
Counterterrorism Information Sharing

埃莉诺·希尔(Eleanor Hill),参谋长,联合调查人员






Prior to September 11th, the FAA had airman records on hijackers Marwan Alshehhi, Mohamed Atta, Hani Hanjour, and Ziad Jarrah. Mohamed Atta filled out a medical history form on July 24, 2000. Marwan Alshehhi was issued a medical certificate on July 24, 2000. A medical record concerning Hani Hanjour dated back to 1996, while a medical record for Ziad Jarrah was issued on July 11, 2000. While the FAA had some records relating to Zacarias Moussaoui, it could not find any evidence that Moussaoui was ever issued a recreational pilot or higher-level airman certificate.

INS还拥有有关19个劫机者的记录 - 特别是移民官员为每个人裁定的签证类型和住宿期限。INS记录显示,19个,Salam Al Suqami,Nawaf Al Hazmi和Hani Hanjour中的三个均超过了签证。根据INS的说法,穆罕默德·阿塔(Mohamed Atta)提出了将其签证状态从B-1更改为M-1的申请,并于2001年7月17日授予。B-1签证是向外国国民发出的,以供曼联进行个人旅行国家虽然M-1签证是向外国国民发行的,以便在美国学习。但是,在2001年7月19日,根据当时的B-1访客签证,阿塔先生被接纳为美国。


Information Sharing Obstacles to Counterterrorism

联合调查人员采访了众多的英特尔ligence Community officials and officials of departments and agencies outside the Intelligence Community to determine the extent to which terrorist-related information flows as necessary to avert terrorist attacks. The staff also reviewed relevant documents at the Departments of State, Treasury, Defense, Transportation, and Energy and at the U.S. Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), focusing on information received from the Intelligence Community.


2001年2月,中央情报局(DCI)乔治·瑟特(George Tenet)局长向国会公开作证说:“恐怖主义的威胁是真实的,是直接的,而且正在发展。”此外,“ [osama]本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)及其全球副驾驶网络仍然是最直接,最严重的威胁。”回想起来,2001年9月11日的事件强调了DCI担忧的重要性。迄今为止,我们的工作表明,所有机构之间的信息流并不一定会跟上威胁的日益增长。


We were also told that not all threat information in possession of the Intelligence Community or law enforcement agencies is shared with agencies that need it the most in order to counter the threats. For example, the FAA was not provided a copy of the FBI's Phoenix memorandum prior to September 11, 2001 and still did not have a copy two weeks after the matter had become public in early 2002. In another example, the CIA did not provide the Department of State with a large number of intelligence reports that included the names of terrorist suspects until shortly after September 11, 2001. The reasons for this reluctance to share range from a legitimate concern about the protection of intelligence sources and methods to a lack of understanding of the functions of other agencies.

The vast majority of the information related to the hijackers or to threats posed by aircraft came to the non-Intelligence Community agencies from the CIA, NSA, and FBI. According to officials from the Departments of Transportation, State, Energy, Defense, and Treasury, unless information in the possession of the CIA, NSA, and FBI is shared on a timely basis, they are unable to include dangerous individuals on various watch lists to either deny them entry into the United States or apprehend suspected terrorists in the United States. The State Department, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and the U.S. Customs Service all maintain watchlists of named individuals. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), INS, and other agencies also perform a limited amount of information collection designed to place individuals on witchlists.

The staff review, to date, has found no single agency or database or computer network that integrates all counter terrorism information nationwide. Information about the hijackers and al-Qa'ida can be found in disparate databases spread among a range of intelligence and civilian agencies. Specifically, as exemplified by the Phoenix communication that wasdiscussed in detail at a prior hearing,与可能的Qa'ida恐怖分子有关的FBI信息分散在各个地区办事处,而不是与联邦调查局总部或其他机构共享的信息。此外,没有以任何方式组织与19个劫机者有关的执法,移民,签证和情报信息,以允许任何一个机构发现与恐怖主义有关的趋势和活动中的趋势和模式。


Another difficulty mentioned repeatedly is the "originator control" or ORCON caveat. Agencies that generate intelligence impose this caveat when disseminating raw and finished intelligence to prohibit further dissemination without their approval. Thus, an agency may receive very important information that could be of use to a third agency that is not a recipient, but may be unable to share it because of the caveat. Although this matter can be resolved through agreed-upon procedures, the process can be lengthy and cumbersome and may not meet the near-real time lines often required to track and apprehend terrorist suspects.


