国会记录:2004年7月8日S7839-S7842声明AKAKA女士Collins先生Grassley先生列文先生立希先生杜宾先生菲茨杰拉德先生普赖尔先生Voinovich先生强生先生代顿先生利伯曼先生劳滕贝格:S.2628修改标题5第23章的法案,美国代码澄清受禁止人事实践保护的信息的披露,要求在不披露政策、表格和协议中声明此类政策、表格和协议符合某些披露保护,为特别顾问提供某些权限并实现其他目的提交政府事务委员会师傅AKAKA师傅总统,今天我上台介绍 联邦雇员保护披露法去年我提出了类似立法1358,修改雇员保障措施披露政府浪费、欺诈和滥用职权行为,由参议员Grassley、Levin、Leahy、Durbin、Dayton、Pryor、Johnson和Lautenberg支持令我高兴的是,在Collins参议员、Lieberman参议员、Fitzgerald参议员和Voinovich参议员的更多支持下,我们可以推出强有力的双党版立法多亏法案共同赞助者的工作,我们制定了立法,在保护联邦告密者与国家安全之间求得适当平衡正如我的同事所知,2001年911事件使人们重新关注我国机场、核设施、边界和执法机构的安全漏洞。然而,在许多情况下,当前告密者系统未能保护那些披露信息可确保美国人民安全和福利者。截止2004年5月,自1994年以来联邦巡回上诉法院仅胜诉一次记录发送错误消息当我们允许机构报复他们履行职责时,我们怎能期望公务员保护并保护美国?司法部反对先前关于这个问题的立法这并不奇怪,因为该部门在恢复告密者权利方面存在体制冲突,因为它负责维护负责对告密者进行报复的机构尽管如此,我同政府事务委员会的同事一道解决司法部提出的一些关注问题,同时保护联邦雇员。法案中最重要的修改之一与保护雇员有关,这些雇员发现安全许可失效,以报复吹哨行为现行法律不允许告密者在这类报复发生时由独立裁审员审理其案件告密者可快速向功用系统保护局立案,即就业机构撤销、中止、拒绝或再次判定雇员安全许可或获取机密材料代理机构只需以证据大全证明它会对雇员采取行动而不管告密者披露什么通过降低雇用代理方的举证责任,即从清晰可信地(如其他检举人案例标准)到主要证据,我们的立法平衡兼顾向检举人提供公开透明程序与安全审核或访问判定对国家安全有利司法部还关注前期账单中的一项规定S.S.1358授予特别顾问独立诉讼权司法部去年11月在政府事务委员会作证时称,将这一权限扩展至特别顾问将篡取司法部作为行政部门法院代表的传统统一作用金博宝正规网址司法部还声称,这项规定会破坏一些重要政策目标,包括就重大法律问题提出统一立场和律师客观诉讼不受单一机构可能有损整个政府利益的关切的影响然而,许多机构拥有独立诉讼权,包括平等就业机会委员会、MSPB、环境保护局和联邦劳资关系局此外,机构间争议并非独一无二。负责保护告密者保护法的机构特别顾问办公室为执行其任务而请求负责保护据称对告密者进行报复的机构司法部批准是不恰当的。尽管如此,我们的议案不会为特别顾问提供独立诉讼权限,而是提供独立权限向联邦法院提交acious书状此项授权允许特别顾问在解决司法部提出的关注时保护WPA此外,我们的折中措施仍将保护受报复调查告发者,但不适用于雇员例行或非全权调查并编译雇员必须具备的合理信念定义以确定雇员何时做了受保护披露令我高兴的是,新法案保留语言恢复国会关于受保护披露定义的意图,编译自1988年以来所有拨款法中的反gag规定,并建立一个更合理的检验标准来确定政府管理失当而不是不可变证据联邦电路表示, 为了判定联邦政府严重管理不善, 告密者必须有不可变证据, 意指证据无法反驳法案还保留语言,但以5年日落为条件,为检举人提供由联邦法院而不是联邦巡回上诉法院审理案件的机会这些规定对于便利政府管理失灵的披露是必要的,以便国会在行使保护美国人民的立法、拨款和监督职能时履行职责并作出知情决策由政府负责服务程序触摸所有[[SageS7840]美代表美国人民履行这些职责的联邦雇员必须能够与国会通信而不必担心在报告威胁公共健康和安全及政府管理不善时失去工作我们必须有可信和功能化WPA并切实保护联邦告密者。请求一致同意将帐单打印入记录无人反对,命令将帐单打印入记录如下:2628由美利坚合众国参众院在国会集合第1节颁布保护某些Federal职业信息发布短标题--本法案可引用为“联邦雇员保护披露法'(b) Clarification of Disclosures Covered.--Section        2302(b)(8) of title 5, United States Code, is amended--         (1) in subparagraph (A)--         (A) by striking ``which the employee or applicant        reasonably believes evidences'' and inserting ``, without        restriction to time, place, form, motive, context, or prior        disclosure made to any person by an employee or applicant,        including a disclosure made in the ordinary course of an        employee's duties, that the employee or applicant reasonably        believes is evidence of''!并插入(2) in subparagraph (B)--         (A) by striking ``which the employee or applicant        reasonably believes evidences'' and inserting ``, without        restriction to time, place, form, motive, context, or prior        disclosure made to any person by an employee or applicant,        including a disclosure made in the ordinary course of an        employee's duties, of information that the employee or        applicant reasonably believes is evidence of''!并插入“除违反本节外的任何违章行为”and         (3) by adding at the end the following:         ``(C) any disclosure that--         ``(i) is made by an employee or applicant of information        required by law or Executive order to be kept secret in the        interest of national defense or the conduct of foreign        affairs that the employee or applicant reasonably believes is        direct and specific evidence of--           ``(I) any violation of any law, rule, or regulation!