

上午10点,周三,2001年9月26日 - 德克森538


Mr. Chairman, for years I have been deeply concerned that we have not done enough to dry up the lifeblood of the illegal drug trade � free flowing cash.


As our investigators work to "follow the money" to trace financial transactions back to their source � it is becoming more and more clear that free-flowing cash is also critically important to terrorists as they plan, organize and execute their murderous plots.

多年来,我一直在加强执法和更强的法律,将提供执法打击毒贩,资金流槽和恐怖分子所需要的工具的坚定倡导者。In the wake of last week�s terrorist attacks, this has never been more important.


虽然我极力支持全面的反洗钱战略通道,并会继续工作,本届政府实现这一目标。今天,我在这里讨论的立法,我在9月20日,HR 2922介绍,整叠现金走私的2001年法案该法案类似于那些我在105既介绍和106代表大会和强烈地受到司法部的支持。这项立法瞄准了犯罪活动的支持恐怖分子和毒贩通过使货币走私犯罪。



治散现金走私现有的法律是完全不够的。目前,针对大宗现金走私的唯一执法武器就是标题31第5316,美国法典。该法令使得它输送的现金或超过$ 10,000的成罪,或超出,美国没有提出形式与美国海关服务。第5316已通过1998年最高法院的裁决呈现很大程度上是无效的执法工具,美国诉Bajakajian,其中,法院认为违反第5316的构成纯粹报告违规,不保证大宗现金被没收 - 即使走私者已采取精细步骤从海关官员隐瞒了钱。

HR 2922将会给执法部门的一个重要工具在破坏恐怖分子利用他们的活动在美国该法案将使它成为一个联邦犯罪走私现金或货币超过$ 10,000进入或离开美国的融资渠道。Violations of the law could result in the forfeiture of the terrorists� cash or currency as well as up to five years in prison � an individual would be provided the opportunity to show that the money came from a legitimate source in which case there may be little or no forfeiture whatsoever.

州际货币信使是问题的一部分。One of the bill�s key provisions would make it a crime to transport more than $10,000 in criminal proceeds in interstate commerce, thereby making it more difficult for terrorists to move cash within the United States once they have succeeded in getting it into the country. This measure takes on particular relevance in light of press reports that suspected bin Laden operatives taken into custody since the September 11 attacks have been found with large sums of cash in their possession. By making bulk cash smuggling a crime � whether it is conducted within the U.S. or across our borders � we will give law enforcement an effective weapon for separating the terrorists from the funds they need to support their operations in this country.

As chairwoman of the Financial Institutions Subcommittee in the last Congress, I presided over numerous hearings on the government�s anti-money laundering enforcement efforts, including a field hearing in Newark in May of last year that focused particular attention on the bulk cash smuggling problem. Time and again in those hearings, I heard from Federal and State law enforcement agents and prosecutors that the biggest loophole in the current statutory scheme for combating money laundering is the one that allows criminal organizations to transport the proceeds of their illegal activities without fear of meaningful criminal sanctions.

For this reason, I was pleased that several weeks before the horrific events of September 11, Attorney General Ashcroft gave a speech in which he identified the criminalization of bulk cash smuggling as one of the Administration�s highest legislative priorities in combating money laundering.



My answer is simple � each and every day our dedicated and alert law enforcement officials encounter situations that require their careful investigation. Let�s give them the tools they need to conduct those investigations and protect Americans from terrorists and drug dealers.

We need comprehensive reforms to our money laundering laws, and I wholeheartedly support the Administration�s efforts to enact those reforms. The provisions included in HR 2922 are only part of the solution, but they represent straight forward common sense reforms of our money laundering laws that we can enact right now. For the record, I am attaching a copy of my legislation � H.R. 2922 - and a section by section outlining the provisions of the bill. In addition I would be happy to provide the Committee and individual Senators with the Bulk Cash Hearing transcript from my May 2000 hearing at which the Department of Justice, Treasury and the Customs Department testified in favor of this legislation.
