国会记录:2003年6月17日(众议院)第H5438-H5439页情报常设特别委员会主席关于获得某些机密文件的声明戈斯先生。议长先生,我想宣布所有成员的房子常设情报委员会周四,6月12日,2003年,根据其议事规则,多数投票授权访问的任何成员的房子谁希望审查特定的文件提供给常设情报委员会中央情报局局长的回应主席、高级委员来信致董事,日期为2003年5月22日。具体而言,有争议的文件涉及有关伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器计划以及在伊拉克敌对行动开始之前伊拉克与恐怖组织的联系的现有情报。这些文件只能在国会大厦H-405室常设情报特别委员会办公室供成员查阅。委员会办公室将于正常办公时间开放,以方便任何希望审阅此资料的成员。希望审阅这些文件的成员必须提前联系委员会安全主任比尔·麦克法兰先生,安排审阅的时间和日期。这将确保有委员会工作人员协助各成员审查这些机密材料,并有秩序地管理活动的流动。成员们应该理解,成员们审阅过的机密材料都没有被授权公开披露。重要的是,议员们也要牢记众议院规则第二十三,第13条的要求。这一规定只允许签署了众议院规则第23条第13条规定的宣誓的众议院议员接触机密信息。我建议希望审阅这些文件的成员,在他们到委员会办公室审阅这些材料时,应随身携带一份由他们执行的规则第二十三项誓言的副本。 If a Member has not yet signed the rule XXIII oath, but wishes to review the documentation provided by the DCI, the committee staff can administer the oath and see to it that the executed form is sent to the Clerk's office. Additionally, the committee's rules require that before Members are given access to any classified material in the committee's possession, that Members must execute a nondisclosure agreement indicating that they have been granted access to particularly described classified material; they are familiar with both the rules of the House and the committee rules with respect to the classified nature of information contained in the documents they are given for review; and they understand fully the limitations placed on them with respect to disclosure of that information. The committee requires that this nondisclosure agreement be signed by any Member seeking to review the documents each time the Member seeks to gain access to the documents. Those are the conditions with which the committee agreed to make this material available to any Member. If there are any questions, please call the committee and we will be glad to elaborate. ____________________