国会记录:2002年6月5日(参议院)第S5033页联合调查的初步范围格雷厄姆先生。总统先生,我请求大家一致同意,由参议院情报特别委员会和众议院常设情报特别委员会对2002年9月11日事件进行的联合调查的初步范围将印在国会记录中。在没有异议的情况下,命令将该材料印在《记录》上,内容如下:对9 / 11恐怖袭击的受害者进行彻底的调查,以回答他们的家人和许多美国人提出的许多问题,以此纪念他们;并为评估政府机构和官员的问责制奠定基础。参议院情报委员会和众议院常设情报委员会采纳这个初始联合调查的范围根据第5部分(a)(1) 400年参议院决议,第94届国会,规则6的参议院情报委员会的议事规则,规则XI (1) (b)众议院规则的,根据众议院常设情报特别委员会议事规则第9条,这两个委员会授权以联合调查的形式对美国在2001年9月11日恐怖袭击之前和之后的情报活动进行调查。两委员会根据其监督和继续研究美国政府的情报活动和方案的责任以及赋予两委员会的所有其他权力,开展了这项联合调查。这次联合调查的目的是——(a)对所有可能揭示美国面临的国际恐怖主义威胁的演变的问题进行调查和研究,美国政府的反应包括情报机构的国际恐怖主义,创建的中央情报局反恐中心主任在1986年到现在,和情报机构所,或者应当从所有来源的信息, including any terrorist attacks, or attempted ones, about the international terrorist threat to the United States; (2) what the Intelligence Community knew prior to September 11 about the scope and nature of any possible attacks against the United States or United States interests by international terrorists, including by any of the hijackers or their associates, and what was done with that information; (3) what the Intelligence Community has learned since the events of September 11 about the persons associated with those events, and whether any of that information suggests actions that could or should have been taken to learn of, or prevent, those events; (4) whether any information developed before or after September 11 indicates systemic problems that may have impeded the Intelligence Community from learning of or preventing the attacks in advance, or that, if remedied, could help the Community identify and prevent such attacks in the future; (5) how and to what degree the elements of the Intelligence Community have interacted with each other, as well as other parts of federal, state, and local governments with respect to identifying, tracking, assessing, and coping with international terrorist threats; as well as biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear threats, whatever their source (such as the Anthrax attack of 2001) (6) the ways in which the Intelligence Community's responses to past intelligence problems and challenges, whether or not related to international terrorism, have affected its counterterrorism efforts; and (7) any other information that would enable the Joint Inquiry, and the Committees in the performance of their continuing responsibilities, to make such recommendations, including recommendations for new or amended legislation and any administrative or structural changes, or other actions, as they determine to be necessary or desirable to improve the ability of the Intelligence Community to learn of, and prevent, future international terrorist attacks; and (b) to fulfill the Constitutional oversight and informing functions of the Congress with regard to the matters examined in the Joint Inquiry. ____________________