
Statement for the Record of
戴尔·沃森(Dale L. Watson)
Federal Bureau of Investigation


Before the
Washington, D.C.

Good morning Chairman Graham, Vice-Chairman Shelby and members of the committee. I am Dale Watson, the Executive Assistant Director of the FBI over counterterrorism and counterintelligence. I am pleased to have this opportunity to appear before your committee and I convey Director Mueller's regrets for not being able to be with you today. This morning I would like to discuss the domestic and international terrorist threat facing the United States and the measures the FBI is taking to address this threat.



terrorists continue to pose to nations around the world, particularly the United States.




The FBI divides the terrorist threat facing the United States into two broad categories--domestic and international.

Domestic terrorism is the unlawful use, or threatened use, of violence by a group or individual based and operating entirely within the United States (or its territories) without foreign direction committed against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.


During the past decade we have witnessed dramatic changes in the nature of the terrorist threat. In the 1990s, right-wing extremism overtook left-wing terrorism as the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat to the country. During the past several years, special interest extremism--as characterized by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF)--has emerged as a serious terrorist threat. The FBI estimates that ALF/ELF have committed approximately 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of 42 million dollars.

但是,正如9月11日的事件以可怕的清晰度所表明的那样,美国也面临着国际恐怖分子的严重挑战。由Usama bin Laden领导的跨国基地组织恐怖网络显然是对美国利益的最紧急威胁。将基地组织和本·拉登与9月11日的袭击联系起来的证据是明确且无可辩驳的。美国实施的执法和军事反应已经削弱了基地组织的组织结构和能力。尽管军事挫折遭到了

The FBI has moved aggressively during the past decade to enhance its abilities to prevent and investigate acts of terrorism against U.S. interests wherever they are planned. The FBI operates 44 Legal Attache offices (Legats) in countries around the world to help ensure that investigative resources are in place to support the FBI's expanding focus on counterterrorism and international organized crime. In the 20 years since President Reagan designated the FBI as the lead agency for countering terrorism in the United States, Congress and the Executive Branch have taken important steps to enhance the federal government's counterterrorism capabilities. The FBI's counterterrorism responsibilities were expanded in 1984 and 1986, when Congress passed laws permitting the Bureau to exercise federal jurisdiction overseas when a U.S. national is murdered, assaulted, or taken hostage by terrorists, or when certain U.S. interests are attacked. Since the mid-1980s, the FBI has investigated more than 500 extraterritorial cases. In addition to the investigation into the September 11 attack, several other ongoing extraterritorial investigations rank among the FBI's most high profile cases, including our investigation into the 1996 bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 U.S. servicemen; the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which killed 12 Americans; and the bombing of the USS Cole, which claimed the lives of 17 U.S. sailors.

正如我们增强的在海外进行反恐调查的能力所证明的那样,联邦调查局对恐怖主义在过去十年中的反应的演变反映了恐怖主义的变化。在1993年世界贸易中心轰炸的直接后,联邦调查局开始将调查的关注集中在当时的逊尼派极端主义现象及其在激进的国际圣战运动中的运营表现。当调查人员发现并挫败了由Shaykh Omar Abdel Rahman领导的一群松散的国际恐怖分子群体揭露并挫败了一场阴谋时,这项努力几乎立即带来了股息。

This morning, I would like to briefly discuss the current terrorist threat in the United States, as well as the FBI's efforts to address the threat posed by domestic and international terrorists.


The threat of terrorism to the United States remains despite proactive law enforcement efforts and significant legislative counterterrorism initiatives. The overall level of terrorist-related acts in the United States declined in the early 1990s, when compared to figures for the 1970s and 1980s, but has increased steadily during the past five years. There were two terrorist acts recorded in the United States in 1995, three in 1996, four in 1997, five in 1995, 12 in 1999 and 8 in 2000 (FIGURES COMBINE TERRORIST INCIDENTS AND SUSPECTED TERRORIST INCIDENTS). While terrorist designations for the year 2001 are currently being finalized, one incident, the attack of September 11, produced higher casualty figures than all previous terrorist incidents in the United States combined. Relatively high numbers of terrorist plots prevented by law enforcement in recent years further underscore the continuing terrorist threat.



在国家层面,正式的右翼讨厌团体ps, such as the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and the Aryan Nations, represent a continuing terrorist threat. Although efforts have been made by some extremist groups to reduce openly racist rhetoric in order to appeal to a broader segment of the population and to focus increased attention on antigovernment sentiment, racism-based hatred remains an integral component of these groups' core orientations.

