国会记录:2002年6月5日(参议院)议事规则补编S5032页格雷厄姆先生。总统先生,根据参议院常务规则第三十六条第2款,为了对2001年9月11日事件进行联合调查,我向《国会记录》提交一份情报特别委员会议事规则的补编,以供发表。由参议院情报特别委员会和众议院常设情报特别委员会负责。我请求大家一致同意,把它们印在记录上。无异议,命令将该材料印在记录上如下:参议院情报委员会——补充联合调查规则与房子的联合调查事件的常设情报委员会9月11日2001年,授权参议院情报委员会(“人文”)依照第5部分(a)(1) 400年参议院决议,第94届国会,和SSCI议事规则第6条,并根据参议院常务规则第XXVI.2条,SSCI采用以下联合调查规则,以补充SSCI议事规则仅用于联合调查:联合调查规则1。1.1联合诉讼。SSCI可与众议院常设情报特别委员会联合举行听证会。所有联合听询应被视为两个委员会的听询。 The Rules of Procedure of both the SSCI and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence shall apply in all hearings and other proceedings of this Joint Inquiry, except where superseded by these Joint Inquiry Rules, provided that, at any joint hearing, if any rules of the two Committees are inconsistent, the rules of that Committee whose Chairman or his designee is presiding shall apply. 1.3. For the purposes of the proceedings of this Joint Inquiry, all employees on the staff of either Committee working on the Joint Inquiry shall be considered to be acting on behalf of both Committees. joint inquiry rule 2. hearings 2.1. All testimony at hearings shall be taken under oath or affirmation. 2.2. Subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses, or the production of documents, records, or other materials, at hearings may be authorized by vote of the SSCI pursuant to SSCI Rule 2, or by the SSCI's Chairman and Vice Chairman, acting jointly. joint inquiry rule 3. depositions 3.1. All testimony taken, and all documents, records, or other materials produced, at a deposition of the SSCI shall be considered part of the record of both Committees. 3.2. Subpoenas for depositions and notices for the taking of depositions may be authorized by vote of the SSCI pursuant to SSCI Rule 2, or by the SSCI's Chairman and Vice Chairman, acting jointly, and shall be issued and served as provided in SSCI Rule 7. Deposition notices shall specify a time and place of examination and the name or names of Committee members or staff who will take the deposition. Depositions shall be in private and shall, for purposes of the rules of both Committees, be deemed to be testimony given before the Committees in executive session. 3.3. Witnesses shall be examined upon oath administered by a member of the SSCI or by an individual authorized by local law to administer oaths. Questions may be propounded by members or staff of either Committee. If a witness objects to a question and refuses to testify, the Committee members or staff present may proceed with the deposition, or may, at that time or subsequently, seek a ruling on the objection from the Chairman of the SSCI or any member of the SSCI designated by the Chairman. The SSCI shall not initiate procedures leading to civil or criminal enforcement unless the witness refuses to testify after having been ordered and directed to answer by the Chairman or a member designated by the Chairman. 3.4. Procedures for the attendance of counsel for witnesses at, and for the inspection, correction, and filing of transcripts of, depositions shall be as provided in SSCI Rules 8.4 and 8.7. ____________________