国会记录:2004年4月28日(参议院)第S4615-S4616页修正案文本SA 3074。佛罗里达州的GRAHAM先生提交了一项修正案,拟将麦凯恩先生提出的SA 3048修正案提交给S. 150法案,使互联网税收自由法案规定的对互联网接入征税和对电子商务征收多重和歧视性税的永久暂停;它被命令放在桌子上;在适当的地方加上:鉴于美国及其人民和武装部队致力于赢得反恐战争;然而,赢得这场全球战争需要我们的军队做出持续的牺牲,美国资源的昂贵投入,有效和可信的情报机构,以及国际社会的大量合作;然而,赢得这场全球战争也需要我们的领导人正确地优先考虑我国面临的国家安全威胁,制定战胜这些威胁的计划,并紧急实施战胜这些威胁所需的措施;尽管布什政府的高级官员承认,在2001年9月11日之前,恐怖主义并不是他们的首要任务,但他们应对恐怖主义威胁的战略花了8个月的时间制定出来,直到2001年9月11日之后才实施。而理查德·克拉克,布什总统的前高级反恐顾问,宣誓作证,布什政府并不认为恐怖主义的首要任务和报告显示,恐怖主义在只有两个100年的会议上讨论了布什政府的国家安全委员会在9月11日之前,2001;ReportsReports而理查德·克拉克也作证说,他提供的布什政府官员1月25日的一份备忘录中,2001年9月,概述了反恐战略和2001年,政府批准了一项反恐策略,根据克拉克,是几乎相同的1月备忘录中概述的策略;而2001年9月11日的恐怖袭击是针对美国的最致命的袭击,基地组织和相关组织在2001年9月11日以来的30个月里发动的恐怖袭击比9月11日之前的30个月里发生的还要多; Whereas the Administration's policies have generated growing hostility and resentment of the United States throughout the Middle East and the world and majorities in key Muslim countries have a more favorable opinion of Osama Bin Laden than they do the United States; Whereas the assessment by David Kay, the Administration's chief weapons inspector, that there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has eroded the confidence of the American people and the world in the assessment of our intelligence community and our policymakers; Whereas the bipartisan, bicameral joint congressional inquiry into the intelligence [[Page S4616]] community's activities before and after September 11, 2001, discovered many strengths and weaknesses within the community pertaining to counter-terrorism; Whereas many of the joint inquiry's testimony and documents remain classified and inaccessible, including June 11, 2002 testimony by Richard Clarke and a twenty-eight page section that addresses the involvement of a foreign government in supporting several of the hijackers who carried out the September 11 attacks; Whereas Richard Clarke and the Majority and Minority Leaders of the United States Senate have requested that Clarke's June 11, 2002, testimony before the Joint Inquiry be declassified; and Whereas an Administration decision to selectively declassify parts of documents or of individual documents will not present to our troops and the American people the complete information they need and deserve; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that it is the sense of the Senate that-- (1) the June 11, 2002 testimony of Richard Clarke before the joint inquiry should immediately be declassified and publicly released in its entirety; (2) the twenty-eight pages of the joint inquiry report discussing foreign government involvement in the September 11 terrorist plot should be immediately declassified and publicly released in their entirety, as well as any other joint inquiry documents and testimony whose classification can no longer be justified; (3) the January 25, 2001 memorandum prepared by Richard Clarke outlining a plan of action against the al-Qaeda terrorist organization and the Bush Administration's September 4, 2001 National Security Directive addressing terrorism should be immediately declassified and publicly released in their entirety; and (4) the Bush Administration should immediately prepare and publicly release a list of the dates and topics of all National Security Council meetings that took place before September 11, 2001. ______