

尊敬的Glenn A. Fine



今天上午,我打算以突出移民归化局(INS),调查的联邦调查局(FBI)等部门组成部分,涉及到反恐几个正在进行的和最近完成OIG评论。In addition, I will describe a review we have initiated that will examine the FBI�s handling of information and intelligence prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, including a document known as the �Phoenix EC,� and issues raised in a May 21, 2002, letter to Director Mueller from FBI Special Agent Coleen Rowley. Finally, I will address the importance of creating a culture in the FBI that encourages employees to report problems or misconduct in their agencies, and I will discuss the OIG�s role in investigating complaints of whistleblower retaliation.

自9 / 11恐怖袭击以来,监察办公室已经调整了许多监督资源,以配合司法部在反恐问题上的优先任务。金博宝正规网址我们正在花费大量资源审查与司法部在美国发现和制止恐怖主义能力有关的项目和行动。

At the outset of my remarks, let me express my respect for many the employees in Department components like the FBI and the INS who serve on the front lines in our nation�s counterterrorism efforts. While the OIG has found significant deficiencies in INS and FBI systems and operations over the years, this should in no way diminish the important contributions that thousands of employees at these agencies make on a daily basis. I offer my comments and concerns today in the same vein that we present findings from our audits, inspections, and special reviews � with the intent to help improve the Department�s ability to better accomplish its critical mission.

一,INS PROGRAMS - 影响反恐和国家安全监督

A. INS联系方式,配有两张9月11日恐怖分子

Less than three weeks ago, the OIG released a 188-page report that examined why the INS mailed forms notifying a Florida flight school that two September 11 terrorists had received approval to change their immigration status from �visitors� to �students� six months after the terrorists attacks. The mailing of these forms raised questions about the INS�s handling of change of status applications for Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi and their three admissions into the United States in 2000 � 2001. The incident also raised serious concerns about the INS�s monitoring and tracking of foreign students in the United States.

The OIG found that the INS�s adjudication of Atta�s and Alshehhi�s change of status applications and its notification to the flight school were untimely and significantly flawed. First, the INS took more than 10 months to adjudicate the two men�s applications. As a result, Atta�s and Alshehhi�s applications were not adjudicated until July and August 2001, respectively, well after they had finished their flight training course at the Florida flight school. Second, the INS adjudicator who approved their applications did so without adequate information, including the fact that Atta and Alshehhi had left the country two times after filing their applications, which meant they had abandoned their request for a change of status. And third, even after the INS took 10 months to approve the applications, the notification forms were not sent to the Florida flight school for an additional seven months because the INS failed to adequately supervise a contractor who processed the documents.

Atta�s and Alshehhi�s cases highlight important weaknesses in the INS�s handling of foreign students. Historically, the INS devoted insufficient attention to foreign students, and its current, paper-based tracking system is inefficient, inaccurate, and unreliable. SEVIS, the new Internet-based system the INS is developing, has the potential to dramatically improve the INS�s monitoring of foreign students. But we found that it will not solve all the problems in the INS�s monitoring system.


Our report offers 24 recommendations to help address the problems that Atta�s and Alshehhi�s cases highlighted and that our review of the INS foreign student program revealed. We believe these recommendations will improve the usefulness of SEVIS and help address the serious deficiencies we found in our review. While many of these recommended changes will require additional resources, we believe these efforts are necessary for the INS to improve its handling and monitoring of foreign students.


The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 directed the INS to develop an automated entry and exit control system that would collect a record for every alien departing the United States and automatically match these departure records with the record of the alien�s arrival. This automated system was envisioned to replace the manual system of collecting I-94 cards and to enable the INS, through on-line searching procedures, to identify lawfully admitted nonimmigrants who remain in the United Sates beyond the period authorized.


在2001年8月OIG颁发的设计和实现自动化的I-94系统的审计,发现INS没有妥善管理的项目。尽管已经花费了300万$ 31.2系统上的财政年度(FY)1996〜2000年财政年度,该INS:(1)没有明确的证据证明该系统满足其预期目标;(2)赢得了唯一的两家航空公司的合作;(3)中,在只有少数机场操作该系统;和(4)在修改系统的过程。INS officials estimated that an additional $57 million would be needed for FY 2001 � FY 2005 to complete the system. These projections include development, equipment, and operation and maintenance costs.

