参议院第170号决议——指定2004年和2005年为“外语学习年”DODD先生(为他自己和科克伦先生)提交了以下决议;根据欧洲委员会教育和文化理事会的数据,52.7%的欧洲人能流利地说本族语和另一种语言;而1965年的《小学和中学教育法》将外语作为包括英语、数学、科学、公民学、经济、艺术、历史和地理在内的核心课程的一部分;而根据国际语言联合中心的研究,外语学习可以提高学生的认知和批判性思维能力;然而,根据美国外语教学委员会(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)的说法,外语学习可以提高学生比较和对比文化概念的能力;而根据1992年大学入学考试委员会的一份报告,学过4年以上外语的学生在学业能力倾向测试(SAT)的语言部分的分数要高于没有学过外语的学生;1965年的《高等教育法》(Higher Education Act)将外语学习列为在日益增长的国际经济中保障美国未来经济福利的关键;鉴于1965年的《高等教育法》(Higher Education Act)建议鼓励企业和外语学习项目建立互惠互利的关系,从而有利于国家未来的经济利益;然而,根据国际商业教育和研究中心的计划,外语学习提供了全面了解美国贸易伙伴的文化并与之互动的能力,从而为成功的经济关系奠定了坚实的基础;然而,众议院常设情报特别委员会的107-592号报告得出结论,美国跨国公司和非政府组织不具备所需的外语能力和文化接触能力。 Whereas the 2001 Hart-Rudman Report on National Security in the 21st Century names foreign language study and requisite knowledge in languages as vital for the Federal Government to meet 21st century security challenges properly and effectively; Whereas the American intelligence community stresses that individuals with proper foreign language expertise are greatly needed to work on important national security and foreign policy issues, especially in light of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001; Whereas a 1998 study conducted by the National Foreign Language Center concludes that inadequate resources existed for the development, publication, distribution, and teaching of critical foreign languages (such as Arabic, Vietnamese, and Thai) because of low student enrollment in the United States; and Whereas a shortfall of experts in foreign languages has seriously hampered information gathering and analysis within the American intelligence community as demonstrated by the 2000 Cox Commission noting shortfalls in Chinese proficiency, and the National Intelligence Council citing deficiencies in Central Eurasian, East Asian, and Middle Eastern languages: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, SECTION 1. DESIGNATION OF YEARS OF LANGUAGE. (a) Sense of the Senate.--It is the sense of the Senate that foreign language study makes important contributions to a student's cognitive development, our national economy, and our national security. (b) Designation and Proclamation.--The Senate-- (1) designates the years 2004 and 2005 as "Years of Foreign Language Study", during which foreign language study is promoted and expanded in elementary schools, secondary schools, institutions of higher learning, businesses, and government programs; and (2) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to-- (A) encourage and support initiatives to promote and expand the study of foreign languages; and (B) observe the "Years of Foreign Language Study" with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and other activities. ____________________