Agencies Detail Employees Try To Ensure Access To Intelligence Information

一个方法处理信息共享的空间站ues is for agencies to detail employees to CIA, NSA, FBI, and other agencies in an attempt to improve access to relevant information on a timely basis. Theoretically, at least, the agencies believe this is one of the most effective ways to access a greater amount of information from the Intelligence Community. Thus, the Departments of State, Transportation, Treasury, and Energy and the INS, Customs, and other organizations have utilized detailees at the DCI's Counterterrorist Center (CTC), at the FBI, and, to a lesser extent, at the NSA. In turn, Intelligence Community agencies also send detailees to the non-intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies. Numerous task forces and cooperative agreements exist between the DOJ's FBI and border security and intelligence agencies.



To improve information sharing, the DOJ, through the FBI, has established 56 Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs) to involve other federal, state, and local agencies in investigation of terrorist events. The JTTF program is intended to prevent acts ofterrorism before they occur by assisting in identification, investigations, and prosecution. Each JTTF is responsible for dealing with domestic and international terrorism matters within the jurisdiction of the local FBI field office. Agencies participating in the JTTF are required to enter a formal memorandum of understanding that identifies the objectives of the JTTF as both reactive and proactive. In its reactive mission, the JTTF responds to and investigates terrorist incidents. In its proactive mission, the JTTF investigates domestic and foreign terrorist groups and individuals targeting or operating within its jurisdiction with the goal of preventing terrorist events.



该工作人员被告知,对JTTF计划的一致投诉是当地执法组织缺乏参与。尽管这些组织通常被认为对参加JTTF不感兴趣,但它们的缺席在JTTF中留下了空白。就当地执法组织而言,他们断言,通过参加他们失去官员的JTTF计划,从而在很大程度上被认为是“ FBI问题”的工作,否则他们将在其城市的社区巡逻。金博宝正规网址JTTF参与者的另一个投诉是,在9月11日之前,被分配给JTTF的个人并不总是最适合工作的人。有人告诉我们,一些执法组织据报道将JTTF视为摆脱“ Deadwood并退休工作”的一种方式。我们被告知,这种趋势在9月11日之后发生了巨大变化。




Although no indications have been found that the FAA knew of the terrorist connections of the hijackers, the FAA did have detailed information regarding those who were pilots. The FAA maintains records of all certificated airmen--those who possess a U.S.-issued certificate, and also on all U.S. registered aircraft. According to the FAA, there are over one million airmen files, of which approximately 626,000 are pilots. Representatives of the FAA stated that the airmen file remains open until receipt of a death certificate. Each certificate contains specific medical information, flight test results, score, engine ratings, incident history, and enforcement activity. These records are kept in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma by the Department of Transportation--specifically the FAA Civil Aviation Registry--and are available to all federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

根据TSA的说法,在扎卡里亚斯·穆萨(Zacarias Moussaoui)被捕后不久,联邦调查局(FBI)与该联邦调查局(FBI)联系,并从飞行员记录中索取了有关他的信息。明尼阿波利斯的FAA人员建议联邦调查局联系芝加哥的FAA办公室,该办公室使联邦调查局与俄克拉荷马市中心联系。华盛顿特区的TSA官员告诉工作人员,他们感到困惑,因为联邦调查局旨在支持执法部门,因此联邦调查局没有直接与俄克拉荷马州中心联系。

Immigration and Naturalization Service

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) maintains records on all visitors who arrive in the United States. INS officials told the staff that the Law Enforcement Support Center (LESC) in Burlington, Vermont is a key data-sharing center designed to support other law enforcement agencies. The LESC assists in determining the status of detainees or to find persons. INS officials stated that the August 2001 notice to watchlist Nawaf al Hazmi and Kahlid al Mihdhar was not accompanied by any specific notation that indicated that the INS should use all means possible to find these two suspects. INS officials said that, had they been told to put the highest priority on that search, they would have used the LESC and might have found the two suspects prior to September 11, 2001.


