国会记录:2003年5月13日(参议院)第S6061情报授权维登先生。主席先生,我想告诉我的同事约我为什么会反对一致同意请求,进行到情报授权法案或可能包含一项规定撤销任何其他立法或修改法律直截了当的总信息意识建立国会问责程序。就在刚刚过去的2月,由于在2003财年补充拨款法案的一部分,参议院考虑,辩论并一致通过了一项修正案,赞助我和参议员范士丹,里德,拳击手,科尔,莱希,坎特维尔,哈金,李文,杜宾,拜登,达施勒和克林顿。该修正案需要由国防部的总信息意识计划开发的技术的任何特定布置国会的批准;国防部必须寻求授权和拨款的TIA技术的任何部署到其他机构或部门。DARPA可能会继续研究和开发TIA技术,只要它提交该修正案规定的报告。该报告是由于2003年5月20日,并要求对TIA项目的每个项目和活动,对提出的研究和每个项目和活动,目标日期为部署的开发时间表的预期和实际使用资金的解释的每个项目和活动。该报告还将处理系统的功效,如TIA中的恐怖能力和计划,在TIA计划对隐私和公民自由的可能影响预测评估,这将需要修改使用TIA计划的法律建议,以消除或 minimizing the adverse effects of the TIA Program on privacy and other civil liberties. The TIA technology will give the Federal Government the capability to operate the most massive domestic surveillance program in the history of our country. It will put the financial, medical and other details of America's private lives at the fingerprints of tens of thousands of bureaucrats. The American people have the right to know if the federal Government intends to deploy this technology against them, when it will do and how, and Congress should preserve its oversight over the program. The amendment enacted in February provides that accountability. Just last week the American people got a painful reminder about the shameful abuse of power and secrecy in the McCarthy era, and are rightfully wary about the protection of their privacy. In fact, although some in the Defense Department and elsewhere claim they are only interested in mining ``lawfully-collected'' information, just about any piece of information about any U.S. citizen can be ``lawfully'' collected or obtained by the federal government. It is for these reasons that I will object to any motion to proceed to any legislation affecting the Total Information Awareness Program unless and until I have fully reviewed it to guarantee that the accountability in the TIA amendment is preserved. ____________________