基于我们的担忧,我们提出了一系列建议,以确保INS在进行进一步支出之前严格分析I-94自动系统的成本、收益、风险和性能指标。在我们的审计和9 / 11袭击之后,移民局决定将资源用于开发美国爱国者法案所要求的出入境系统,而不是继续花钱改进I-94自动系统。因此,INS在2002年2月18日正式终止了自动I-94项目。


In the six months following the September 11 attacks, the OIG initiated and completed a series of follow-up reviews that examined the INS�s efforts to address national security deficiencies identified in previous OIG inspections. The OIG examined the INS�s progress in securing the northern border, linking INS and FBI automated fingerprint identification systems, improving the Visa Waiver Program, addressing security concerns regarding the Transit Without Visa Program (TWOV), and tracking nonimmigrant overstays. In each of these follow-up reviews, the OIG found that many of the security concerns we identified in our original reports continued to exist.

� The Border Patrol�s Efforts to Improve Security Along the Northern Border: We examined the progress the Border Patrol had made in improving the security of the northern border since the OIG issued an inspection report on the subject in February 2000, Border Patrol Efforts Along the Northern Border. Our follow-up review found that the INS had made some improvements that enhanced border security, including increased international and multi-agency cooperation. However, we found that northern border sectors had received a minimal number of additional Border Patrol agents and no new support staff. Consequently, many Border Patrol stations still could not operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, the Border Patrol�s communications system remained inadequate, and a critical shortage of air support continued. We concluded that increased staffing and resources for the northern border continues to be a critical priority to help control illegal immigration and enhance national security.

� Status of IDENT/IAFIS Integration: We reviewed the status of efforts to integrate the INS�s automated biometric fingerprint identification system (IDENT) and the FBI�s integrated automated fingerprint identification system (IAFIS). This review, conducted in response to a request by the Senate Judiciary Committee�s Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Governmental Information, followed up on two prior OIG reviews, Review of the Immigration and Naturalization Service�s Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) (March 1998), and The Rafael Resendez-Ramirez Case: A Review of the INS�s Actions and the Operation of its IDENT Automated Fingerprint Identification System (March 2000). The primary finding of our follow-up review, similar to our prior reports� conclusions, was that the Department and its components have moved slowly toward integrating the two fingerprint systems and that full integration of IDENT and IAFIS remains years away. We recommended that the Department continue to seek linkage of the FBI and INS biometric identification systems and continue to use IDENT while this integration is proceeding. We concluded that IDENT workstations should be deployed to additional INS sites pending full integration with IAFIS because IDENT allows a rapid check of aliens seeking entry into the United States. As an interim measure, we also recommended adding fingerprint records for aliens wanted in connection with crimes to the IDENT lookout database.

� Visa Waiver Program: The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens from 28 countries to enter the United States, as temporary visitors for business or pleasure, without a visa. We evaluated the INS�s progress in implementing recommendations contained in the OIG�s March 1999 report, The Potential for Fraud and INS�s Efforts to Reduce the Risks of the Visa Waiver Pilot Program. Our follow-up review found that the INS had distributed guidance to improve the collection and dissemination of information about missing VWP passports but did not take appropriate measures to ensure the guidance was followed at ports of entry. Therefore, the INS did not have a mechanism that provides systematic, consistent, and timely information about missing VWP passports to its immigration inspectors. We concluded that the failure to make this information available to INS immigration inspectors could contribute to the admission into the United States of criminal aliens or terrorists fraudulently using passports from VWP countries. We urged the INS to reissue the guidance and to take aggressive follow-up actions to ensure that inspectors follow the guidance.

� Improving the Security of the Transit Without Visa Program: The TWOV Program allows certain nonimmigrants to transit through the United States en route to a destination in another country. Visa requirements are waived for eligible nonimmigrants in TWOV status; they can remain in the United States for up to eight hours awaiting departure on connecting flights to their final destination. We found in our follow-up review that many of the security concerns identified in our March 1993 report, Transit Without Visa Program, continued to exist. Specifically, the INS had not taken adequate measures to improve airlines� supervision of TWOV passengers, and the INS could not verify departure of TWOV passengers. Prior to September 11, 2001, TWOV passengers were permitted to wait for their connecting flights in �in-transit lounges� (ITL) without having to undergo INS examination of their travel documents. The INS temporarily suspended the ITL program after the terrorist attacks but resumed operations in November 2001 after enhancing security by requiring that all ITL passengers undergo more rigorous inspection. Still, the TWOV program continued to offer an avenue for aliens to enter the United States illegally.