Right-wing groups continue to represent a serious terrorist threat. Two of the seven planned acts of terrorism prevented in 1999 were potentially large-scale, high-casualty attacks being planned by organized right-wing extremist groups.

The second category of domestic terrorists, left-wing groups, generally profess a revolutionary socialist doctrine and view themselves as protectors of the people against the "dehumanizing effects" of capitalism and imperialism. They aim to bring about change in the United States and believe that this change can be realized through revolution rather than through the established political process. From the 1960s to the 1980s, leftist-oriented extremist groups posed the most serious domestic terrorist threat to the United States. In the 1980s, however, the fortunes of the leftist movement changed dramatically as law enforcement dismantled the infrastructure of many of these groups, and the fall of communism in Eastern Europe deprived the movement of its ideological foundation and patronage.

寻求通过暴力手段确保从美国独立的全部独立的恐怖组织代表了左翼恐怖主义的剩余积极痕迹之一。尽管这些群体认为仅爆炸不会导致变化,但他们将这些恐怖主义行为视为引起人们对他们对独立渴望的注意的一种手段。在1970年代和1980年代,包括极端主义波多黎各人分离主义团体,例如波多黎各民族解放的武装力量(Faln-Fuerzas armadas de Liberacion nactional Puertorriquena),主要在美国大陆上爆炸,主要是在新的爆炸案,主要是在新的,主要是在新的,主要是在新的,约克市。但是,正如在整个1990年代,左派威胁总体上急剧下降一样,波多黎各极端主义团体对美国大陆社区的威胁在过去十年中下降。

Acts of terrorism continue to be perpetrated, however, by violent separatists in Puerto Rico. As noted, three acts of terrorism and one suspected act of terrorism have taken place in various Puerto Rican locales during the past four years. These acts (including the March 31, 1998 bombing of a superaquaduct project in Arecibo, the bombings of bank offices in Rio Piedras and Santa Isabel in June 1998, and the bombing of a highway in Hato Rey in 1999) remain under investigation. The extremist Puerto Rican separatist group, Los Macheteros, is suspected in each of these attacks. The FBI has not recorded any acts of terrorism in Puerto Rico since 1999.

Anarchists and extremist socialist groups--many of which, such as the workers' world party, reclaim the streets, and carnival against capitalism, have an international presence--at times also represent a potential threat in the United States. For example, anarchists, operating individually and in groups, caused much of the damage during the 1999 WTO ministerial meeting in Seattle.The third category of domestic terrorism, special interest terrorism differs from traditional right-wing and left-wing terrorism in that extremist special interest groups seek to resolve specific issues, rather than effect widespread political change. Special interest extremists continue to conduct acts of politically motivated violence to force segments of society, including the general public, to change attitudes about issues considered important to their causes. These groups occupy the extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life, environmental, anti-nuclear, and other movements. Some special interest extremists--most notably within the animal rights and environmental movements--have turned increasingly toward vandalism and terrorist activity in attempts to further their causes.

In recent years, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF)--an extremist animal rights movement--has become one of the most active extremist elements in the United States. Despite the destructive aspects of ALF's operations, its operational philosophy discourages acts that harm "any animal, human and nonhuman." Animal rights groups in the United States, including ALF, have generally adhered to this mandate. A distinct but related group, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), claimed responsibility for the arson fires set at a Vail (Colorado) ski resort in October 1998, which caused 12 million dollars in damages. This incident remains under investigation. Seven terrorist incidents occurring in the United States during 2000 have been attributed to either ALF or ELF. Several additional acts committed during 2001 are currently being reviewed for possible designation as terrorist incidents.


美国面临着国际恐怖分子的巨大挑战。9月11日的袭击和2000年10月在也门亚丁港口的Cole爆炸,以及预防理查德·里德(Richard Reid)在2001年12月摧毁巴黎到迈阿密航班的明显企图,强调国际恐怖主义对美国利益的威胁。

In general terms, the international terrorist threat to U.S. interests can be divided into three categories: the radical international jihad movement, formalized terrorist organizations, and state sponsors of international terrorism. Each of these categories represents a threat to U.S. interests abroad and in the United States.

