国大记录:2006年7月24日S8122-S8124探针师傅美国律师协会主席今天发布发布摘要报告蓝丝带特别工作组得出结论,布什总统签名声明违反并破坏分权重要学说。布什总统签署声明时,The task force said its recommendations ``are intended to   underscore the importance of the doctrine of separation of powers and,   therefore, represent a call to the President and to all his successors   to fully respect the rule of law and our constitutional system of   separation of powers and checks and balances.''    Noting that the Constitution is silent about Presidential signing   statements, the task force found that while several Presidents have   used them, the frequency of signing statements that challenge laws has   escalated substantially, and their purpose has changed dramatically,   during the administration of President Bush.依据ABA今日发布新闻稿, 任务组报告注解:从共和国建立到2000年, 总统制作不足600签名声明,最新消息显示, 总统George Walker Bush以半任期..生产超过800报告发现布什总统签名声明有词性、机械性,一般不引用权威或详细解释。'即使受挫国会最终颁布了一项法律,要求总检察长向国会提交有关该官员或司法部任何官员建立或执行不执行联邦法规任何规定的政策的任何实例报告..请求引起对三权分立程序的严重关切ABA报告继续表示:若任由总统实践会严重损害二百余年来维系民主的三权分立学说和制衡体系参议院司法委员会就此主题举行了听证会,并发现这种做法确实威胁分权学说。听证显示,《宪法》很清楚,当议会两院通过立法并提交总统时,《宪法》要求总统签署立法,参与可称为小块否决或否决立法并发回国会立宪问题和总统判定部分规约违宪时,他宣誓维护宪法[S8123页]实现宣誓之道是用否决信息将立法交回国会,指出规定违宪,并允许国会选择修改立法满足总统请求,放弃总统否决或拒绝进一步行动此外,高级别工作组还敦促国会颁布立法,要求总统向国会提交签名声明报告,并敦促国会颁布立法司法委听证期间,我以主席身份请求里根政府司法局律师Bruce Fein率先制定相关立法师傅斐因和我的员工 一直在研究立法我期望,在周末前,我们将向参议院提交立法,使国会在总统发布签名声明时能够在联邦法院求解,并授权国会对这些签名声明进行司法审查,以期宣布总统行为违宪。我们认为这些签名声明的适当状态值得指出的是,工作队成员中包括许多杰出的前公务员,包括前CIA主任Williamsessions前共和院成员MickeyEdwards上诉法院法官Patricia MWald和其他人此时此刻,我请求一致同意美国律师协会新闻稿全文载入记录There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in   the Record, as follows:          [From American Bar Association, News Release, July 24, 2006]       Blue-Ribbon Task Force Finds President Bush's Signing Statements                        Undermine Separation of Powers           Washington, DC.--Presidential signing statements that        assert President Bush's authority to disregard or decline to        enforce laws adopted by Congress undermine the rule of law        and our constitutional system of separation of powers,        according to a report released today by a blue-ribbon        American Bar Association task force.为解决这些关注问题,高级别工作组敦促国会通过立法,使成员能够请求法院审查声称总统有权忽略或不执行国会通过的法律的签名声明,并敦促总统否决他认为不符合宪法的法案总统签名声明和分权理论工作队由ABA主席Michael S创建Greco经ABA理事会6月批准,审查4月30日波士顿环球会议后总统签名声明变化作用显示布什政府完全依赖总统签名声明取代否决金博宝正规网址Greco特别工作队任命时表示,“使用总统签名声明引出与分权立宪学说有关的严重问题。I have appointed the Task Force to take a balanced,        scholarly look at the use and implications of signing        statements, and to propose appropriate ABA policy consistent        with our Association's commitment to safeguarding the rule of        law and the separation of powers in our system of        government.''         The task force report and recommendations will be presented        to the ABA's policymaking House of Delegates for adoption at        its upcoming Annual Meeting Aug.7-8在ABA院采取正式行动前,报告和建议仅代表工作队的观点由宪政学者、前总统顾问以及法律和司法专家组成的两党工作队注意到乔治·W总统布什并非第一个使用签名声明的总统,..任务组表示报告和建议“are用意强调分权理论的重要性They therefore represent a call to this        President and to all his successors to fully respect the rule        of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers        and checks and balances.''         The task force determined that signing statements that        signal the president's intent to disregard laws adopted by        Congress undermine the separation of powers by depriving        Congress of the opportunity to override a veto, and by        shutting off policy debate between the two branches of        government.