
Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet's Testimony before the�




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Before Director Mueller and I focus on the 9/11 plot, as you've asked us to do Mr. Chairman, I would like to begin with some remarks on the context in which the attacks occurred.� There are two key points:�

从1991年到1996年,我们在苏丹时期首次锁定了本·拉登(Bin Laden)。

There were three broad phases in that struggle before 9/11 and I want to set the stage for the 9/11 plot by telling you about them:

Thus, even before September 2001, we knew that we faced a foe that is committed, resilient and has operational depth.� The Intelligence Community was already at war with al-Qaida.�

实际上,我们自1998年以来就考虑过自己与基地组织的战争。运营计划的中心重点是gainintelligence on Bin Ladin through penetrations of his organization.� This strategy structured our counterterrorist activity for the years leading up to the events of September 11.�

Now, with that as a backdrop, let me begin by characterizing the 9/11 plot in broad terms.�

Start with what we know today of theprofessionalism of the plot9月11日的行动是仔细,耐心地进行的,并且对如何在美国运营进行了明显的了解。'

I mentioned the plot was tightly隔间

My third characterization of the plot was to call itresilient

Keep these characterizations in mind as Director Mueller and I walk you through the details of the plot.� Also keep in mind that the 9/11 investigation is ongoing, and we expect to know even more in the future than we present to you here today.�

Let me start withwhat we knew before the 9-11 attacks


A major question surrounding the 9/11 investigation is how the United States government was able to identify two of the hijackers as al-Qa'ida but not uncover the plot they were part of.� To explain how the intelligence case against Nawaf al-Hazmi (#14) and Khalid al-Mihdhar (#12) developed, I'll walk you through the case.

The Malaysia meeting took on greater significance in December 2000 when the investigation of the October 2000 USS Cole bombing linked some of Kahlid al-Mihdhar's Malaysia connections with Cole bombing suspects.� We further confirmed the suspected link between al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi and an individual thought to be one of the chief planners of the Cole attack, via a joint FBI-CIA HUMINT asset.� This was the first time that CIA could definitively place al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar with a known al-Qa'ida operative.

2001年8月,由于中央情报局已经越来越关注美国的重大攻击,因此我们审查了我们所有的相关持股。)于2000年1月15日进入美国,al-Mihdhar于2000年6月10日离开美国,并于2001年7月4日返回,没有Al-Hazmi的记录。向国务院,联邦调查局,INS和其他美国政府机构发送了中央情报报告,要求将Al-Hazmi和Al-Mihdhar输入签证/Viper,Tipoff和TECS [财政部执行通信系统]。说中央情报局建议将两名男子立即列出,并拒绝进入美国。

The fact that earlier we did not recommend al-Hazmi (#14) and al-Mihdhar (#12) for监视列表不是单一的失败点。千年的破裂 - 点out that a whole new system, rather than a fix at a single point in the system, was needed.�

What we know of the plot now

�We have assembled a body of details that give a pretty clear picture of the plot.�在攻击之前没有可用的攻击之后,我们可以组装大量信息。

The operation fell into三个一般阶段:conceptualization,,,,preparation,,,,andexecution


We now believe that a common thread runs between the first attack on the World Trade Center in February 1993 and the 11 September attacks.� We also know that a high-ranking al-Qa'ida member was either the mastermind or one of the key planners of the 11 September operation.

Mukhtar并不是唯一考虑如何在恐怖袭击中使用商业客机的Bin Ladin合伙人。

本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)的决心随着1998年2月的法特瓦(Fatwa)的发行,以军事和平民为目标的法特瓦(Fatwa)发行。在那个法特瓦之后,已经复活了。

1999年12月,该情节从概念化转变为准备工作,到达阿富汗,来自德国汉堡的三名年轻阿拉伯人,他们将于9月11日成为飞行员 - 吉利克斯。


The men selected to carry out the 11 September attacks largely fall into three overall categories:

The Hamburg Cell


Muhammad Atta (#1)是一位受过教育的中产阶级埃及人,于1992年抵达汉堡。

Future hijacker-pilotMarwan al-Shehhi (#6),1996年4月以阿联酋军事奖学金从阿拉伯联合酋长国来到德国。

Ziad Jarrah(#16),,,,like Atta, came from a middle-class family.�

阿塔(Atta)圈子成员的一个共同点是德国 - 叙利亚穆罕默德·海达尔·扎马尔(Muhammad Heydar Zammar),他是汉堡的著名al-qa'ida同事,他在9月11日之后被拘留。

阿塔's (#1) relationship with his roommate, Yemeni Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, may also have been crucial in focusing the Islamist beliefs of the Hamburg circle on al-Qa'ida.� Since 11 September, we have received a variety of reports identifying Bin al-Shibh as an important al-Qa'ida operative and we suspect that, unlike the three Hamburg pilots, he may have been associated with al-Qa'ida even before moving to Germany in 1995.�� ���

The al-Qa'ida Veterans

We now know that two of the hijackers had been involved with al-Qa'ida for several years before 11 September 2001.�

The Young Saudis


As part of their commitment to militant Islam, these young Saudis traveled to Afghanistan to train in the camps of their exiled countryman Usama Bin Ladin.�

沙特Hani Hanjur(#11), the fourth pilot, is similar to the other young Saudi hijackers in some ways, yet stands out because of:

Hani Hanjur (#11) expressed an early wish to participate in a jihad conflict, but�did not appear to experience a sudden increase in his religious fervor until 1992.� That year, he returned to Saudi Arabia after four-and-a-half months in the US "a different man," according to one of his brothers who spoke to the Western media. Hanjur reportedly now wore a full beard, cut his past social ties, and spent most of his time reading books on religion and airplanes.� In April 1996, Hanjur returned to the US.�� ��

The Hamburg pilots traveled to Afghanistan in late 1999 at which time they were likely selected for and briefed on the 11 September plot.

Since 11 September we have also obtained information onwhich al-Qa'ida leaders were involved在计划在1999年末在阿富汗的关键时期的袭击时。

When they left Afghanistan at the end of 1999 and early 2000, the Hamburg hijackers immediately began to prepare for their mission

Al-Shehhi (#6), Atta (#1), and Jarrah (#16) entered the US on different dates in May and June 2000, from three different European cities, possibly to mislead authorities as to their common purpose.

While the Hamburg pilots were wrapping up their training in Afghanistan and returning to Germany in late 1999 and early 2000, halfway around the world the al-Qa'ida veterans, Nawaf al-Hazmi (#14) and Khalid al-Mihdhar (#12), prepared to enter the US.�

As you may have already noticed, the inclusion of al-Hazmi (#14) and al-Mihdhar (#12) in the plot seems to violate one of the conspiracy's most successful tactics: the use of untainted operatives.� Unlike the other hijackers, al-Hazmi (#14) and al-Mihdhar (#12) had years of involvement with al-Qa'ida—to such an extent that they had already come to our attention before 11 September.� Without the inclusion of al-Hazmi (#14) and al-Mihdhar (#12) in the plot, we would have had none of the hijackers who died on 11 September in our sights prior to the attacks.� We speculate that this difference may be explained by the possibility that the two men originally entered the US to carry out a different terrorist operation prior to being folded into the 9/11 plot.� I'll briefly outline the factors, other than their long track record with al-Qa'ida, that have led us to consider this possibility.

As mentioned earlier, it appears that at least one other member of the Hamburg cell—and possibly two—intended to participate in the 11 September attacks as a pilot.�

The entry of the future pilots into the US also launched the financing of the plot in earnest.� The financial transactions that supported the attacks in many ways reflected the overall nature of the operation, relying on ostensibly legitimate activities carried out inside the US over the course of nearly two years.� Key characteristics of the financial support operation included:

在t作为pilot-hijackers接着训练he US through the latter half of 2000, al-Qa'ida leaders turned their attention to bringing into the plot the young men who would support the pilots

2001年1月3日,阿塔(#1)flew from Tampa, Florida to Madrid, Spain.� No details have yet emerged on the week he spent in Spain, although it may have been to meet with another al-Qa'ida operative to pass along an update on the pilots' training progress and receive information on the supporting hijackers who would begin arriving in the US in the spring.� On 10 January, Atta returned to the US, flying from Madrid to Miami.�� ��

阿塔(#1)was not the only pilot to travel outside the US during the period when he was attaining and honing his flying skills.�

As you may have read in the press,阿塔(#1)allegedly traveled outside the US in early April 2001 to meet with an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague, we are still working to confirm or deny this allegation.

Khalid al-Mihdhar(#12) returned to the US on 4 July 2001 after nearly a year out of the country.� He had spent the past year traveling between Yemen and Afghanistan, with occasional trips to Saudi Arabia.

In July 2001,阿塔(#1)returned to Spain。7月7日,他从迈阿密飞往苏黎世,然后飞往马德里。


By 5 August 2001, all of the hijackers are in the United States to stay.� Before I turn to Director Mueller to describe what the plotters did in the United States, let me conclude with a few points:

The lessons of 11 September have not just been learned, but acted on.

Ongoing security enhancements and the development of new leads, investigations and human sources, have made it harder for identical attacks to take place.� However, al-Qa'ida is known for changing its tactics, and a determined group of terrorists, using a slightly different approach, could succeed if they used much of the resilient tradecraft employed by the 11 September hijackers.

