国会记录:2002年4月24日(延期)第E622-E623页安德烈·德米特里耶维奇·萨哈罗夫死后的美国荣誉公民身份。克里斯托弗H。2002年4月24日星期三,新泽西州史密斯先生在众议院发言。议长先生,我怀着极大的高兴和深深的庄严感,与马萨诸塞州的弗兰克先生一道,提出一项决议,授予一位对世界和平和人权斗争作出贡献的人荣誉公民身份,这一贡献激励并继续激励着他,他自己的一代人和那些跟随他的人。那个人就是已故的安德烈·德米特里耶维奇·萨哈罗夫博士,著名的物理学家、人道主义者和诺贝尔和平奖获得者[[萨哈罗夫博士在苏联科学界享有崇高的地位,从事对苏联政府最重要的国防项目。他于1953年进入科学院,成为该院有史以来最年轻的成员。他享受着苏联社会所提供的一切特权,但他放弃了自己的崇高地位,抗议核试验和核武器建设对人类构成的威胁。这导致萨哈罗夫博士成为苏联内部改革努力的领导者,并在全世界大力倡导人权。1962年,萨哈罗夫博士向他的政府提议,苏联按照美国总统德怀特·艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)在20世纪50年代末提出的方针,发起一项部分禁试条约。1963年8月5日,这项努力导致在莫斯科签署了《禁止在大气层、外层空间和水下进行核武器试验条约》。1968年,《纽约时报》发表了萨哈罗夫博士开创性的论文《进步、共存和知识自由》,该论文追求两大主题。第一个是挑战苏联当局,为了与西方和平共处和结束冷战,增加知识自由。相反,它刺激了西方对裁军和科学交流的兴趣,并使西方的许多舆论制定者相信,与苏联知识分子进行对话是值得的,苏联内部的变革是可能的。最终,这篇论文在世界各地以各种语言印刷了18000000多份。两年内,萨哈罗夫博士与瓦莱里·查利泽和安德烈·特维尔多克列博夫一起成为莫斯科人权委员会的三名创始成员之一。这从制度上体现了萨哈罗夫对人权和法治的兴趣,并将其作为改革和解放苏联政权的指导原则。当苏联、美国、加拿大和32个欧洲国家于1975年签署《赫尔辛基协定》时,他指出,《协定》具有“只有在各方充分遵守[协定]的情况下”的含义。任何国家都不应回避对本国国内问题的讨论,也不应忽视其他参与国的侵权行为。赫尔辛基协定的全部要点是相互监督,而不是相互回避困难问题。”随着萨哈罗夫博士更加致力于本国的人类斗争和全世界的和平,萨哈罗夫博士继续就和平与裁军以及结社和行动自由、言论自由、,反对死刑,保护环境。这种反对其政府剥夺基本人权的“异端”给他带来了苏联政府及其秘密警察克格勃的报复。他被禁止从事保密工作,他的许多职业特权被取消。直到萨哈罗夫博士和他的妻子、人权活动家埃琳娜·邦纳博士绝食17天之后,当局才允许他的儿媳在美国与丈夫团聚。在又一次长期斗争之后,邦纳医生才获准出国就医。与此同时,国际社会正在密切关注他的努力,认识到他的斗争触动了我们所有人。1975年,诺贝尔和平奖授予萨哈罗夫博士,以表彰他“为和平事业作出的个人和无畏的努力”。萨哈罗夫博士写道,这是“我的巨大荣誉,也是对苏联整个人权运动的认可。”1980年1月22日,萨哈罗夫博士抗议苏联入侵阿富汗,萨哈罗夫博士在莫斯科的一条街道上被警方逮捕,并被送往封闭的城市高尔基进行“内部流放”。后来,埃琳娜·邦纳博士加入了他的行列,他一直被软禁在家中,24小时都有警察看守,直到1986年12月。邦纳博士在她的书《孤独在一起》中雄辩地描述了他们的困境。与此同时,在国会的指示下,罗纳德·里根总统宣布1983年5月21日萨哈罗夫博士的生日为“全国安德烈·萨哈罗夫日”his published statement, President Reagan praised Dr. Sakharov's "tireless and courageous efforts on behalf of international peace and on behalf of human freedoms for the peoples of the Soviet Union." Upon his release from internal exile on December 16, 1986 by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Dr. Sakharov continued the fight for human rights in the Soviet Union and was elected to the newly-formed Congress of People's Deputies. Just before his death in 1989, he completed his draft of a new constitution and submitted it to the Constitutional Commission. While many of its specific points were provisional and advanced to provoke debate, the draft fundamentally provided for a democratic political system, revoking the Communist Party monopoly on power. Indeed, a few months after Dr. Sakharov's death, the Congress of People's Deputies repealed Article 6 of the Constitution which had provided the legal basis for the Communist Party's monopoly on power in the Soviet Union. This loss of Communist Party monopoly led inexorably to the collapse of the Soviet Union, which removed from the earth a vast state that repressed its own citizens and presented a powerful military threat to the United States. Recently, President Putin, a former KGB agent himself, called Dr. Sakharov "a visionary * * * someone who was able to not only see the future, but to express, to articulate his thoughts, and do that without any fear." Fearless in the face of state repression, principled in his devotion to peace and disarmament, selfless in the pursuit of human rights for all, this was Dr. Sakharov's character. Mr. Speaker, honorary citizenship is conferred by the United States Government on rare occasions to individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to this country or to humankind throughout the world. It is and should remain an extraordinary honor not lightly conferred nor frequently granted. Mr. Speaker, I believe that for his contribution to world peace, the end of the Cold War, the recognition of the inextricable link between human rights and genuine security and the achievement of human rights, however rudimentary in some areas, in the nations of the former Soviet Union, Dr. Andrei Sakharov is worthy of being posthumously granted honorary citizenship of the United States. I hope my colleagues share my enthusiasm for this initiative and will support this resolution. ____________________