依据任务组报告,它们以unit项目否决方式运作,'而U.S.最高法院裁定违宪特别工作组注意到《宪法》对总统签名声明保持沉默,发现尽管最近几任总统使用这些声明,但在布什政府期间签名挑战法律声明频率大幅上升,其目的发生巨变专案组报告表示,“从共和国成立到2000年,总统编制不到600份签名声明,与所签法案有冲突最新消息显示, 总统George Walker Bush以半任期..has produced        more than 800.''         The report found that President Bush's signing statements        are ``ritualistic, mechanical an generally carry no citation        of authority or detailed explanation.'' Even when ``[a]        frustrated Congress finally enacted a law requiring the        Attorney General to submit to Congress a report of any        instance in which that official or any officer of the        Department of Justice established or pursued a policy of        refraining from enforcing any provision of any federal        statute ...并受宗教签名声明约束, 坚持总统在他认为需要时保留信息的权利。''报告提出了对我们民主生存至关重要的严重问题,''Greco说总统实践严重损害三权分立学说和制衡体系,Immediate action is required to address this threat to the        Constitution and to the rule of law in our country.''         Greco said that the task force's report ``constructively        offers procedures that consider the prerogatives both of the        president and of the Congress, while protecting the        public's right to know what legislation is adopted by        Congress and if and how the president intends to enforce        it.透明性至关重要, 才能让美国人民相信法治正受到公民和政府领导人的尊重.'两党独立专责小组由迈阿密律师Neal Sonnett主持,佛罗里达南区刑事司司长曾任ABA刑事司法科主席、ABA家庭监视工作队和ABA敌处理工作队主席并选任美国司法学会主席Sonnett表示:「放弃总统签名声明威胁法治行动威胁削弱我们的制衡体系和三权分立时,美国律师协会有强烈职责大声疾呼保护那些民主关键点。'会话 PatriciaMWald, MickeyEdwards,Bruce Fein,Harold HongjuKho,Charles Ogletree,StephenA萨尔茨堡苏立文 Mark Agrast Tom Susman 顾问Alan RothsteinThe task force recommendations urge Congress to adopt        legislation to permit the president, Congress or other        entities to seek court review any time the president claims        he has the authority, or states his intention, to disregard        or decline to enforce all or part of a law he has signed, or        when he interprets the law in a manner inconsistent with the        intent of Congress.目前,国会没有法定权限在这些情况下请求司法复议专案组还敦促总统像所有前总统所做的那样使用否决权,而不是签名声明,而他认为法案的全部或部分违宪,这符合《宪法》的要求,即总统要么批准或不批准国会提交的全部法律总统若认为国会待决法案若获颁布即违宪,金博宝正规网址特别工作组还敦促国会颁布立法,要求总统立即向国会提交所有签名声明的正式副本总统请求授权或表示有意无视或拒绝执行他签署的全部或部分法律时,立法应要求他向国会提交报告,报告可公开数据库获取,充分说明其立场的理由和法律依据Presidential signing statements are not new, according to        the task force, which notes that ``Presidents have issued        statements elaborating on their views of the laws they sign        since the time of President James Monroe.'' But under        President Ronald Reagan, ``For the first time, signing        statements were viewed as a strategic weapon in a campaign to        influence the way legislation was interpreted by the courts        and Executive agencies as well as their more traditional use        to preserve Presidential prerogatives.'' The report also        notes that President Clinton, like his predecessors, used        signing statements, but to a significantly lesser degree, and        different purpose.布什总统签名声明中,高级别工作组注意到拒绝执行涉及“国会要求向国会报告使用[PageS8124]爱国法权限秘密搜索住宅并查封私文件,[并]McCain修正禁止任何美国Reports官方对囚犯使用酷刑或残忍非人待遇''''当立法授权向国会报告特殊事务时,如2002年情报授权法,签名声明视此要求为唯一建议时,工作队表示专案组表示布什总统签名声明“特别固执防止下属直接向国会报告 。'美国律师协会成员超过410,000名,是世界上最大自愿专业成员组织律师协会作为国家法律专业代言人,努力改善司法工作,推广帮助律师和法官工作方案,认证法学院,提供持续法律教育,并努力建立全世界公众对民主社会法治重要性的认识____________________