严重管理失当 严重浪费资金 滥用职权 或对公众健康或安全的重大特殊威胁或sqqial事实问题伪声明a委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委委++二授权接收披露类型信息的任何其他国会议员或+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++封装披露--标题52302(a)(2)修正--B项(1)分段C(三)中的第2段,通过按句尾插入并'and         (3) by adding at the end the following:         ``(D) `disclosure' means a formal or informal communication        or transmission, but does not include a communication        concerning policy decisions that lawfully exercise        discretionary authority unless the employee providing the        disclosure reasonably believes that the disclosure        evidences--         ``(i) any violation of any law, rule, or regulation!或Group管理 或Group浪费资金 或滥用职权 或对公众健康或安全 的重大和特殊威胁(d) Rebuttable Presumption.--Section 2302(b) of title 5,        United States Code, is amended by amending the matter        following paragraph (12) to read as follows:         ``This subsection shall not be construed to authorize the        withholding of information from Congress or the taking of any        personnel action against an employee who discloses        information to Congress, except that an employee or applicant        may be disciplined for the disclosure of information        described in paragraph (8)(C)(i) to a Member or employee of        Congress who is not authorized to receive such information.为了第(8)款的目的,与雇员履行职责有关的任何推定,如果雇员有权取用、指令他人取用、推荐或核准人事行动,可用实质性证据推翻。For        purposes of paragraph (8), a determination as to whether an        employee or applicant reasonably believes that they have        disclosed information that evidences any violation of law,        rule, regulation, gross mismanagement, a gross waste of        funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific        danger to public health or safety shall be made by        determining whether a disinterested observer with knowledge        of the essential facts known to and readily ascertainable by        the employee would reasonably conclude that the actions of        the Government evidence such violations, mismanagement,        waste, abuse, or danger.''.不披露政策、形式和协议安全清查反报复性调查--------人员动作--标题52302(a)(2)(A)修正-------------------------------------------------------------并(B)通过重拟条款(xi)作为条款(xiv)和在条款(xi)后插入以下内容:++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++qlxii)调查机构因受本节保护的任何活动而需要雇员或求职者执行使命所必须的任何部或非全权事实查找活动并'禁止人事实践.-标题52302b修正--第12段B句中,通过按段并插入分号and         (C) by inserting after paragraph (12) the following:         ``(13) implement or enforce any nondisclosure policy, form,        or agreement, if such policy, form, or agreement does not        contain the following statement:         `` `These provisions are consistent with and do not        supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter the employee        obligations, rights, or liabilities created by Executive        Order No.12958第五编7211节 美国代码第10章第1034节(由军方成员向国会发布命令)标题5第2302(b)(8)节,《美国法典》(规定披露违法性、浪费性、欺诈性、滥用性或公共卫生威胁或安全威胁)1982年情报特征保护法421 et sections)以及防止泄露可能危害国家安全的法规,包括美国法典标题18641、793、794、798和952节和1950年颠覆活动控制法(50 U.S.C.50)第4(b)节783(b)定义、要求、义务、权利、制裁和责任等行政命令和这类法定规定被纳入协议并控制或“(14)对雇员或申请就业者进行调查,除任何部或非全权事实查找活动外,因受本节保护的任何活动而使雇员或申请就业(3) 董事会和法院审查安全许可相关行动.---------General-77章标题5,United States Code修正,在第7702节后插入以下内容:7702a安全许可相关行动 QQLabQQ(2)不得命令总统或总统设计者恢复安全审核或以其他方式逆序确定清除状态或逆序访问判定并受第(2)款约束的CLQ(3)可发布宣告式救济和任何其他适当救济``(b)(1) If, in any final judgment, the Board or court        declares that any suspension, revocation, or other        determination with regards to a security clearance or access        determination was made in violation of paragraph (8) or (9)        of section 2302(b), the affected agency shall conduct a        review of that suspension, revocation, access determination,        or other determination, giving great weight to the Board or        court judgment.``(2) Not later than 30 days after any Board or court        judgment declaring that a security clearance suspension,        revocation, access determination, or other determination was        made in violation of paragraph (8) or (9) of section 2302(b),        the affected agency shall issue an unclassified report to the        congressional committees of jurisdiction (with a classified        annex if necessary), detailing the circumstances of the        agency's security clearance suspension, revocation, other        determination, or access determination.本款下的报告应包含安全通关或访问判定方面的任何拟议机构行动QLC/S7841] 特别顾问办公室、特效系统保护委员会和任何审查法院应快速审查安全审核或访问判定被撤销或中止以报复受保护披露qldd) 本节中,如果机构以证据压倒性证明在没有披露的情况下本会采取相同的人事行动,则不可命令采取纠正行动技术一致性修正--标题5第77章各节表修改后,在第7702节相关项目后插入以下词句:安全许可相关动作f) 总统排除机构.-标题5第2302(a)(2)(C)节经删除条款(二)修改并插入以下内容:由总统、执行机构或单位确定,其主要功能为外国情报或反情报活动的进行,如果确定先于人事行动或'g) 代理费--标题5第1204(m)(1)节美国代码修改并插入h) 纪律行动.-标题5第1215(a)(3)节修改如下:二评估不超过1千元的民事处罚或qlivity(三) 合并第(一)项所述纪律行动和第(二)项所述评估``(B) In any case in which the Board finds that an employee        has committed a prohibited personnel practice under paragraph        (8) or (9) of section 2302(b), the Board shall impose        disciplinary action if the Board finds that the activity        protected under paragraph (8) or (9) of section 2302(b) was a        significant motivating factor, even if other factors also        motivated the decision, for the employee's decision to take,        fail to take, or threaten to take or fail to take a personnel        action, unless that employee demonstrates, by preponderance        of evidence, that the employee would have taken, failed to        take, or threatened to take or fail to take the same        personnel action, in the absence of such protected        activity.''.(i) Special Counsel Amicus Curiae Appearance.--Section 1212        of title 5, United States Code, is amended by adding at the        end the following:         ``(h)(1) The Special Counsel is authorized to appear as        amicus curiae in any action brought in a court of the United        States related to any civil action brought in connection with        section 2302(b)(8) or (9), or subchapter III of chapter 73,        or as otherwise authorized by law.在任何这种行动中,授权特别顾问就遵守第77章第2302(b)(8)或(9)节或第三章以及法院裁决对执行这类法律规定的影响问题提出意见(2).美国法院应准许特别顾问为分节(a)所述目的出庭(j) 司法评审--(1)泛美-标题5第7703(b)(1)节修改如下:虽有任何其他法律规定,任何复议请求必须在请愿人收到委员会最后命令或决定通知后60天内提交。``(B) During the 5-year period beginning on the effective        date of the Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act, a        petition to review a final order or final decision of the        Board in a case alleging a violation of paragraph (8) or (9)        of section 2302(b) shall be filed in the United States Court        of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or any court of appeals of        competent jurisdiction as provided under subsection        (b)(2).''.人事管理办公室审查--标题5第7703(d)节修改如下:The Director of the        Office of Personnel Management may obtain review of any final        order or decision of the Board by filing, within 60 days        after the date the Director received notice of the final        order or decision of the Board, a petition for judicial        review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal        Circuit if the Director determines, in his discretion, that        the Board erred in interpreting a civil service law, rule, or        regulation affecting personnel management and that the        Board's decision will have a substantial impact on a civil        service law, rule, regulation, or policy directive.主任不干预提交董事会的事项时,除非主任先请求董事会复议其决定,否则主任不得请求复议本节下董事会的决定,而这种复议则被驳回。除被点名应答方外,协监委和协监委程序所有其他方应有权到上诉法院出庭。批准司法复议请求应视上诉法院的裁量权而定。(2) 自《联邦雇员保护披露法》生效日期起5年期间,本款应适用于人事管理办公室主任获取的与第2302(b)节第(8)或(9)段有关的任何审查The Director        of the Office of Personnel Management may obtain review of        any final order or decision of the Board by filing, within 60        days after the date the Director received notice of the final        order or decision of the Board, a petition for judicial        review in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal        Circuit or any court of appeals of competent jurisdiction as        provided under subsection (b)(2) if the Director determines,        in his discretion, that the Board erred in interpreting        paragraph (8) or (9) of section 2302(b).主任不干预提交董事会的事项时,除非主任先请求董事会复议其决定,否则主任不得请求复议本节下董事会的决定,而这种复议则被驳回。除被点名应答方外,协监委和协监委程序所有其他方应有权出庭上诉法院批准司法复议请求应由上诉法院裁量(k) Nondisclosure Policies, Forms, and Agreements.--         (1) In general.--         (A) Requirement.--Each agreement in Standard Forms 312 and        4414 of the Government and any other nondisclosure policy,        form, or agreement of the Government shall contain the        following statement: ``These restrictions are consistent with        and do not supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter the        employee obligations, rights, or liabilities created by        Executive Order No.12958第五编7211节 美国代码第10章第1034节(由军方成员向国会发布命令)标题5第2302(b)(8)节,《美国法典》(规定泄露违法性、浪费性、欺诈性、滥用或公共健康或安全威胁)1982年情报特征保护法421 et sections)以及防止泄露可能影响国家安全的法规,包括美国法典标题18第641、793、794、798和952节和1950年颠覆活动法(50 U.S.C.50)第4(b)节783(b)定义、要求、义务、权利、制裁和赔偿责任等行政命令和这类法定规定被纳入协议并控制可执行性.-任何不披露政策、表格或协议不包含(A)项所要求的说明的(A)项说明的,在此种政策、表格或协议与该说明不相容时不得执行或执行(2) Persons other than government employees.--       Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a nondisclosure policy, form,        or agreement that is to be executed by a person connected        with the conduct of an intelligence or intelligence-related        activity, other than an employee or officer of the United        States Government, may contain provisions appropriate to the        particular activity for which such document is to be used.此类表格或协议应至少要求该人不透露在这类活动中收到的任何机密资料,除非美国政府明确授权这样做。此类不披露表还应明确指出,这些表不禁止向国会或执行机构或司法部授权官员披露对报告重大违法行为至关重要的信息(l) 澄清关键基础设施信息告密者权利-2002年《国土安全法》(公法107-296)第214节c(m) Advising Employees of Rights.--Section 2302(c) of title        5, United States Code, is amended by inserting ``, including        how to make a lawful disclosure of information that is        specifically required by law or Executive order to be kept        secret in the interest of national defense or the conduct of        foreign affairs to the Special Counsel, the Inspector General        of an agency, Congress, or other agency employee designated        to receive such disclosures'' after ``chapter 12 of this        title''.(n) 适当进程范围---------Capte 1214b(4)B--ii个人行动.-标题5第1221(e)(2)节修改后插入s有效日期-本法自颁布之日起30天后生效______