The most serious international terrorist threat to U.S. interests today stems from Sunni Islamic extremists, such as Usama Bin Laden and individuals affiliated with his
基地组织组织。自1996年以来,塔利班的极端主义伊斯兰政权以来,基地组织的领导人,包括乌萨马·本·拉登(Usama bin Laden),在阿富汗被藏有。尽管塔利班最近遭受的军事挫折以及基地组织的行动指挥官穆罕默德(Mohamed Atef)的明显死亡是由美国炸弹袭击造成的,但基地组织必须继续被视为一个有效且强大的恐怖分子网络。该网络愿意和能力对美国人和利益造成大规模的暴力和破坏 - 正如9月11日的袭击,2000年10月的Cole USS Cole爆炸以及两个美国大使馆在东非在东非的爆炸案证明了这一点。1998年8月,除其他情节外,它对美国构成了明显而迫在眉睫的威胁。

However, the threat from Al-Qaeda is only a part of the overall threat from the radical international jihad movement, which is composed of individuals of varying nationalities, ethnicities, tribes, races, and terrorist group memberships who work together in support of extremist Sunni goals. One of the primary goals of Sunni extremists is the removal of U.S. military forces from the Persian gulf area, most notably Saudi Arabia. The single common element among these diverse individuals is their commitment to the radical international jihad movement, which includes a radicalized ideology and agenda promoting the use of violence against the "enemies of Islam" in order to overthrow all governments which are not ruled by Sharia (conservative Islamic) law. A primary tactical objective of this movement has been the planning and implementation of large-scale, high-profile, high-casualty terrorist attacks against U.S. interests and citizens, and those of its allies, worldwide.

理查德·里德(Richard Reid)
2001年12月22日,理查德·C·里德(Richard C. Reid)在美国航空公司(American Airlines)的一名空姐63号飞机上被捕,他观察到他试图在巴黎到迈阿密飞行时显然在他的运动鞋上爆发了简易的爆炸物。在乘客的协助下,服务员压倒了里德,飞机被转移到马萨诸塞州波士顿的洛根国际机场。


Zacarias Moussaoui
调查还表明,里德(Reid)和另一个被起诉的受试者扎卡里亚斯·穆萨(Zacarias Moussaoui)是已知的同事。Moussaoui于2001年8月在明尼苏达州参加飞行培训课程时引起了FBI的注意。Moussaoui在747-400的飞行模拟器课程中支付了超过8,000美元的现金,这远远超过了他作为飞行员的培训水平。Moussaoui对讲师的评论表现出异常的兴趣,即飞机在飞行过程中无法打开飞机门。此外,他的飞行教练担心Moussaoui仅对学习如何起飞和降落747-400表示兴趣。为了准备高保真模拟器培训,他对从伦敦希思罗机场到纽约的约翰·肯尼迪机场的模拟航班表示强烈兴趣。当讲师对联邦调查局(FBI)接受他的担忧时,联邦调查局(FBI)和美国移民和归化服务局(INS)对穆萨(Moussaoui)进行了采访。他被决心为INS逾期逾期,并于2001年8月16日被INS拘留。穆斯索伊(Moussaoui)被拘留后,拒绝允许对其财产进行搜索,其中包括一台笔记本电脑和计算机光盘。试图获得对这台计算机进行搜索的权力的尝试。但是,由于缺乏可能的原因和缺乏预测,既不能进行犯罪和情报搜索。9月11日袭击了对计算机进行犯罪搜索。 Nothing was located which connected Moussaoui with the events of September 11; however, information about crop-dusting was located on the computer. As a result, crop dusting operations in the United States were grounded briefly on two occasions in September 2001. On December 11, 2001, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia indicted Moussaoui on six counts of conspiracy for his role in the events of September 11, 2001.

国际恐怖主义威胁的第二类是由正式的恐怖组织组成的。这些自主的,通常是跨国的团体,有自己的人员,基础设施,财务安排和培训设施。他们能够以国际的基础计划和持续恐怖运动,并积极支持与恐怖主义有关的活动。极端主义团体,例如巴勒斯坦哈马斯,爱尔兰共和军,埃及埃及 - 伊斯兰利亚(IG)和黎巴嫩真主党在美国都有支持者,尽管这些基于美国的牢房的活动主要围绕筹款活动,围绕筹款活动,,围绕筹款招聘和低级情报聚会。

Hizballah是一个正式的组织,已经进行了许多反U。海外袭击,包括1983年10月的车辆轰炸黎巴嫩美国海军营。除基地组织网络外,真主党对美国人的死亡人数比世界上任何其他恐怖组织都要多。2001年6月21日,美国起诉14名主题-13名沙特人和1名黎巴嫩国民 - 涉嫌参与1996年6月的轰炸沙特阿拉伯的Khobar Towers。美国飞行员在爆炸中丧生。沙特真主党涉嫌进行袭击。迄今为止,真主党从未在美国进行恐怖袭击。

