参议员爱德华·肯尼迪(Edward M. Kennedy)向外交关系委员会发表讲话


Contact: David Smith / Jim Manley

立即发布联系人:David Smith/ Jim Manley 2004年3月5日(202)224-2633

参议员爱德华·肯尼迪(Edward M. Kennedy)向外交关系委员会讲话

谢谢格伦·凯斯勒(Glenn Kessler)的慷慨介绍。众所周知,格伦(Glenn)在《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)的外交和外交政策上所做的出色工作。

It's a privilege to be here today with the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council and its members have a distinguished record of notable contributions to the national debate over the years. On the most important foreign policy issues confronting our nation and the world, the Council is at the forefront. Your views and analyses are more important than ever today as America tries to find its way in this vastly transformed modern world.

The nation is engaged in a major ongoing debate about why America went to war in Iraq, when Iraq was not an imminent threat, had no nuclear weapons, no persuasive links to Al Qaeda, no connection to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, and no stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.

在两个世纪前,约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)雄辩地谈到了需要让事实和证据指导行动和政策的必要性。他说:“事实是固执的事情;无论我们的意愿,我们的倾向或我们的激情的决定,它们都无法改变事实和证据的状态。”再次听这些话,您现在可以听到约翰·亚当斯(John Adams)与我们谈论伊拉克。“事实是固执的事物;无论我们的意愿,我们的倾向或我们的激情的命令,它们都无法改变事实和证据的状态。”


一个月前,在乔治敦大学的一个讲话中,中央情报局局长乔治·特内特(George Tenet)讨论了伊拉克情报的优势和缺陷。Tenet就这些问题向几个参议院和众议院委员会作证,在下周二,他将在我们的参议院武装服务委员会面前。金博宝正规网址他将有机会解释为什么他要等到上个月才公开陈述这些基本问题的事实和证据,以及为什么在战争前的几天和几个月中最重要时他如此保持沉默。

If he feels that the White House altered the facts, or misused the intelligence, or ignored it and relied on dubious sources in the Iraqi exile community, Tenet should say so, and say it plainly.


匆忙入侵伊拉克的决定不能全部归咎于有缺陷的情报。如果我们仅将这些事件视为情报失败 - 而不是更大的决策和领导失败 - 我们将学习错误的教训。


We now know that from the moment President Bush took office, Iraq was given high priority as unfinished business from the first Bush Administration.

According to former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's account in Ron Suskind's book, The Price of Loyalty, Iraq was on the agenda at the very first meeting of the National Security Council, just ten days after President Bush's inauguration in 2001. At that meeting, the President quickly � and wrongly � concluded that the U.S. could not do much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He said we should "pull out of that situation," and then turned to a discussion of "how Iraq is destabilizing the region."


By the end of February 2001, the talk on Iraq was mostly about how � and how quickly � to get rid of Saddam Hussein. President Bush was clearly frustrated with what the intelligence community was providing. According to Secretary O'Neill, on May 16, 2001, he and the other principals of the National Security Council met with the President to discuss the Middle East. Tenet presented his intelligence report, and told the President that it was still only speculation whether Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, or was even starting a program to build such weapons.

奥尼尔秘书说:“宗旨派往布什和切尼关于伊拉克的一切都非常明智,而且具体有资格。总统显然对武器或武器计划非常感兴趣,并且对我们的弱智能能力感到沮丧 - 但宗旨显然是小心的要说的是,这是我们所知道的一点,也是我们所不知道的。这不会改变,我读了两年的中央情报局报告。”ReportsReports

Then came 9/11. In the months that followed, the war in Afghanistan and the hunt for Osama bin Laden had obvious priority. Al Qaeda was clearly the most imminent threat to our national security. In fact, in his testimony to Congress in February 2001, one month after President Bush's inauguration and seven months before 9/11, Tenet had said: "Osama bin Laden and his global network of lieutenants and associates remain the most immediate and serious threat." That testimony emphasized the clear danger of bin Laden in light of the specific attacks in previous years on American citizens and American institutions.

