国会记录:2003年1月8日(众议院)Page H121-H122 MAKING FURTHER CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS, FISCAL YEAR 2003 . YOUNG先生,佛罗里达州。议长先生,根据众议院第15号决议,我提出为截至2003年9月30日的财政年度和其他目的继续拨款的联合决议(H.J. Res. 2),并请求立即予以考虑。书记官宣读了联合决议的标题。H.J. 2》的文本如下:H.J. > 2解决由参议院和众议院的美利坚合众国国会组装,公法107 - 229是进一步修改第107节中指定的日期(e)和插入代替“2003年1月31日”。秒。2。修订后的公法107-229在第120节中进一步修改,删去“和2002年12月1日”,并插入“2002年12月1日、2003年1月1日和2003年2月1日”。秒。3。2002年财政和政府总拨款法案第613条被修改(1),在其出现的每个地方划上“2001”和“2002”,并在第(a)(1)小节中,在“2002年法案”和“该第613条”之后插入“(于2002年9月30日生效)”:前提是,尽管本联合决议第107节规定,该条款经如此修改后的有效期将持续到2003年9月30日。秒。4。 Public Law 107-229, as amended, is further amended by striking section 137 and inserting the following new section: "Sec. 137. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, in addition to amounts made available in section 101, and subject to sections 107(c) and 108, such sums as may be necessary shall be available to the Securities and Exchange Commission for the Secretary of the Treasury to advance start-up expenses to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board pursuant to section 109(j) of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-204). "(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint resolution, upon the collection of fees authorized in section 109(d) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-204), the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board shall reimburse the Securities and Exchange Commission for any Commission appropriations advanced to the Board for start-up expenses pursuant to section 109(j) of such Act or subsection (a) of this section, so as to result in no net effect of such advances on appropriations available to the Commission in fiscal year 2003.".秒。5.国防部拨款部第8005章法案,2003年(PUB.1.107-248)通过在结束前的期限之前进行修订,如下所示:“:除此之外,还提供了此类转移权限部分,遵守本条的条款和条件,除了第四个附带条件的限制外,只能符合与全球战争与恐怖主义有关的不可预见的要求,国防部长可以将额外的2,500,000,000次营运资金资金转移通过这一法令的职称技术向军事职能(军事建设除外)提供的辩论或资金,包括国家外国情报计划的方案和活动(以中央情报署署长)和美国特殊运营指挥在此类拨款或资金或其任何细分之间合并,并可以为山姆提供e目的,以及同一时间段,作为转移的拨款或基金“。秒。6.(a)批准招股说明书.--出于第3307(a)第4307(a)条的目的,美国代码,题为“招股说明书 - 租赁,国土安全部,华盛顿特区,DC大都市区的招股说明书“,招股说明书PDC-08W03,如2002年12月24日提交的,被参议院的环境和公共工程委员会和颁布了这项法案的颁布日期批准的参议院和公共工程委员会批准。(b)禁止代表团.--在本条下租赁空间的普通服务管理局可能无法授权给另一个部门或机构。(c)修改.--根据第4307条,美国守则第3307条批准的(a)款提到的招股说明书的任何修改,应当按照此类部分的要求批准。秒。7.公法107-229的第126条修订如下,如下,如下所示:“秒126.尽管此联合决议的任何其他规定,但哥伦比亚地区5月5日,可能消除当地资金,以便在哥伦比亚基金的标题(哥伦比亚地区)下的计划和活动 - 运营费用,以便于2003财年向国会提交国会的区域政府的经修订的财务计划和预算的计划和活动District of Columbia pursuant to section 138 of H.R. 5521 of the 107th Congress, as reported by the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.". The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to House Resolution 15, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Young) and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Obey) each will control 30 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Young). Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I might consume. Mr. Speaker, this resolution, H.J. Res. 2, is identical to H.J. Res. 1 except for one thing, and that is the provision that allows the Defense Department the authority to transfer within their own accounts, they cannot go outside of their accounts, but to transfer up to $2.5 billion within their accounts to fight the war on terrorism, to pay for Enduring Freedom and to do the necessary things to make the security of our Nation happen. Other than that, it would also become the vehicle, we hope the vehicle, for the final appropriations bill for last year. We plan to conclude all of last year's appropriations bills using this as a vehicle that we will send to the Senate. We hope that they will do the right thing and send it back to us and we will either vote on it or go to conference. Anyway, that is how we are going to conclude our 107th Congress appropriations business. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Let me simply say that in Wisconsin only cows chew cuds twice, and so we have the same concerns about the consideration of this resolution, but we have already made those concerns quite clear. I see no point in dragging it out. Let me simply say that with respect to the one difference between this resolution and the previous resolution, on this side of the aisle we agree with the provision that the gentleman is providing. I think it is a constructive provision. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Jackson-Lee). Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, let me thank the distinguished gentleman, and I am going to [[Page H122]] rush through my comments, and to the chairman of the committee. I, too, just want to associate myself with the remarks of the earlier debate, but I do want to express the fact that the running of government impacts on the lives of individuals, particularly those who are facing stress, economic stress, and we dealt with this in the unemployment legislation that we passed, but here is my concern as it relates to my particular congressional district. My concern is public hospitals and the lack of increased funding for Medicaid. I believe it is important to put on the Record that we are seeing increased numbers of individuals going to our public hospitals because they have no insurance, they have no alternatives. They are utilizing Medicaid. Some of that obviously has an enormous shortfall, and so the burden is falling upon my local county government. The longer we stay in this condition, without the actual passing of appropriations bills, the longer we put the burden on the States, the longer we put the burden on local government. So I just argue that we can pass this CR to the 31st, we passed the other one to the 31st, but all the issues we are concerned about, funding for HIV-AIDS, increased funding for Medicaid, funding Leave No Child Behind, all of that falls, if you will, around our feet and people are suffering. I am just hoping that we will have an opportunity to work in a bipartisan manner on the crisis that is going on in our districts, and we will come to a point where we recognize that we have got to address the needs of working people, but we have also got to address the needs of uninsured and impoverished who need this government to work on their behalf. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Obey) very kindly for his time. Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I just ask for a yes vote on this resolution, and I yield back my time. The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate has expired. The joint resolution is considered read for amendment, and pursuant to House Resolution 15, the previous question is ordered. The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the joint resolution. The joint resolution was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, was read the third time, and passed, and a motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ____________________