DIA常务委员会主席th的主任at serves as an integrating mechanism for the DOD: the Military Intelligence Board (MIB). DCI representatives usually attend and participate in its discussions. Over time, the MIB has wrestled with information sharing issues prior to September 11. According to the DIA, information-sharing issues such as restrictive caveats (e.g., originator or "ORCON" controlled information), handling of information in virtual and collaborative workspaces, limited distribution to senior officials only, and support to homeland defense have been discussed by the MIB since at least the mid-1990's. While most of the specific discussion at MIB meetings is classified, there are enough unclassified examples to provide some definition of the range of information sharing topics addressed. For example, the need to establish an information sharing mechanism was addressed at least as early as February 1995 in the context of multi-agency operations in Haiti. Several additional examples follow, drawn from the records of the proceedings of the group.

In September 1998, an MIB was convened to receive briefings on the East African Embassy Bombings and the War on Terrorism. Generally recognizing the need for broad sharing of information in that context, one Command representative observed that there must be a "domestic piece", referring to FBI reporting. Another representative stressed that there was a "commercial piece" as well, with the FAA. Yet a third representative encouraged intra-organizational information sharing as it had done within its organization. Finally, another Command supported breaking through the existing information restriction barriers and recommended a collaborative strategy regarding how to examine and attack terrorist organization. It is not clear whether any follow-up actions were taken as a result of this discussion.

In April 1999, the MIB met to receive a briefing on computer network defense. Challenges to both network defense and information sharing were listed as: law enforcement vs. public interests, the interagency process, and policy and legal issues.




The DIA has established a Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism (JITF-CT) to help enhance terrorist threat warning and analysis capabilities and significantly enhance communications and sharing between DIA, the FBI, and CIA. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz identified the value of the JITF-CT during his testimony to the Joint Inquiry on September 19, 2002. He also identified the issue of information discovery where "many agencies collect intelligence and lots of agencies analyze intelligence, but no one is responsible for the bridge between collection and analysis." Finally, Mr. Wolfowitz questioned the current culture that discourages collaboration and criticized the lack of sharing of information that leads to forfeiting of U.S. technological advantages.

根据DIA人员的说法,这些情报社区伙伴关系的结果不同,即仅将分析师分配给另一个组织的行为并不能确保更大程度地获取信息或更多开放信息。DIA承认,详细介绍对应组织的分析师并没有对所有相关恐怖分子信息的无限制和无条件访问。迪亚前董事托马斯·威尔逊(Thomas Wilson)向工作人员解释说,“信息共享”意味着“拥有信息”。他不同意这个概念。根据威尔逊的说法,机构需要改变他们的文化,并相信他们拥有信息 - 该信息属于美国政府和整个情报界。




The Secret Service at Treasury occupies a unique position because of its primary mission to protect the President of the United States. According to the Secret Service, it receives the intelligence that is necessary for it to perform that particular mission. It also reportedly receives all relevant intelligence regarding the maintenance of the protective perimeter around the White House.



Department Of State

As mentioned earlier, and explained in more detail inthe September 18, 2002 JIS staff statement,国务院官员建议工作人员,至少有1,500名中央情报局中央情报报告(CIRS)直到2001年9月11日之后才提供包含恐怖名称的中央情报局。ReportsReports确定了大约150名可疑恐怖分子的名字,并将58名可疑恐怖分子名字添加到Tipoff监视清单中。共享情报的这种失误,以及在9月11日之前未能将至少两个劫机者的名字添加到州监视列表中,这归因于缺乏资源和注意力清单的认识。国务院官员建议,他们一直很难从联邦调查局(FBI)管理的国家犯罪信息中心的州际识别指数(NCIC III)中获得数据清单目的。





FTTTF officials reported that several thousand individuals from several countries have been already identified as "abscondees" within the United States by the FTTTF. Many new addresses for "cold" abscondees were provided to the INS and the INS is now working closely with the FTTTF to identify individuals who are engaged in immigration law violations. Additionally, the FTTTF works closely with the FBI on the identification and location of terrorists and their supporters.