在第五次后续审查中,我们发现自我们1997年的报告《检查移民和归化局对非移民逾期居留的监控》以来,移民局在解决非移民逾期居留这一重要问题上几乎没有取得什么进展。9 / 11恐怖袭击再次引起人们对了解非移民入境和离开美国的重要性的关注。移民局必须能够识别个人逾期逗留,收集逾期逗留的汇总信息,并制定有效的内部执法策略,追查那些被认定为对美国安全构成最大潜在风险的逾期逗留者。我们最初的报告侧重于非移民信息系统的弱点,该系统过去是,现在仍然是移民局识别逾期居留的主要手段。在我们提交最初报告时,移民局期望它的自动I-94系统能提供必要的抵离资料,以查明逾期逗留的情况,并协助制订有效的执法策略。然而,正如本声明之前所讨论的,在断定I-94自动系统不能识别超期停留或满足要求开发综合出入境控制系统的美国爱国者法案的要求后,INS在2002年2月终止了该系统。因此,我们1997年报告的结果仍然适用,而且移民局没有一个可靠的系统来跟踪逾期滞留。

D. �Bombs in Brooklyn� Report




1996年,Mezer被拘留边境巡逻队两次试图非法越过边境进入美国华盛顿州。每一次边境巡逻允许他自愿返回加拿大。1997年1月,边境巡逻队逮捕Mezer在华盛顿第三次正式启动驱逐出境的程序。Mezer然后提出申请,要求在美国政治避难,后来在$ 5,000债券发行。在他的庇护申请,Mezer声称,以色列当局迫害他,因为他们错误地认为他是哈马斯的成员。The immigration court requested comments from the State Department about Mezer�s asylum application, and the State Department returned the application with a sticker indicating that it did not have specific information on Mezer. Mezer�s attorney later withdrew the asylum application, stating that Mezer had returned to Canada. Mezer was arrested shortly thereafter in Brooklyn for plotting to bomb the subway system.

在审查过程中,我们没有发现任何信息Mezer是一个已知的恐怖分子。然而,我们发现,他的案件表明严重的系统性问题。Mezer进入,尽管两项刑事定罪存在,这凸显了轻松进入加拿大和控制来自加拿大的非法移民进入美国的难度仍留在加拿大。我们也注意到边境巡逻资源不足沿北部边界解决非法移民。In addition, Mezer�s case reflected confusion between U.S. government agencies as to which agency would conduct a check for information on whether an asylum applicant was a terrorist. We recommended that the INS and the State Department coordinate more closely on accessing and sharing information that would suggest a detained alien or asylum applicant may be a terrorist.


The Department�s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) awards grants for specialized training and equipment to fire and emergency service departments to enhance their ability to respond to domestic acts of terrorism. In our audit of this program, we found that grant funds had not been awarded quickly, and that grantees were slow to spend available monies. We found that as of January 15, 2002, more than half of the total funds appropriated for equipment under the grant program from FY 1998 through FY 2001 � $141 million out of $243 million � still had not been awarded. About $65 million in grant funds awarded was still unspent. We also found that nearly $1 million in equipment purchased with grants was not available for use because grantees did not properly distribute the equipment, could not locate it, or had not been trained adequately on how to operate it.

III。监督FBI PROGRAMS - 影响反恐和国家安全

The Department�s counterterrorism and law enforcement responsibilities require timely access to automated information and effective systems for sharing that information. OIG reviews in the FBI have identified mission-critical computer systems that were not adequately planned; experienced long delays in implementation; or failed to share information with other FBI systems. In addition, OIG reviews have disclosed serious problems in computer security that could lead to the compromise of sensitive systems and data.





This review highlighted the significant weaknesses in the FBI�s computer systems which we found to be antiquated, inefficient, and badly in need of improvement. Although we do not believe the failures in this case were caused by the computer systems, these systems cannot handle or retrieve documents in a useful, comprehensive, or efficient way, and they do not provide FBI employees with the type of support they need and deserve.


B. FBI信息技术

C. The FBI�s Management of its Counterterrorism Resources



� Evaluation of Terrorist Threats: The FBI committed itself in 1999 to formally assess the threat and risk of chemical and biological terrorism and also to conduct a national level threat and risk assessment of terrorism in general. We plan to determine the FBI�s progress toward completing the assessments, evaluate the process used, identify the reasons for the delays in completing the assessments, and identify any changes contemplated in the assessments since September 11.


