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In summary, the Congress has given us broad authority to access the FBI�s data, documents, and personnel in order to conduct our audits, evaluations, and investigations. This is the same authority we rely on to perform our work at all federal agencies. While things go smoothly on occasion, on many other occasions our access at the FBI has been difficult, resulting in us having to follow cumbersome procedures to meet with Bureau officials and get basic information about their programs and activities. We have had access issues in a number of agencies over the years. However, across law enforcement-related agencies, FBI access issues have been the most sustained and intractable.

Over the past 5 years, we have issued about 50 products that include information related to the FBI�s operations and activities. In only about 10 cases, however, has the FBI been the focus of this work. For example, our report on the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), located within the FBI, describes its progress in developing national capabilities for analyzing cyber threats and vulnerability data and issuing warnings, enhancing its capabilities for responding to cyber attacks, and establishing information-sharing relationships with government and private-sector entities.1更多的时候,我们的工作包括联邦调查局多个机构是一个给定的审查的主题之一。例如,去年我们审查机构官员的安全保护和联邦调查局,但30个的机构之一,我们所覆盖。



我们有广泛的法定权利查阅机构记录,以便进行审计和评估。根据《美国联邦法典》第31条第716(a)款,联邦机构必须向我们提供有关其职责、权力、活动、组织和金融交易的信息。这个法令适用于联邦机构,包括那些执行执法职能的机构(如联邦调查局),并不能免除执法信息对我们的访问权限。如果机构没有在合理的时间内提供这些信息,我们有权要求查阅。为此,我们向原子能机构负责人发出一封信,说明我们的权力和我们需要这些资料的理由。该机构有20天的答复时间,在此之后,总审计长可向总统、管理和预算办公室(OMB)主任、该机构负责人和国会提交报告。如果该机构还没有授予我们访问另一个20天内,总审计长可以向联邦地区法院除非(a)记录与活动总统指定为外国情报和反情报活动,(b)的记录由法律特别免除披露,或(c)总统或管理和预算局局长证明所请求的信息符合《信息自由法》(FOIA)中列出的两项豁免之一,2并披露合理预期可显着削弱政府的运作。(见31 U.S.C. 716(d))。


本着这种精神,在2000年3月,我们会见了FBI官员讨论了许多具体的准入问题,并设法制定出更有效的安排,以完成我们的工作。金博宝正规网址At that meeting, and in a subsequent letter from the Assistant Director of the FBI�s Office of Public and Congressional Affairs, the FBI pledged to do a better job in providing us access to records and people. As you will see from the recent examples cited in this testimony, our access problems have not been resolved.

该类型的最近访问的问题可分为几类,有时重叠。我们的一个最大的问题是延迟。这涉及到我们要求的,并与联邦调查局官员安排会议都接收文件。We have experienced significant delay in an engagement we are just finishing � a review requested by Senator Fred Thompson when he was the chairman of the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. The focus of that review is the FBI�s coordination of foreign counterintelligence investigations, where criminal violations are implicated, with other components within the Justice Department, most notably the Criminal Division. Although this is a very sensitive subject, our work focused on coordination policies and procedures and the FBI�s adherence to them, not on the decisions regarding the investigations or the intelligence they produced. A work log maintained for this job indicates that 112 days elapsed from when a written list of questions was delivered to the FBI to the delivery of its response.3.在这近4个月的时间,我们联系了FBI的15倍以上打听响应的状态。

In another case, we experienced delays in receiving documentation for our work requested by Rep. Christopher Shays, Chairman of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Veterans� Affairs, and International Relations, and Rep. Ike Skelton, Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee on Armed Services. The request concerned coordination between the FBI and several other federal agencies. The issue again was very sensitive, and the report was classified. Beginning in May 1999, we had asked the FBI to produce documents showing administrative guidance it had issued on these activities, the process by which these activities were approved, the timing and duration of specific activities, and evidence of interagency coordination. FBI officials told us they would locate and gather the documents for us. In December 1999, after senior GAO executives intervened, the FBI provided us a minimal and incomplete summary � not copies of original documents. In February 2000 � 9 months after our initial request � FBI officials told us they had no documentation or other records on the activities.

在其他的例子,我们在接收与我们的工作题为报告文件出现延误,ReportsReports枪支管制:全国即时犯罪背景调查系统的实现Combating Terrorism: Federal Agencies� Efforts to Implement National Policy and Strategy等等。不用说,这些延误影响了我们有效开展工作的能力,并通过推迟发布我们的报告,不利地影响了我们向大会及时提供信息和建议的能力。ReportsReports


另一个问题与联邦调查局提供的文件质量有关。在NIPC我们最近的工作,要求参议员乔恩·凯尔,然后主席和Dianne Feinstein参议员,然后高级成员,小组委员会的技术,恐怖主义,和政府信息,我们遇到多次FBI的只能为我们提供无符号和日期的打印出来的文件我们请求而不是最终版本签署。另一个案件与我们的工作有关,导致了之前提到的机密报告。联邦调查局寄给我们一份非正式的文件,没有抬头、签名、日期或求职信。这就给确保资料代表该机构的官方立场以及该立场何时生效带来了问题。

在某些情况下,FBI的官员还没有落实的同类型的,将提供我们是审计问题,更丰富的画面细节。金博宝正规网址在我们的工作NIPC的情况下,FBI给了我们详细的大量信息,其中大部分反映了毫不逊色于它的程序,在收到我们的报告草案后。早些时候提供的这一信息 - 当我们最初问它 - 我们可以做在开展我们的审计工作,并起草了初步报告,更高效的工作。

虽然罕见,在某些情况下,FBI已经否认美国进入我们所要求的信息。在大多数情况下,所要求的信息一直没有比我们从其他机构我们的工作中经常收到的信息更敏感。例如,对于我们的工作涉及到联邦团队,化学,生物,放射性和核恐怖事件(由众议员艾克·斯凯尔顿,众议院军事委员会的少数党成员要求)响应,联邦调查局拒绝向我们提供在任务,预算,其响应团队的资源信息。The FBI said that providing the information to us would jeopardize the teams� operational security, even though the information was unclassified.




虽然随着时间的推移,我们有不同的联邦机构经验丰富的接入到记录的问题,我们在FBI的经验是迄今为止我们的执法机构中最有争议的。The FBI�s reluctance to consistently honor our statutory rights of access has forced us to expend significant energy and resources. The FBI has also limited our ability to respond to our clients � congressional committees and individual Members of Congress � in a timely and efficient way.