2001年9月11日的事件导致的most universal acknowledgement in the United States Government of the need for consolidating and streamlining collection, analysis, and dissemination of information concerning threats to the United States and its interests. According to the President's National Strategy for Homeland Security ("the Strategy"), intelligence contributes to every aspect of homeland security and is a vital foundation for the homeland security effort. The Strategy recognizes that U.S. information technology is the most advanced in the world, but that our information systems have not adequately supported the homeland security mission. According to the Strategy, the U.S. government spends about $50 billion per year on information technology, but the systems purchased are not compatible between the agencies of the federal government, or with state and local entities. The Strategy also acknowledges that legal and cultural barriers often prevent agencies from exchanging and integrating intelligence and other information.

In response to these problems, the Strategy first calls for integrating information sharing across the federal government through the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office (CIAO). Under this plan, the CIAO would design and implement an interagency information architecture to support efforts to find, track, and respond to terrorist threats. The CIAO would coordinate groups focusing on border and transportation security and other countermeasures to the use of weapons of mass destruction. As part of this effort, the FBI will create a consolidated Terrorism Watch List that includes information from both intelligence and law enforcement sources.

The Strategy also calls for integrating information sharing across state and local governments, private industry, and among the U.S. citizenry. Using modern information technology, more information is to be shared among various databases. The FBI and other agencies will augment information that currently is available in the National Crime Information Center databases and National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems. This information integration effort will require that Intelligence Community agencies make efforts to remove classified information from some documents in order to allow them to be shared with state and local officials.

Finally, the Strategy calls for the adoption of standards for information that is in electronic form and is relevant to homeland security. According to the Strategy, terrorist-related information from the databases of all government agencies with responsibilities for homeland security is to be integrated. The Department of Justice, FBI, and other federal agencies, and numerous state and local law enforcement agencies, will then be able to use data-mining tools to apply this information to the homeland security mission.

Major provisions of two of the homeland security-related bills now pending before Congress would promote the sharing of critical homeland security information regarding threats between federal intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies as well as state and local officials, sheriffs, governors, mayors, other elected officials, and other emergency responders. The bills recognize the continuing need to protect sensitive sources and collection methods by granting security clearances to appropriate state and local personnel.


In recent years, a number of Commissions established by the Congress have reported on the ability of the United States to respond to terrorist events and have recommended that steps be taken to encourage closer cooperation between the intelligence and law enforcement communities. The hearings of this Joint Inquiry have shown that, although there is no information to indicate with certainty that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 could have been prevented, some have suggested that certain terrorist acts may have been facilitated by continuing poor information exchanges between intelligence and law enforcement agencies and by blurred lines of organizational responsibility.

国会建立的一种机制之一,是评估涉及大规模杀伤性武器的恐怖主义反应能力的咨询小组,非常仔细地研究了与州和地方官员共享反恐情报的问题。金博宝正规网址该咨询小组是由1999财年的《国防授权法》成立的,由当时的弗吉尼亚州州长詹姆斯·吉尔莫尔(James Gilmore)主持witnesstoday. The Advisory Panel issued three reports in December 1999, 2000, and 2001.



The premise of the Panel throughout its work has been that all terrorist incidents are local, or at least will begin that way. The Panel recommended that a federal office for combating terrorism establish a system for providing clearances to state and local officials and that the FBI implement an analytic concept similar to the CIA's "Reports Officers" to do a better job of tracking and analyzing terrorism indicators and warnings.

GAO's Assessment Of Information Sharing
Within And Between Federal, State, And Local Agencies

The General Accounting Office has completed a number of reports for Congress that focus on combating terrorism, information sharing, and homeland security. In addition,Gao的记录书面声明for this hearing emphasizes the need for a commitment by the leadership of the FBI, CIA, and other agencies to transform the law enforcement and intelligence communities and achieve the most effective information sharing possible to combat terrorism.


