


早上好。主席莱希参议员哈奇,司法委员会的成员 - 谢谢你给我这个机会今天作证。

十个月前,我们的国家受到攻击。在计算,从容地,恐怖分子的飞机撞上了世贸中心,五角大楼和场在宾夕法尼亚州,杀害了成千上万的。These attacks were acts of war against our nation, and an assault on the values for which we stand � the values of equality, justice, and freedom. This unprecedented assault brought us face to face with a new enemy, and demanded that we think anew and act anew in order to protect our citizens and our values.


The review found that America�s ability to detect and prevent terrorism has been undermined significantly by restrictions that limit the intelligence and law enforcement communities� access to, and sharing of, our most valuable resource in this new war on terrorism. That resource is information.



� Intelligence gathering was artificially segregated from law enforcement, effectively barring intelligence and law enforcement communities from integrating their resources. Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, known as FISA, a criminal investigator examining a terrorist attack could not coordinate with an intelligence officer investigating the same suspected terrorists. As compartmentalization grew, coordination suffered.

� Reforms erected impenetrable walls between different government agencies, prohibiting them from cooperating in the nation�s defense. The FBI and the CIA were restricted from sharing valuable information. And as limitations on information sharing tightened, cooperation decayed.

� FBI agents were forced to blind themselves to information readily available to the general public, including those who seek to harm us. Agents were barred from researching public information or visiting public places unless they were investigating a specific crime. And as access to information was denied, accountability deteriorated.

� As information restrictions increased, intelligence capabilities atrophied. Intelligence-gathering techniques created in an era of rotary phones failed to keep pace with terrorists utilizing multiple cell phones and the internet. As technology outpaced law enforcement, adaptability was lost.


Based on this review, we concluded that our law enforcement and justice institutions � and the culture that supports them � must improve if we are to protect innocent Americans and prevail in the war against terrorism. In the wake of September 11, America�s defense requires a new culture focused on the prevention of terrorist attacks. We must create a new system, capable of adaptation, secured by accountability, nurtured by cooperation, built on coordination, and rooted in our Constitutional liberties.



爱国者法案也现代化我们的监控工具,以跟上技术变化的步伐。我们现在有FISA规定的权限来追踪恐怖分子谁经常改变位置,并使用多个手机。Thanks to the new law, it is now clear that surveillance tools that were created for hard line telephones � pen registers, for instance � apply to cell phones and the internet as well.



在FBI总部的反恐部门将进行重组,显著扩大到支持外地办事处和其他情报和执法机构。And finally, we will enhance the FBI�s analytical capacity and integrate our activities more closely with the CIA.

在此我们已采取行动,加强我们的国土安全的第三种方法是通过赋予更新的指导,在场上我们的FBI特工。After a meticulous review of the previous Attorney General�s guidelines, which unnecessarily inhibited agents from taking advantage of new information technologies and public information sources, revised guidelines were announced in May. These new directions to FBI agents are crafted carefully to correct the deficiencies of the old guidelines, while protecting the privacy and civil liberties of all Americans.


� President Bush has mandated that the new Department of Homeland Security be an �agile organization� capable of meeting �a new and constantly evolving threat.�

� We have sought to achieve greater accountability for our obligation to protect the rights of all Americans. The proposed Department of Homeland Security would ensure that homeland security activities and responsibilities are focused in a single department. For the first time, America will have under one roof the capability to identify and assess threats to our homeland, match these threats to our vulnerabilities, and act to ensure the safety and security of the American people. All Americans will know where the buck stops and with whom.

� We have sought to foster greater cooperation among all aspects of intelligence and law enforcement, be they federal, state or local. The proposed Department would exemplify a new ethic of information sharing in government. FBI Director Mueller put it best. The FBI, he told a congressional panel earlier this month, would provide Homeland Security the access, the participation, and the intelligence necessary for this proposed department to achieve its mission of protecting the American people.


�The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present,� Abraham Lincoln told Congress in 1862, just before issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. �The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.�

保护我们的家园是与历史收取我们的责任;it is the mission which calls us to think anew and act anew for our nation�s defense. I thank you for this opportunity to testify today, and I look forward to working with you to rise to this responsibility.