State sponsors of terrorism make up the third category of international terrorist threat. The primary state sponsors are Iran, Iraq, Sudan, and Libya. These countries view terrorism as a tool of foreign policy. Syria, which is also on the U.S. Department of State's list of state sponsors of terrorism, has not been directly involved in conducting terrorist activity for a number of years but still provides a safe haven to international terrorist groups and loosely affiliated extremists. North Korea and Cuba--also on the Department of State's list of state sponsors--have significantly reduced their direct involvement with terrorism due, in part, to the rapidly diminishing capacity of their economies to support such activity.

在最臭名昭著的国家赞助恐怖主义的情况下,利比亚被认为落后于1988年12月在苏格兰洛克比(Lockerbie)炸毁了潘·AM 103号航班,苏格兰的洛克比(Scotland)炸死了270人(飞机上259人,地面上有11人)。1999年4月5日,利比亚政府将两名前情报特工Abd Al Basit Al-Megrahi和Lamin Kalifah Fhima置于荷兰审判的苏格兰特殊法院,以爆炸。几年前,联邦调查局将Al-Megrahi和Fhima列入了最想要的十大逃犯名单,这标志着外国政府官员唯一一次被列入名单。2001年1月31日,三名法官的法院因谋杀案中的角色而裁定谋杀罪。FHIMA被法院无罪释放并释放。

Of the seven nations listed by the United States as state sponsors of terrorism, Iran represents the greatest threat to the United States. Despite a moderation in its public anti-U.S. rhetoric since the 1997 election of Mohammed Khatemi as president, the government of Iran, which is controlled by conservative clerics opposed to Khatemi, continues to target dissidents and support anti-western terrorism, both financially and logistically.



A series of bioterrorism incidents using b. anthracis spores sent through the mail have resulted in 22 anthrax cases and five deaths since October 3, 2001. The initial anthrax cases occurred among persons with known or suspected contact with opened letters contaminated with b. anthracis spores. Later, investigations identified four confirmed cases and one suspected case among postal workers who had no known contact with contaminated opened letters. This suggests that sealed envelopes contaminated with anthrax passing through the postal system may be the source of these exposures. The number of contaminated envelopes passing through the postal system is under investigation.



网络 /国家基础设施

During the past several years the FBI had identified a wide array of cyber threats, ranging from defacement of web sites by juveniles to sophisticated intrusions sponsored by foreign powers. Some of these incidents pose more significant threats than others. The theft of national security information from a government agency or the interruption of electrical power to a major metropolitan area obviously would have greater consequences for national security, public safety, and the economy than the defacement of a web-site. But even the less serious categories have real consequences and, ultimately, can undermine public confidence in web-based commerce (E-commerce) and violate privacy or property rights. An attack (or "hack") on a web site that closes down an e-commerce site can have disastrous consequences for a web-based business. An intrusion that results in the theft of millions of credit card numbers from an online vendor can result in significant financial loss and, more broadly, reduce consumers' willingness to engage in e-commerce.

Beyond criminal threats, cyber space also faces a variety of significant national security threats, including increasing threats from terrorists.

恐怖组织越来越多地使用新的信息技术和互联网来制定计划,筹集资金,传播宣传并进行安全通信。网络主义 - 意味着使用网络工具关闭关键的国家基础设施(例如能源,运输或政府运营),以胁迫或恐吓政府或平民人口,这显然是一种新兴的威胁。

On January 16, 2002, the FBI disseminated an advisory via the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System regarding possible attempts by terrorists to use U.S. municipal and state web sites to obtain information on local energy infrastructures, water reservoirs, dams, highly enriched uranium storage sites, and nuclear and gas facilities. Although the FBI possesses no specific threat information regarding these apparent intrusions, these types of activities on the part of terrorists pose serious challenges to our national security.

The FBI Response to Terrorism

The FBI has developed a strong response to the threats posed by domestic and international terrorism. Between fiscal years 1993 and 2003, the number of Special Agents dedicated to the FBI's counterterrorism programs grew by approximately 224 percent (to 1,669--nearly 16 percent of all FBI special agents). In recent years, the FBI has strengthened its counterterrorism program to enhance its abilities to carry out these objectives.