2002年2月,在9/11五个月后,Tenet作证说:“去年,我告诉您,Osama Bin Laden和Al基地组织​​网络是这个国家所面临的最直接和最严重的威胁。尽管我们取得了进展,但这仍然是正确的在阿富汗,并破坏了其他地方的网络。”



Tenet从未使用这种强大的语言来描述伊拉克的威胁。然而,尽管对基地组织有所有明确,一致的警告,但到2002年夏天,布什总统准备与伊拉克战争。阿富汗的战争不再是头条新闻或关注的中心。本·拉登(Bin Laden)很难找到,经济陷入困境,民意调查中总统的批准率也是如此。

卡尔·罗夫(Karl Rove)早些时候指出,反恐战争也可能带来政治利益。总统的不可否认的目标是说服美国人民有必要的战争是必要的。

事实并不支持这个结论,但是可以对智力进行改造以支持它。国务院情报与研究局前董事格雷格·蒂尔曼(Greg Thielmann)于去年7月直言不讳。他说:“一些错误在于情报界的表现,但其中大部分在于高级官员滥用所提供的信息的方式。”他说:“他们调查了数据,并挑选了他们喜欢的东西。整个事情很奇怪。国防部长拥有了一个巨大的国防情报机构,他四处走动。”蒂尔曼(Thielmann)还说:“本届政府以信仰的情报态度,对智力的自上而下的使用:我们知道答案;给我们智力来支持这些答案。首先,必须谈论核威胁被大肆宣传。”

国际原子能局的前武器检查员戴维·奥尔布赖特(David Albright)这样说:“领导者将使用最严重的案例评估,指向核武器来产生政治支持,因为他们知道人们非常害怕核武器。”


At a roundtable discussion with European journalists last month, Secretary Rumsfeld insisted: "I never said imminent threat."


2003年2月,距离战争仅几周,副新闻秘书斯科特·麦克莱伦(Scott McClellan)被问及为什么北约盟国应支持土耳其对伊拉克的军事援助请求。他明确的回答是:“这是关于迫在眉睫的威胁。” In May 2003, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer was asked whether we went to war "because we said WMD were a direct and imminent threat to the United States." Fleischer responded, "Absolutely."

What else could National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice have been suggesting, other than an imminent threat � an extremely imminent threat � when she said on September 8, 2002, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud."

President Bush himself may not have used the word "imminent", but he carefully chose strong and loaded words about the nature of the threat � words that the intelligence community never used � to persuade and prepare the nation to go to war against Iraq.

In the Rose Garden on October 2, 2002, as Congress was preparing to vote on authorizing the war, the President said the Iraqi regime "is a threat of unique urgency."

在10月7日在辛辛那提举行的演讲中,布什总统呼应了塞多兹·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)的核破坏形象:“面对明显的危险证据,我们迫不及待地等待最终的证明 - 可能以蘑菇云形式出现的吸烟枪。”



In Fort Hood, Texas on January 3, 2003, President Bush called the Iraqi regime a "grave threat."



对于寻求核武器的国家而言,获得足够的核材料是一项极其艰巨的任务。Tenet直言不讳地说,情报界“没有发现萨达姆的这种收购”。2002年10月,国家情报估计还概述了情报界在臭名昭著的铝管是否旨在用于核武器方面的分歧。 Tenet clearly distanced himself from the Administration's statements about the urgency of the threat from Iraq in his speech at Georgetown. But he stopped short of saying the Administration distorted the intelligence or relied on other sources to make the case for war. He said he only gave the President the CIA's daily assessment of the intelligence, and the rest he did not know.

Tenet needs to explain to Congress and the country why he waited until last month � nearly a year after the war started � to set the record straight. Intelligence analysts had long been frustrated about the way intelligence was being misused to justify war. In February 2003, an official described the feelings of some analysts in the intelligence agencies to the New York Times, saying "I think there is also a sense of disappointment with the community's leadership that they are not standing up for them at a time when the intelligence is obviously being politicized."

Why wasn't CIA Director Tenet correcting the President and the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense a year ago, when it could have made a difference, when it could have prevented a needless war, when it could have saved so many lives?


2002年9月8日,切尼对萨达姆更加强调。他说:“ [我们]绝对可以确定,他正在利用自己的采购系统购买所需的设备,以丰富铀以建造核武器。”情报界对铝管有着深刻的分歧,但切尼绝对可以肯定。


一个月后,布什总统在国会授权战争的流域投票前夕,更加生动地说。他说:“伊拉克试图购买高强度的铝管。垒球,它可能会在不到一年的时间内拥有核武器。如果我们允许这样做,那么萨德丹·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)将可以越过一条可怕的路线。

In fact, as we now know, the intelligence community was far from unified on Iraq's nuclear threat. The Administration attempted to conceal that fact by classifying the information and the dissents within the intelligence community until after the war, even while making dramatic and excessive public statements about the immediacy of the danger.

