



监督处于最佳状态,使政府工作更好。今天的监督比以往更加重要,不仅作为一个检查,但检查是否正在采取的行动由联邦执法机构在你的方向是必要的和必要的,以与国内前反恐战争正在进行的最有效的处理。我当时说,我们共同努力去年秋天颁布的反恐法案,所有的政府权力的新的授权,如何被使用的法律,监管将是至关重要的,而这个委员会一直在努力贯彻对信念和承诺。我知道,当你在这个委员会中的一员,你也赞赏国会监督的关键作用。At a hearing in 1999, you said this: �I do think that oversight is one of the most important functions that we have as a Congress in our constitutional system, and I am glad to serve on a committee that takes the responsibility seriously.� You were right. This Committee does take its responsibilities seriously, and we need your cooperation, in your current role, to perform them.


谁已经在司法部花的事业为公众利益工作勤奋的男人和女人也做了一些出色的工作,忍受了许多长期和紧张小时,并取得了一些巨大的成功。I know you are as proud of them as am I. Yet in evaluating the Justice Department�s performance as an organization, we have some concrete facts that cannot be ignored or rhetorically minimized.

The first fact is that, in 2001, the first year of your tenure, the nation�s crime rate for murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and theft reversed its trend and rose by 2 percent over the 2000 rate. The murder rate climbed more, up by 3.1 percent. Our new crime rate reverses nine years of declining crime rates, and that should concern us all.

犯罪率的逆转可能表明,司法部主要侧重于防止在后-9/911时代的恐怖袭击。Yet the second fact � demonstrated by Department records obtained by a nonpartisan organization associated with Syracuse University under the Freedom of Information Act � shows that counter-terrorism efforts are not a valid excuse for rising crime. FBI referrals for prosecutions of bank fraud, bank robbery and narcotics cases remained virtually unchanged after 9/11. Even after 9/11, federal prosecutors declined 61 percent of international and domestic terrorism cases referred to them by the FBI in the six months from October, 2001 to March, 2002.

The third fact is that before September 11th, the Department�s counter-terrorism efforts were facing problems. Our bipartisan oversight activities over the past six months have amply confirmed that fact. These problems were, in part, a management issue. When FBI supervisors are banned from appearing before the special FISA court tasked with issuing the most sensitive national security related orders, when the Justice Department and FBI scramble to come up with new procedures to ensure accuracy in presentations to that court, when information technology is so outdated that critical information, such as the Phoenix Memorandum and other intelligence information, is not marshaled to bolster the application for a court order in the Moussaoui case, we have serious management problems � and in many respects, these problems persist.

这些反恐问题也是在某种程度上,一个资源问题。Between 1992 and 2000, the number of FBI �intelligence officers� steadily increased by 357 percent, but in 2001, this number starting declining, with a 5 percent decrease in that year alone.

The fourth fact is that FBI requests for certain increases in its counter-terrorism budget for Fiscal Year 2003 were rejected � not by the Congress, not by the White House Office of Management and Budget, but by the Department of Justice. Press accounts earlier this summer reported that the Attorney General turned down a $58 million FBI request for counter-terrorism resources in the current year�s budget. In fact, the Attorney General�s 31-page request to OMB on September 10, 2001, regarding the Department�s FY03 budget needs made virtually no reference to counter-terrorism, except to eliminate $65,000,000 for �counter-terrorism equipment grants.� The budget request did not recommend the budget enhancements requested by the FBI for �Foreign Language Services,� �Counter-terrorism Field Investigations,� and �Intelligence Production (Field and HQs Intelligence Research Specialists),� totaling $57,814,000. After 9/11, the Congress and the White House worked together to supplement the counter-terrorism budget for Fiscal Year 2002 with an additional $745,000,000, but opportunities were clearly missed to ensure that critical resources were allocated to this important mission before September 11th.




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