Established in 1996, the FBI Counterterrorism Center combats terrorism on three fronts: international terrorism operations both within the United States and in support of extraterritorial investigations, domestic terrorism operations, and countermeasures relating to both international and domestic terrorism.


Interagency Cooperation

This sense of cooperation also has led to other important changes. During the past several years, the FBI and CIA have developed a closer working relationship that has strengthened the ability of each agency to respond to terrorist threats and has improved the ability of the U.S. government to respond to terrorist attacks that do occur.

一个元素是一个持续的excha合作nge of personnel between the two agencies. Included among the CIA employees detailed to the FBI's Counterterrorism division is a veteran CIA case officer who serves as the Deputy Section Chief for International Terrorism. Likewise, FBI agents are detailed to the CIA, and a veteran special agent serves in a comparable position in the CIA's Counterterrorist center.




联邦调查局实验室division has developed a robust response capability to support counterterrorism investigations worldwide. The FBI's mobile crime laboratory provides the capability to collect and analyze a range of physical evidence on-scene, and has been deployed at major crime scenes, including the World Trade Center bombing, Khobar Towers, and the East African Embassy bombings. The mobile crime laboratory contains analytical instrumentation for rapid screening and triage of explosives and other trace evidence recovered at crime scenes.










这些步骤包括最重要的之一the FBI's encryption initiative. Communication is central to any collaborative effort--including criminal conspiracies. Like most criminals, terrorists are naturally reluctant to put the details of their plots down on paper. Thus, they generally depend on oral or electronic communication to formulate the details of their terrorist activities.


The use of commercially available, non-recoverable encryption products by individuals engaged in terrorist and other serious criminal activity can effectively prevent law enforcement access to this critical evidence. Law enforcement's inability to gain access to the plaintext of encrypted communications and/or computer evidence in a timely manner seriously impairs our ability to successfully prevent and prosecute terrorist and/or other serious criminal acts.



各级执法机构之间的合作是对恐怖主义的全面回应的重要组成部分。这种合作在全国44个城市授权的联合恐怖主义工作队中采用了最有形的作战形式。这些工作队特别非常适合应对恐怖主义,因为它们将联邦调查局的国家和国际调查资源与当地执法机构的街头专业知识相结合。事实证明,这种COP到COP合作在防止几次潜在的恐怖袭击方面非常成功。也许最值得注意的案件来自纽约市,纽约市,该市的联合恐怖主义工作队在挫败了两个备受瞩目的国际恐怖主义地块方面发挥了作用,这是Shaykh Rahman在1993年计划的一系列爆炸案,以及对新的爆炸案约克市地铁于1997年。



Expansion of FBI Legats

FBI的反恐能力也通过在世界范围内扩大我们的遗产办公室的扩大来增强。这些小型办公室可能会对联邦调查局追踪恐怖威胁的能力产生重大影响,并在快速响应至关重要的情况下携带调查资源。正如我所提到的,联邦调查局目前经营44个这样的Legat办公室。在过去的五年中,其中许多已经在世界上存在对我们国家利益的可识别威胁的地区开放。我们无法摆脱令人不安的现实,即在21世纪,犯罪和恐怖主义是按国际规模进行的。执法响应必须与威胁相匹配。通过扩大我们的第一道防线,我们提高了美国防止攻击的能力,并迅速对确实发生的人做出反应。鉴于恐怖分子现在可用的不断发展的恐怖威胁和破坏性能力的本质,美国人民应得的。联邦调查局法律附件办公室(Legats)的数量扩大,增强了联邦调查局预防,应对和调查国际恐怖分子对全球利益的恐怖行为的能力。正如东非大使馆轰炸案件中的发展所证明的那样,在恐怖行为之后,将调查资源迅速承担的能力迅速产生了重大影响,这会对我们确定责任人的能力产生重大影响。 I encourage Congress to support our efforts to counter the international terrorist threat by continuing to support expansion of our Legat program.


数十名国内极端分子已经起诉nd prosecuted during the past ten years. Among these are Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995. McVeigh was executed in June 2001 for perpetrating the worst act of domestic terrorism ever conducted in the United States. More recently, on January 25, 2002, anti-abortion extremist Clayton Lee Waagner was given a combined sentence of over 30 years in prison for various theft and firearms violations. Waagner is also suspected of sending over 250 hoax anthrax letters to reproductive services clinics in October and November 2001.

