国会记录:2006年5月1日(参议院)第S3814页修正案文本SA 3762。克里先生向第4939号法案提交了一份拟由他提出的修正案,为截至2006年9月30日的财政年度和其他目的提供紧急补充拨款;它被命令放在桌子上;在第126页,在第12至13行之间插入以下内容:报告在全球反恐战争中被捕的个人的所谓秘密拘留设施。(一)一般。——总统应确保美国政府继续遵守1947年《国家安全法案》(50 U.S.C. 413 et seq.)标题V的授权、报告和通知要求。(b)国家情报报告主任。——(1)需要报告。——在使用本法案拨款并可用于美国政府情报及情报相关活动的资金时,金额不超过10万美元,国家情报总监应在本法案颁布之日起60天内,向参议院情报特别委员会和众议院常设情报特别委员会的成员提供一份详细的报告,列明下列项目的性质和成本,并提供对下列项目的全面核算,任何目前或以前由美国政府管理的秘密监狱或拘留设施,不论地点,在全球反恐战争中被拘留者被关押的地方。 (2) Elements.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall set forth, for each prison or facility, if any, covered by such report, the following: (A) The location and size of such prison or facility. (B) If such prison or facility is no longer being operated by the United States Government, the disposition of such prison or facility. (C) The number of detainees currently held or formerly held, as the case may be, at such prison or facility. (D) Any plans for the ultimate disposition of any detainees currently held at such prison or facility. (E) A description of the interrogation procedures used or formerly used on detainees at such prison or facility and a determination, in coordination with other appropriate officials, on whether such procedures are or were in compliance with United States obligations under the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Torture. (3) Form of report.--The report required by paragraph (1) shall be submitted in classified form. ______