国会记录:2003年1月23日(参议院)第S1466附加说明______ 9月11日委员会克辛先生。主席先生,在过去的11月,经过广泛的讨论,美国国会授权成立一个委员会,调查周围的9月11日恐怖袭击事件。该委员会应使我们能够更好地理解围绕这一民族悲剧的事件,并发挥了极为重要的作用,更好地准备对今后类似的攻击威胁。委员会的工作也是成千上万谁失去了9月11日亲人的家庭必不可少的,谁想要约上那灾难性的一天发生了什么更好的信息,以及谁希望确保所有负责这些都追究责任。这些家庭都遭受了巨大的损失,他们应该得到我们的支持。我很担心,但是,该委员会可能缺乏资源,需要做的工作权利。到目前为止,在国防拨款法案的2003年度年,美国国会拨付仅为300万$的佣金。从种种迹象来看,这是严重不足。如果我们失败,额外的资金来补充这一点,我们将不仅是辱没9月11日的受害者的记忆,但我们可以危及所有美国人的未来安全。主席先生,在最近几天,我的工作人员和我已经讨论了这个重要的调查委员会的工作与几个指定的委员,民主党和共和党。 They have explained that the $3 million appropriated so far appears woefully insufficient to meet the commission's anticipated needs this fiscal year. in fact, actual needs for FY2003 probably will exceed $6 million--more than twice the amount approved by the Congress. Mr. President, the responsibilities of the September 11 commission are much broader than the other commissions and it is simply unreasonable to expect the commission to function effectively with only $3 million. After all, that's a $2 million less than the funding received by a 1996 commission to look into the issues surrounding legalized gambling. Think about that: $5 million to study gambling, $3 million to study the worst terrorist attack in the history of this country. That simply does not make sense. Mr. President, it is important to remember that this commission has responsibilities and requirements that go far beyond those of any other commission in U.S. history. There are unique and expensive logistical requirements, including the hiring of expert staff with high-level security clearances. The commission must secure real estate appropriate for top secret discussions, and provide high-level security of its employees and its information systems. In order to complete the work of this important commission thoroughly and on time, more resources will be needed during this fiscal year, and in the future. Mr. President, I am hopeful that if the Congress considers a supplemental appropriations bill later this year, that legislation will include needed additional resources for the commission. In fact, I had prepared an amendment to this bill to increase funding for the commission by $3 million. However, after a conversation with Governor Tom Kean, chair of the commission, I have decided not to introduce my amendment at this time. Rather, I will wait until a formal budget is drawn up by the commission. I want to assure my colleagues, however, that I will not stop fighting for increased funding for the commission until I am convinced that the September 11 commission has received the funding that it needs to investigate the worst attack on American soil in our history. This matter is simply too important to do anything less. ____________________