During the past ten years, more than 60 subjects associated with international terrorism have been prosecuted in the United States. These include Ramzi Yousef, operational mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a plot to bomb U.S. airliners transiting the far east (convicted in May 1997); Tsutomu Shirosaki, Japanese Red Army member who fired rockets at the U.S. Embassy compound in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 1986 (convicted in November 1997); and Gazi-Abu Mezer and Lafi Khalil, extremists who, in 1997, nearly carried out a plan to bomb the New York City subway system (convicted in July 1998). Yousef and Shirosaki were among the 16 fugitives indicted for terrorist-related activities that have been rendered to the United States from overseas since 1987. The 1997 plot to bomb the New York subway was narrowly averted by the FBI/New York City Police Department Joint Terrorism Task Force.

On October 18, 2001, four Al-Qaeda members received life sentences for their roles in a conspiracy to kill Americans which resulted in the August 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa. Mohamed Rashed Daoud al-Owhali, Khalfan Khamis Mohamed, Wadih el-Hage, and Mohamed Sadeek Odeh were convicted earlier in 2001 in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on a variety of charges related to the embassies bombing plot. Two other subjects in this case are awaiting trial in the SDNY.

1999年12月,联邦调查局和其他执法/情报机构的协调努力有助于应对艾哈迈德·雷森(Ahmed Ressam)被捕,试图试图走私西雅图附近的美国加拿大边境的炸药。2001年4月6日,在洛杉矶进行了为期三周的审判之后,雷森(Ressam)对他的所有罪名都被判有罪。2001年3月7日,另一个涉嫌参与轰炸洛杉矶机场的情节的人阿卜杜勒加尼·梅斯基尼(Abdelghani Meskini)在纽约南部地区认罪,要求为雷森(Ressam)提供物质支持。2001年7月13日,第三位嫌疑人Mokhtar Haouari被定罪与该案有关的指控。今年1月,Haouari因支持Ressam在美国开展恐怖活动的阴谋中的作用而被判处24年徒刑。一个被起诉的主题Abdelmajid Dahoumane被阿尔及利亚拘留。

此外,许多人因参与恐怖活动而被起诉,目前正在联邦调查局寻求。Usama Bin Laden和其他15名主题因其在基地组织和1998年美国大使馆在东非的爆炸而被起诉。在英国,另外三个主题还在拘留中,但有望引渡SDNY的审判。

In October 2001 the FBI established the Most Wanted Terrorists program to focus expanded attention on indicted terrorist suspects. Usama Bin Laden was among the first 22 names placed on this list. In June 1998 Bin Laden had been named to the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list.



On September 11, 2001, the scope and sophistication of the international radical jihad movement was demonstrated with horrendous clarity when 19 hijackers commandeered four commercial airliners, crashing two of them into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and the other into a remote field in Pennsylvania. This attack resulted in more casualties than any other terrorist act ever recorded.

尽管基地组织在阿富汗人的指挥结构tan is destroyed, Al-Qaeda cells in countries around the world will continue to pose a threat to U.S. and other western interests. The plotters who carried out the September 11, 2001 attack maintained a low profile and appeared to actively avoid coming to the attention of law enforcement agencies. Such operational discipline underscores the challenge to U.S. law enforcement agencies in uncovering and disrupting Al-Qaeda cells in the United States. Although the public mind often groups international terrorists into a standard stereotype, such a view fails to accommodate subtle but important differences in goals and tactics among different extremist movements. For example, the low-level operational scope of 17 November (assassinations, small-scale bombings centered primarily in Athens) reflects the limited, ethnocentric strategic goal of the organization (a nationalist Greek state). By contrast, the high-impact, transnational operational focus of Al-Qaeda and other groups associated with the international radical jihad movement clearly underscores a strategic goal to confront the United States and other western interests with high-casualty attacks on a global scale. Despite the military setbacks suffered by Al-Qaeda, extremists adhering to the international jihad movement will continue to focus on attacks that yield significant destruction and high casualties, thus maximizing worldwide media attention and public anxiety. It also appears likely that as governments "harden" (or make more secure) official targets, such as embassies and international schools, these terrorists will increasingly seek out more vulnerable "softer" targets, such as high-profile offices of multinational firms and Americans traveling and working abroad.

Terrorism represents a continuing threat to the United States and a formidable challenge to the FBI. In response to this threat, the FBI has developed a broad-based counterterrorism program, based on robust investigations to disrupt terrorist activities, interagency cooperation, and effective warning. While this approach has yielded many successes, the dynamic nature of the terrorist threat demands that our capabilities continually be refined and adapted to continue to provide the most effective response.