D. FBI案件审计

This ongoing OIG review is examining the FBI�s allocation of resources to investigate the varied crimes under its jurisdiction. Our objectives are to determine the types and number of cases the FBI investigates; assess performance measures for FBI casework; and determine if the mix of cases investigated by the FBI comports with FBI priorities. This review will evaluate trends in various types of cases worked by the FBI over the past six years and evaluate any disparities among different geographic regions and FBI field offices. In addition, in a second and separate part of this review, we plan to obtain opinions from other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies about FBI support on joint cases and their reliance on FBI resources.

E. Review of FBI Legal Attach� Program

检察官办公室最近启动了一项审查,对维持FBI 44个法律专员办事处的海外存在的成本进行调查。作为我们审查的一部分,我们将审查联邦调查局决定在何处设立新的法律办公室的程序,以及联邦调查局在这一决策过程中与其他机构的协调。此外,我们计划审查法律专员办公室所从事的活动类型。最后,我们计划评估联邦调查局与美国和外国执法机构之间的协调,并确定与其他美国政府机构的执法机构和法务办公室之间的任何重复工作。


Several findings from a July 1999 OIG report, The Handling of FBI Intelligence Information Related to the Justice Department's Campaign Finance Investigation, are particularly relevant in light of the FBI�s counterterrorism mission.

联邦调查局(FBI)必须能够快速识别,分析和其掌握的执法信息为散发有关的情报。In this 1999 review, the OIG examined why classified intelligence information pertaining to the Department�s Campaign Finance Task Force investigation was not appropriately disseminated within the FBI and the Department and subsequently to congressional oversight committees. The OIG found that a series of problems, including the National Security Division�s failure to disseminate information in a consistent manner, ultimately contributed to this failure.


G.凤凰EC /罗利信

上星期,独立检察官办公室启动了一项调查,将对联邦调查局在9 / 11恐怖袭击前处理信息和情报的方式进行调查。调查重点,除此之外,FBI如何处理电子通信凤凰部门写的关于伊斯兰极端分子在2001年7月参加民航学校在亚利桑那州(凤凰EC��)和问题在5月21日,2002年,信到联邦调查局局长从特工Coleen罗利明尼阿波利斯首席顾问。金博宝正规网址

监察长办公室已进行了2001年秋季初步调查凤凰EC在FBI总部处理。我们决定把这个问题指的是参议院和众议院情报委员会9月11日联合查询(联合查询),确立了以审查有关9·11袭击的情报和执法信息的国会委员会。我们决定将此事提交给联合调查是基于我们的信念,即凤凰EC需要提供给联邦调查局当时的其他信息和其他情报机构的背景下进行分析。然而,在最近发生的事件和监察长办公室几个请求的光之前,9月11日进行的怎么情报在联邦调查局处理的审查,包括来自主任穆勒特定的要求,我们已同意采取凤凰的全面调查EC, the important issues raised by Special Agent Rowley�s letter, and the FBI�s handling of other intelligence information prior to the September 11 attacks. Director Mueller also has asked the OIG to provide any recommendations, based on our review, as to how the FBI can best handle its counterterrorism responsibilities.

目前,我们正在组装OIG律师,调查员和其他工作人员组成进行这项调查小组。To the extent possible, we will coordinate our investigation with the Joint Inquiry�s investigation.




大多数联邦雇员谁相信他们已经受到报复使得在1989年的举报人保护法保护的披露可能会要求通过特别顾问办公室或调查,在适当的情况下,追求动作的保护考绩制度之前的个人权利板。见第1214和美国法典第5的1221。然而,FBI员工从举报人保护法豁免。Instead, they are covered by a policy developed by the Department pursuant to a delegation of authority from the President to the Attorney General in April 1997 to provide protections for FBI whistleblowers �in a manner consistent with applicable provisions of sections 1214 and 1221 of [title 5].�

因此,该部已建立的程序在其下员工FBI可能使受保护的信息披露和流程通过对这种FBI雇员报复的指控进行调查。Under these regulations, FBI employees must bring their complaint to one of several specified individuals or organizations for the complaint to be considered a �protected disclosure.� Presently, these individuals include the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General, FBI Director, FBI Deputy Director, OIG, the Department�s Office of Professional Responsibility (DOJ OPR), or the highest ranking official in any FBI field office.