In a February 2004 article in the Atlantic Monthly, Ken Pollack, a former CIA analyst who supported the war, said, "�Time after time senior Administration officials discussed only the worst case and least likely scenario, and failed to mention the intelligence community's most likely scenario." In a January interview, Pollack added, "Only the Administration has access to all the information available to various agencies of the U.S. government � and withholding or downplaying some of that information for its own purposes is a betrayal of that responsibility."


The State Department's intelligence bureau, however, said the "available evidence" was inadequate to support that judgment. It refused to predict when "Iraq could acquire a nuclear device or weapon."

国家情报评估引用外国government report that, as of early 2001, Niger planned to send several tons of nuclear material to Iraq. The Estimate also said, "reports indicate that Iraq has sought uranium ore from Somalia and possibly the Democratic Republic of the Congo." The State Department's intelligence bureau, however, responded that claims of Iraq seeking to purchase nuclear material from Africa were "highly dubious." The CIA sent two memos to the White House stressing strong doubts about those claims.






Secretary Rumsfeld made an even more explicit assertion in his March 30, 2003, interview on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." When asked about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, he said, "We know where they are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat."




中央情报局分析师梅尔·古德曼(Mel Goodman)坦率地说:“萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)和本·拉登萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)非常确定基地组织在伊拉克无法运作。”


但是布什总统并没有受到威胁。在9/11灾难性的悲剧发生后,他无情地利用美国的恐惧。他提出了一个明确的联系 - 在基地组织和萨达姆之间反复绘制了它。

In a September 25, 2002, statement at the White House, President Bush flatly declared: "You can't distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror."


Two weeks later, in his radio address to the nation, a month before the war began, President Bush described the ties in detail, saying, "Saddam Hussein has longstanding, direct and continuing ties to terrorist networks �"




为什么政府去这样的长度吗go to war? Was it trying to change the subject from its failed economic policy, the corporate scandals, and its failed effort to capture Osama bin Laden? The only imminent threat was the November Congressional election. The politics of the election trumped the stubborn facts.

在布什政府初期,财政部长保罗·奥尼尔(Paul O'Neill)提出了对政治遍布白宫进程的担忧。

他说,比较布什政府和以前的共和党政府,指的是卡尔·罗夫(Karl Rove),迪克·切尼(Dick Cheney)和卡伦·休斯(Karen Hughes):“最大的区别是我们的小组主要是关于证据和分析的,而卡尔,迪克,卡伦和该团伙似乎是主要是关于政治的。”

奥尼尔书的作者罗恩·苏斯金德(Ron Suskind)写道:“在2002年冬季和早春,在安然和其他公司丑闻之后,``罗恩·苏斯金德(Ron Suskind)写道:``````罗夫都告诉众多政府官员,民意调查数据是确定的:丑闻正在损害总统,这是一条乌云密布的蓝色天空,以使阿富汗后的灌木丛高涨。”

The evidence so far leads to only one conclusion. What happened was not merely a failure of intelligence, but the result of manipulation and distortion of the intelligence and selective use of unreliable intelligence to justify a decision to go to war. The Administration had made up its mind, and would not let stubborn facts stand in the way.

最近退休的空军情报官员Karen Kwiatkowski中校在战争席位期间在五角大楼服役,他说:“这不是情报 - 这是宣传的,他们会花一点智慧,有点智慧,樱桃挑选它,听起来更令人兴奋,通常是通过将其脱离上下文,通常是通过并置的两块不属于的信息。”

现在看来,与五角大楼有着密切联系并且非常渴望战争的伊拉克外籍人士很可能是炒作情报的来源。正如沃尔特·平克斯(Walter Pincus)今天在《华盛顿邮报》上报道的那样:“布什政府在战前断言萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)拥有一批移动实验室,可以生产生物武器,这在很大程度上基于来自伊拉克叛逃者的信息,与另一个从未受到过美国情报人员采访的政府一起工作。“


五角大楼最喜欢的伊拉克持不同政见者艾哈迈德·查拉比(Ahmed Chalabi)实际上为发生的事情感到自豪。查拉比最近说:“我们是错误的英雄。”“就我们而言,我们已经完全成功了。暴君萨达姆消失了,美国人在巴格达。之前所说的并不重要。布什政府正在寻找替罪羊。我们准备好如果他愿意的话,就落在我们的剑上。”


America went to war in Iraq because President Bush insisted that nuclear weapons in the hands of Saddam Hussein and his ties to Al Qaeda were too dangerous to ignore. Congress never would have voted to authorize the war if we had known the facts.






Source:Office of Sen. Kennedy