国会记录:2004年1月27日(参议院)第S265-S266页白宫泄密和国家安全达施勒先生。总统先生,我想谈谈一个我认为值得参议院更加重视的问题。六个月前,一名白宫高级官员公开披露了美国最受保护、最有价值的国家安全机密之一:情报人员的身份。这种政治报复行为不仅危及情报人员的生命,也危及每一个美国人的安全。在反恐战争中,情报人员对我们国家安全的重要性怎么强调都不为过。人类的智慧是我们对付恐怖分子最好的武器。通过透露这名特工的姓名,白宫高级官员或相关官员以一种前所未有的方式打破了保护这一任务和情报人员生命的基本信任纽带。国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)总结了其中的利害关系,他说:“泄密会危及人们的生命。”我认为,政府任何部门的人都有义务以一种不危及人民生命的方式管理他们的嘴。那些泄露信息,危及他人生命的人应该进监狱。 [[Page S266]] Former President George H.W. Bush put it even more succinctly: I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the names of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors. While Republicans, including President Bush and members of his Cabinet, have been quick to condemn the act of leaking sensitive information, it took the Justice Department nearly 3 months after this leak to announce it was launching an investigation. Several more months ensued before Attorney General Ashcroft, in response to criticism about a potential conflict of interest, removed himself from heading up the investigation and turned it over to another Justice Department attorney. Not surprisingly then, given these twists and turns, the identity of the leaker remains unknown to this day. Last week, unsatisfied with its apparent lack of progress, a group of former intelligence officers asked Congress to open an immediate inquiry into the disclosure of Valerie Plame's name to the media. They said: The disclosure of Ms. Plame's name was an unprecedented and shameful event in American history, and, in our professional judgment, has damaged U.S. national security, specifically the effectiveness of U.S. intelligence gathering using human sources. These former intelligence officers took this extraordinary step because they feared that the Justice Department investigation underway may not uncover those responsible or may attempt to explain away the incident as little more than an unfortunate event that does not rise to the level of criminal behavior. No American--Democrat or Republican--can afford to allow this affair to be swept under the rug. The cloud of uncertainty hangs over our intelligence community. Intelligence agents report growing fear that the community is increasingly viewed as a political tool rather than as an instrument of independent and objective discovery and analysis. Too many agents and analysts are beginning to wonder what will happen to them if they come forward with facts or analyses that contradict official policies of the administration. In addition to affecting their work, we should all be concerned about the chilling effect this could have on the willingness of foreign nationals to cooperate with our agents if they, too, come to fear their identities could come to be disclosed. These fears are justified. Leaking the names of covert agents or other intelligence assets represents a direct assault on our intelligence community and our ability to work with foreign agencies and assets. The nature of intelligence officers' work prevents them from ever receiving from the American people the recognition or thanks they deserve. In fact, despite the incredible risks they assume on our behalf, they do not ask for recognition or thanks. All they ask is that we keep faith with them and offer them the protection they need to do their jobs. Someone in the White House betrayed that trust, and we owe it to every intelligence officer--indeed, to every American--to uncover the truth about this leak and punish those responsible to the fullest extent. In order to shed more light, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, several colleagues, and myself要求政府问责局进行调查在中情局特工瓦莱丽·普莱姆的案件中,白宫是否遵守保护机密信息的行政要求。这项调查与司法部目前正在进行的调查根本不同。这项调查将评估是否违反了任何刑事法规。我们已经要求GAO评估一个独立但同样重要的问题,即白宫是否遵循了适当的内部行政程序,以保护普莱姆的身份,并在泄密事件发生后作出回应。为了保护我们情报人员的生命和我们情报过程的完整性,我们有义务发现这一事件的真相,并追究相关责任人的责任。昨天这个时候,我讨论了越来越多的共识,即伊拉克事实上在战争开始之前没有大规模毁灭性武器,正如我们被告知的那样。我当时说过,今天也要说,本机构的每一位成员都有责任审查这类问题,并确保参议院履行其义务。我们不能忽视发生了什么,为什么会发生,以及我们自己确保这种情况不再发生的责任。临时代理主席。来自亚利桑那州的参议员。麦凯恩先生。主席先生,在我谈到目前的立法之前,我将对尊敬的民主党领导人关于我们在伊拉克的努力和大规模毁灭性武器的声明作出简短的回应。我认为这位来自南达科他州的参议员有一个合理的观点,那就是需要对情报和发生的事情进行彻底的评估,这使我们相信,也许其中一些信息是不正确的。我再次指出,我非常高兴地注意到,绝大多数美国人仍然认为我们在伊拉克做了正确的事情。在任何人的心目中,包括前政府的声明中,都毫无疑问萨达姆·侯赛因获得了大规模杀伤性武器,使用了大规模杀伤性武器,而这位参议员的心目中也毫无疑问,如果他仍然掌权,他将试图获得大规模杀伤性武器。当然,我们需要找出有关大规模毁灭性武器的估计中的所有因素,但与此同时,前任总统和现任总统关于萨达姆·侯赛因意图的声明中有明确的记录。里德先生。总统先生,我想非常简短地说,达施勒参议员关于泄露线人姓名的声明——一位为中央情报局工作的人——与伊拉克是否有大规模毁灭性武器无关。达施勒参议员不得不离开,但他想确保我把记录说清楚。他的发言没有考虑伊拉克是否有大规模毁灭性武器。他的声明只涉及到一个事实,即应该对谁泄露了有关中情局工作人员的最敏感信息进行调查____________________