, a declassification review requested by Congress. The Conference substitute adopts the Senate provision with minor technical and conforming changes to the Public Interest Declassification Act of 2000 (50 U.S.C. 435 note) to substitute the ``Director of National Intelligence'' for the ``Director of Central Intelligence.'' Section 603. Sense of the Senate regarding a report on the 9/ 11 Commission recommendations with respect to intelligence reform and congressional intelligence oversight reform There is no comparable House provision. Section 1204 of the Senate bill makes findings related to the 9/11 Commission's recommendation on Congressional oversight of intelligence. It expresses the Sense of the Senate that the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate should undertake a review of the recommendations made in the final report of the 9/11 Commission with respect to intelligence reform and Congressional intelligence oversight reform, review and consider other suggestions, options, or recommendations for improving intelligence oversight, and not later than December 21, 2007, submit to the Senate a joint report or individual reports that include the recommendations of the Committees, if any, for carrying out such reforms. The Conference substitute adopts the Senate provision. Section 604. Availability of funds for the Public Interest Declassification Board There is no comparable House provision. Section 1205 of the Senate bill allows the National Archives and Records Administration to obligate monies to carry out the activities of the Public Interest Declassification Board from the Continuing Appropriations Resolution of 2007, as amended. The Conference substitute adopts the Senate provision. Section 605. Availability of the executive summary of the Report on Central Intelligence Agency Accountability Regarding the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 There is no comparable House provision. Section 1206 of the Senate bill provides that not later than 30 days after the enactment of this Act, the CIA Director shall prepare and make available to the public a version of the Executive Summary of a report by the CIA Inspector General that is declassified to the maximum extent possible consistent with national security. The underlying document is the Office of Inspector General Report on Central Intelligence Agency Accountability Regarding Findings and Conclusions of the Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After September 11, 2001. The CIA Director is to submit to Congress a classified annex that explains why any redacted material in the Executive Summary was withheld from the public. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence includes a similar provision in its Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. The Committee's efforts to obtain this measure of [[Page H8580]] public accountability are detailed in its report on the Committee's activities in the 109th Congress, S. Rep. No. 110-57, at pp. 24-26 (2007). The Conference substitute adopts the Senate provision. [...]