国会纪录:2002年2月5日(参议院)Page S322询问声音托里西雷先生。主席先生,美国主席挑战了该国家筹集了额外12亿美元的资源为我们的武装部队。实际上,当国家受到攻击时,就像它一样。总统要求我们致电400亿美元来处理我国的内部安全。随着生命的丧失,我们遭受了遭受的遭受,我们对恐怖主义的所有担忧,就像它应该一样。但是,它是一个非凡的要求。虽然我们愿意承诺资源无穷无尽,但是保证我们国家的安全性,我们对这些情况的国家的好奇心以及我们的国家的情况如此脆弱似乎非常有限。由于我们的人民的生活在历史上最毁灭性的攻击中被占据了最毁灭性的袭击事件以来,这已有5个月。有愤怒和复仇的话语,誓言加强我们的安全性,并承诺无尽的资源。除了询问之外,还有一切。 On September 10, this Nation was not without resources, with a $320 billion defense establishment larger than a dozen other industrial nations combined; a massive internal law enforcement apparatus; and, by press accounts, a $30 billion intelligence establishment. The terrorist attack on September 11 apparently was waged with the combined financial resources of $250,000. It was implemented by 19 people. Why is it I believe that probably financial resources were not determinative in the success of this evil attack? Why is it that I suspect it was probably not the numbers of personnel available? The country was not without resources on September 10. But something went terribly wrong. The allocation of resources, quality of leadership, strategy--I don't know. The real point is neither does anybody else, including the President of the United States and Members of the Senate. At some point, 260 million Americans, with all the rage they feel against our enemy, with all the anger they feel, and with all the sympathy they feel for the victims, are going to want to know what happened and why. There is no limit to the resources that I will vote to make available to the Commander in Chief to defend this Nation. But there is no limit to the efforts I will make to get accountability in this Government for our people. In my State, there are hundreds--indeed, there are several thousands--of widows and orphans. As much as any American, as much as history itself, these people are going to demand answers in the course of their lives. The President has suggested his preference is that we hold private hearings in the intelligence community. That is not how we conduct this Government. There was not an attack on the intelligence committee, nor is it their responsibility alone. Our accountability is to the people of the country. Yet the administration claims that such hearings or inquiries would be a distraction from the war on terrorism. That is not our history or how we conduct our Government. Ten days after Pearl Harbor, with half of the American fleet in ruins and with fears of an attack on California by the Imperial Japanese Navy, FDR ordered an inquiry into how indeed we were so undefended. The Challenger lay in ruins with all of our ambitions for a space program, and Ronald Reagan did the same for NASA. This instance deserves no less. Accountability is at the core of any representative government. On behalf of the people of my State and the victims--their wives, husbands, parents, and children--I demand it now. This Nation needs a board of inquiry to determine the events of September 11--how it occurred and why; where we succeeded and why we failed--not for the sake of revenge, not to cast blame, but to ensure that it never happens again. Armed only with that knowledge--more than any funding or any new weapon--can we genuinely assure our people that those events will not be repeated. Mr. President, I yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. The bill clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. ORDER OF PROCEDURE Mr. REID. Mr. President, during the conferences we have had, it has been determined we could have a voice vote on the Bunning amendment. So I ask unanimous consent that after the Chair reports the bill, we move to the Bunning amendment, followed by the Reid for Baucus amendment. It is not a Reid amendment; I just offered it for Senator Baucus. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Without objection, it is so ordered. ____________________