如果国家,州和地方政府将成功地在恐怖主义战争中取得成功,那么GAO确定的信息共享的三个问题对于解决重要的问题包括分裂,技术障碍和无效的合作。GAO对技术障碍重要性的评估得到了联邦调查局无法在其现场办公室和总部以及其他机构之间共享信息的支持。信息分散的问题还通过以下事实说明,即现在在运输安全管理局(TSA)的联邦航空管理局的情报局收到的信息表明,著名的恐怖袭击者艾哈迈德·雷森(Ahmed Ressam)在试图进入美国时已被捕来自加拿大的目的是轰炸洛杉矶国际机场。然后,它发布了对炸弹设备的分析,但该分析并未与情报界直接分享,同时它被释放到机场和航空公司。


The Joint Inquiry Staff has reviewed numerous databases that contain important financial, travel, and vital statistics information. The Staff also has been informed of other powerful search mechanisms that have not been tapped because agencies are not fully aware of their existence or capabilities.

For example, both INS at the Justice Department and the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) of the State Department claim that their databases and capabilities were never fully exploited in the FBI's efforts to locate the two hijackers, al Mihdhar and al Hazmi, who were identified by CIA in August 2001 as having entered the United States. Individuals at both INS and DSS claim that they may have been able to locate the two hijackers before September 11, 2001, had they been provided with the full context of the search and all the intelligence that was available on the two hijackers.


Selected Law Enforcement Databases





nibin:The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network attempts to unify Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and FBI firearms databases.

NDPIX:The National Drug Pointer Index is a system that allows state, local, and federal agencies to determine if a suspect is under investigation by any other participating agency.

TECS:Treasury's Enforcement Communications Systems is a computerized information system designed to identify individuals and businesses suspected of involvement in violations of federal law. TECS is also a communications system permitting message transmittal between Treasury law enforcement offices and other national, state, and local law enforcement agencies. TECS provides access to the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the National Law Enforcement Telecommunication Systems (NLETS) with the capability of communicating directly with state and local enforcement agencies.

IBIS:The Interagency Border Inspection System assists border enforcement agencies in focusing their limited resources on potential non-compliant travelers at ports of entry. IBIS provides the law enforcement community with access to computer-based enforcement files of common interest. It also provides access to the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and allows its users to interface with all fifty states via the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (NLETS). IBIS resides on the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS) at the Customs Data Center. IBIS also contains the INS' NAILS database. An IBIS network with more than 24,000 computer terminals provides field-level access. These terminals are located at air, land, and sea ports of entry. IBIS keeps track of information on suspect individuals, businesses, vehicles, aircraft, and vessels. IBIS terminals can also be used to access NCIC records on wanted persons, stolen vehicles, vessels or firearms, license information, criminal histories, and previous Federal inspections. The information is used to assist law enforcement and regulatory personnel.



JTTF:2001年9月11日之前有34JTTFs nationwide that included members from federal agencies such as the U.S. Marshals Service, the U.S. Department of State's Diplomatic Security Service, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S. Secret Service and local entities such as the New York State Police. After September 11, the Department of Justice established 56 JTTFS, one in each FBI field office, to enhance the FBI's ability to promote coordinated terrorism investigations among FBI field offices and law enforcement organizations nationwide. The JTTFs now involve over 3,700 agents, compared to 2,178 before September 11.

attf:为了整合和进一步协调该领域的抗恐怖活动,司法部创建了93个反恐工作组,其中一个是美国检察官地区的一个 - 整合了地方,州和联邦执法部门的沟通和活动。ATTF包括每周24小时,7天,联系系统,以确保ATTFS和其他机构的主要成员可以迅速沟通并应对任何未来的恐怖袭击。

FTTTF:The Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force was established to better ensure that federal agencies, including the FBI, INS, and Customs Service coordinate their efforts to bar from the United States and locate aliens who are suspected of engaging in terrorist activity, or who provide material support to terrorist activity.


In summary, the Joint Inquiry Staff believes that much information of great potential utility to the counterterrorism effort exists in the files and databases of many federal, state, and local agencies, as well as in the private sector. However, that information is not always shared or made available in timely and effective ways to those who are in a position to act upon it, add it to their analysis, and use it to better accomplish their individual miissions. Our review found problems in maximizing the flow of relevant information both within the Intelligence Community as well as to and from those outside the Community. The reasons for these information disconnects can be, depending on the case, cultural, organizational, human, or technological. Comprehensive solutions, while perhaps difficult and costly, must be developed and implemented if we are to maximize our potential for success in the war against terrorism.