
约翰o .布伦南





正如委员会成员和美国公众所熟知的,国际恐怖主义的祸害对美国的国内外利益构成了严重威胁。�Since the devastating attacks of September 11, 2001, hundreds of innocent lives have been lost in terrorist attacks in Tunisia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, and Spain.� More attacks are in the planning stages, and U.S. lives and property are being actively targeted by al-Qa’ida and other terrorist organizations that have death and destruction as their principal goals.�

我们从2001年9月11日的事件中吸取了一些惨痛的教训。�We learned that while we had developed a wide array of U.S. Government counterterrorism capabilities and accrued a vast amount of information about those who would do us harm, we lacked a government-wide ability to integrate knowledge, data systems, expertise, mission, and capabilities, which are the critical weapons in the fight against terrorism.� It is only through such integration of effort that we will be able to prevent future 9/11s.�����


TTIC代表了一种新的方式来优化美国政府在打击恐怖主义方面的知识和强大能力。�For the first time in our history, a multi-agency entity has access to information systems and databases spanning the intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, diplomatic, and military communities that contain information related to the threat of international terrorism.� In fact, TTIC has direct-access connectivity with 14 separate U.S. Government networks -- with connectivity to another 10 networks planned -- enabling information sharing as never before in the U.S. Government.� This unprecedented access to information allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of terrorist threats to U.S. interests at home and abroad and, most importantly, to provide this information and related analysis to those responsible for detecting, disrupting, deterring, and defending against terrorist attacks.�

TTIC的一个关键目标是开发一个集成的信息技术体系结构,以便将复杂的分析工具和联邦搜索功能应用于联邦政府可用的许多tb数据。�We must be able to cross check these different data sets, which are collected by departments and agencies statutorily authorized to do so, in a manner that allows us to identify terrorists and their supporters before they reach our shores or when they emerge within our midst.� Simply put, we need to create new knowledge from existing information.� We can do this, with complete respect for the privacy rights of U.S. persons and in accordance with the Constitution, as we work together in a collaborative and integrated manner.����

在TTIC“合资企业”中,来自众多机构和部门的分析师们并肩坐在一起,共享信息,将恐怖主义谜团的零散碎片连接起来。�These partners include not only the FBI, CIA, and the Departments of State, Defense, and Homeland Security, but also other Federal agencies and departments, currently including the Capitol Police, the Department of Energy, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.� Other federal departments and agencies have been invited to join.�

  • 正如总统所设想的,这种专业知识和信息共享的物理集成使参与打击恐怖主义的关键组织能够并增强其能力。作为一个整体,他们在一个融合的环境中履行他们共同的责任,作为TTIC共同“做生意”。�This fusion and synergy will be further enhanced when TTIC and most of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center and FBI’s Counterterrorism Division collocate at a state-of-the-art facility this summer.�
  • 这个集成业务模型不仅利用我们各自和累积经验,但它也优化分析资源的方式使我们能够更有效地覆盖,全面浩瀚的恐怖主义威胁,全球将面临国内和美国的利益在可预见的未来。
  • 简而言之,我们正在弥合从事恐怖主义信息识别和分析的美国政府实体之间的缝隙

在打击恐怖主义的斗争中,来自多个机构和部门的观点的整合发挥了倍增器的作用。�On a strategic level, TTIC provides the President and key Cabinet officials a daily analytic product on the most serious terrorist threats and related terrorism information that serves as a common foundation for decision-making regarding the actions necessary to disrupt terrorist plans.� Rather than multiple threat assessments and disparate information flows on the same subject matter being forwarded separately to senior policymakers, information and finished analysis are now fused in a multi-agency environment so that an integrated and comprehensive threat picture is provided.� If there are analytic differences on the nature or seriousness of a particular threat, they are incorporated into the analysis.�


  • 例如,TTIC在去年12月20日晚上11点发布了恐怖威胁警报,引发了高层讨论,并在第二天中午之前决定将国家威胁级别提高到“橙色”
  • TTIC的分析评估也对海外产生了影响。�TTIC advisories, warnings, and alerts about threats to U.S. interests in the Middle East, Europe, and Southeast Asia have prompted reviews and adjustments of security postures and procedures at various locations over the past year.
  • 作为警告和分析协调角色的一部分,TTIC已被中央情报总监指定,领导一个综合情报社区分析工作,重点关注2004年希腊夏季奥运会的潜在恐怖威胁

除了将众所周知的情报“点”连接起来并进行分析评估外,TTIC还积极努力确保恐怖主义威胁信息和完成的分析被传播给那些在国内外保护美国利益的人。例如,TTIC赞助了一个绝密网站TTIC Online,该网站拥有超过300万份情报、执法、国土安全、外交和军事团体的不同级别的恐怖主义相关文件。

  • 目前,参与反恐活动的每个主要联邦部门和机构的2600多名用户都可以使用TTIC Online。
  • 在未来几个月,TTIC在线将以较低的保密级别复制,这将增强国土安全部和联邦调查局向州和地方政府官员、执法实体和私营部门提供更多与恐怖主义有关的材料的能力。


  • 情报界传统上使用一个名为“ORCON”或“发起者控制”的标记,限制情报报告的传播。ReportsReports�The Intelligence Community has reduced the percentage of terrorism-related ORCON documents by about half since the latter part of 2001, from approximately 11 percent then to 6 percent now. �
  • 此外,情报界在使用“泪线”报告方面也取得了重大进展,泪线报告是指在敏感来源和方法信息被删除的情况下进行报告,以便将信息及时传播给更广泛的受众。�自2001年以来,泪痕的可用性和使用量增加了近70%

根据2003年9月的《国土安全总统指令6》,TTIC还负责整合和维护美国政府所有国际恐怖分子身份信息的单一存储库,以支持精简的政府范围内的“监视名单”和恐怖分子筛查活动系统。到目前为止,TTIC已经登记了大约10万名已知或疑似国际恐怖分子的身份。�This information is provided to the FBI-administered Terrorist Screening Center, which ensures that front line law enforcement officers, consular officials, and immigration and border personnel have the capability to rapidly screen individuals known or suspected to be terrorists before they enter the United States.

我不能说所有这些努力都一帆风顺,因为从本质上讲,制定一个新的国家恐怖主义分析和信息共享框架,以更好地保护这个国家,与此相关的挑战很多。我们需要以一种深思熟虑的、渐进的方式来实施这个革命性的概念,因为我在这个小组中的同事们正在积极参与全球反恐战争,我认为,我们不能因与组织变化有关的错位或分析责任的突然转变而对这些活动产生不利影响。�In particular, this new national framework for the cross-government integration of information systems, expertise, and analytic missions should not come at the expense of operational, collection, covert action, and investigative activities of our Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Homeland Security Communities.�������

当我们继续,这注定是一个多年对抗国际恐怖主义的致命的力量,我和我的同事有一种特别的义务从9/11的惨痛的教训,继续实施国家反恐体系的任务和策略,最大化所有美国人的安全,安全,无论他们生活或工作的地方。�In my personal opinion, the organizational and information-sharing status quo that existed on September 11, 2001 was inadequate to safeguard America.� While significant progress has been made since then, I believe that we, as a government and as a nation, are not yet optimally configured to deal with the terrorist threat.� This Commission, with its studied and comprehensive review of the events and factors that resulted in the tragedies in New York, the Pentagon, and the fields of Pennsylvania, is ideally suited to take a fresh look at how all the eclectic parts of the national counterterrorism effort fit together and whether we need to adopt new and better ways to organize ourselves.� It is only by enhancing the security of Americans everywhere that we will truly honor the lives and the sacrifice of those who died more than two-and-a-half years ago.�

