从rep.sedward markey的新闻稿,2004年6月23日


国会纪录:2004年6月24日(扩展)Page E1225禁止非凡演绎______的立法。Massachusetts的Edward J. Markey在众议院,2004年6月23日星期三马略先生。扬声器先生,阿布纳比比林的监狱滥用是一个国家耻辱,并得到了愤怒和谴责的主题。但另一个酷刑实践继续继续,没有任何公众的关注。根据“非凡的再现”的名义,CIA据报道据称恐怖主义嫌疑人,有时会在众所周知的外国担任囚犯审讯中遭受酷刑的外国。这种做法是针对所有美国和国际法,是一种道德愤怒,必须停止。非凡的再次出悔的实践,美国国内外人员的差异删除众所周知,众所周知的外国各国政府都会受到酷刑的注意力,因为它发生的保密程度很少受到关注。2002年9月,当加拿大公民的Maher Arar在通过JFK机场抵达加拿大时,将注意力被提出到2002年9月的练习中,并应在CIA的要求下送到约旦和后来的叙利亚。在叙利亚,arar遭受折磨并在一个黑暗的3×6英尺的电池中占据了近一年。他最终会发布并详细介绍他的媒体,回到加拿大。 Although the more recent numbers have not been made public, outgoing CIA director George Tenet testified to the 9/11 Commission in October 2002 that over 70 people had been subject to rendition before September 11, 2001. Human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the ACLU have detailed numerous other cases and are pursuing litigation in some of them. On June 21, the Canadian government launched an investigation into Arar's case. My bill directs the State Department to compile a list of countries that commonly practice torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment during detention and interrogation, and prohibits rendition to any nation on this list, unless the Secretary of State certifies that the nation has made significant progress in human rights. It also specifies that written or verbal assurances from a foreign government that a person will not be tortured are not sufficient basis to override this prohibition. The bill explicitly permits legal, treaty-based extradition, in which suspects have the right to appeal in a U.S. court to block the proposed transfer based on the likelihood that they would be subjected to torture or other inhumane treatment. Extraordinary rendition is outsourcing torture, and it is morally repugnant to allow such a practice to continue. President Bush has asserted that `the values of this country are such that torture is not a part of our soul and our being.' The legislation I am introducing today is designed to ensure that we not only ban torture conducted by our own forces but we also stop the practice of contracting out torture to other nations. Torture enabled by extraordinary rendition is outrageous and must be stopped. ____________________