国会记录:2002年7月29日(延伸)Page E1444 THE LAW ENFORCEMENT PARTNERSHIP TO COMBAT TERRORISM ACT ______议长先生,我今天要向大家介绍《反恐执法伙伴法案》。这项立法旨在指定25%的可用cop拨款,用于州和地方警察部门雇用和培训情报人员和分析人员,以进一步促进我们国家的反恐努力。自2001年9月11日以来,情况发生了很大变化。随着对恐怖主义破坏性影响的高度认识,我们的国家正在各个层面进行变革,以确保国家和国土安全处于我们议程的首要位置。作为众议院军事部队反恐特别监督小组的主席,我在许多倡议中发挥了积极作用。虽然在打击恐怖主义战争中已经采取了许多重要步骤,但我认为,还可以做更多的工作,以确保集中的、相互联系的、全国性的努力。为此,我认为我们的警务部门必须加强反恐工作,而不是简单地为传统的社区警务工作提供经费。指定25%的可动用cop资金,以增加参与以情报工作为重点的活动的执法人员的数量,是朝着这一方向迈出的重要一步。《打击恐怖主义执法伙伴法案》规定,将为每名拨款接受者提供一名情报官员和一名分析官员的专门培训。 Such training will include enhancing the officers' observation, information gathering, foreign language, and analytic skills necessary to spot terrorist threats in their communities. These officers, in turn, will be able to share their skills with the other members of their police force. In addition, my legislation directs the Attorney General to ensure that all intelligence and analyst officers have top secret security clearances. Such security clearances will allow these State and local law enforcement officers to share information with Federal officials, facilitating a concentrated effort. By providing the necessary funding, we can further promote coordination among Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers to ensure an interconnected, concentrated effort in our war on terrorism. I am confident that these efforts will be successful in allowing state and local law enforcement officers to play a vital role in the enhancement of our Homeland Security. ____________________