[国会记录:2006年9月21日(延长)][E1777页]调查MAHER ARAR的决议______尊敬的EDWARD J. MARKEY,马萨诸塞州众议院,2006年9月20日星期三MARKEY先生。议长先生,我今天站起来谈谈马赫·亚拉尔,他受到美国官员的对待是我们国家良知的一个污点。2002年9月,亚拉尔在纽约肯尼迪机场(JFK airport)转机时被美国官员抓获。亚拉尔出生在叙利亚,但现在拥有加拿大公民身份。他在美国被关押了两周,没有见过律师,然后被短暂转移到约旦,最后被转移到叙利亚。亚拉尔在叙利亚被关押了10个月,大部分时间是在一个壁橱大小的黑暗地下地牢里。他受到了身体和心理上的折磨,并被迫做出虚假供词,其中包括他曾在阿富汗参加过一个基地组织恐怖分子训练营。Maher Arar在纽约被捕一年后终于被释放,他从未被指控犯有任何罪行。Maher Arar在纽约被美国拘留时,要求与律师谈话。他否认。他要求与法官谈话。 He was denied. He asked the American officials not to send him to Syria, as he knew he would be tortured there. Of course, the Americans did not need to be told that Syria routinely tortures its prisoners, as the U.S. State Department lists Syria in its annual Human Rights report as a country that practices torture. Yet Maher Arar was sent to Syria for interrogation, where he was brutally tortured, just as the American officials involved in his rendition must have known he likely would be. Maher Arar was the victim of the Bush administration's program of ``extraordinary rendition,'' whereby prisoners in American custody are sent abroad for interrogation in other countries, sometimes to places such as Syria and Uzbekistan that are known to routinely practice torture. This is a disgusting practice that brings dishonor to the United States of America, and ultimately endangers our troops in the field by validating the use of torture all over the world. Extraordinary rendition is nothing more than the outsourcing of torture, and this program must come to an immediate halt. The Torture Outsourcing Prevention Act, which I introduced in this House over a year and a half ago, would end the practice of extraordinary rendition. But the Republican leadership has refused to bring the Torture Outsourcing Prevention Act to the floor for a vote. Mr. Speaker, we don't have many details on the case of Maher Arar, because the Bush administration has refused to divulge any information on its program of extraordinary rendition and the rubber-stamp Republican Congress have refused to conduct any meaningful oversight over this program. Now that the President has admitted that the CIA operated secret prisons all over the world, the Congress must step up to the plate and conduct true oversight on the President's program of extraordinary rendition. This week, the official Canadian inquiry into the case of Maher Arar, which focused on the role that Canadian officials played in his rendition, released its report. The Arar Commission report clears Maher Arar of any wrongdoing, and concludes that he was indeed transferred to Syria by the United States, where he was tortured. American authorities were invited to testify before the Arar Commission, but refused. Canada has now completed its investigation into the injustice done to Mr. Arar by Canadian officials, who without any evidence of wrongdoing told the U.S. he had connections with terrorist organizations. Mr. Speaker, now this Congress must initiate our own investigation into the role that U.S. officials played in this affair. We must know the truth of what happened to Maher Arar, why it happened, upon whose orders, and upon what justification. That is why I have today introduced five separate Resolutions of Inquiry requesting copies of all documents in the possession of the United States Government that may relate, in any way, to Maher Arar. These five Resolutions direct the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Attorney General to provide Congress with all documents and records in their possession relating to Maher Arar. The same request is made of the President, in order to ensure that any documents in the possession of the White House or the Intelligence Community are also provided forthwith. The Congress, and the American people, must learn the truth of what was done to Maher Arar. I urge my colleagues to support these Resolutions of Inquiry. ____________________