
参议院报告105-167 -第105届国会2d会议- 1998年3月10日

我打算在另一个论坛上更详细地讨论黄先生的问题。附件是中央情报局和联邦调查局局长对我于1997年7月28日向他们提出的问题的非机密回答。中央情报局,华盛顿特区,1997年11月3日。尊敬的罗伯特·贝内特美国参议院华盛顿特区亲爱的贝内特参议员:随函附上你于1997年7月28日向中央情报局局长提交的问题的非机密回复。(我们此前已向参议院安全办公室(Office of Senate Security)提供了机密回复。)正如您所注意到的,我们无法对您提出的所有问题提供非机密的回复。对于那些可以提供非机密答案的问题,资料来自各种国内和国外的公开来源。虽然我们在一些答案中包含了对特定出版物的引用,但这些引用不应被视为CIA对出版物或所引用的特金博宝更改账户定信息的认可。在1997年10月7日的听证会上,你对我们最初的答复没有包括非机密的答复表示失望。 Since the initial receipt of your questions in July, our goal has been to provide you and the committee with responsive answers. For most of your questions, unclassified answers are incomplete and therefore inherently inadequate (a judgment that is obvious from a comparison of our classified response of 3 October with the information we are able to provide in the attachment to this letter). It is important to understand why so little unclassified information is available on the issues about which you asked questions. The focus of the mission of the Central Intelligence Agency is to collect and analyze foreign intelligence information that is generally sensitive and therefore classified. On the specific issues now before the committee, much of CIA's information is obtained from sources and methods that are particularly sensitive. I understand your desire to address publicly important questions raised in the course of the committee's investigation, but the nature of this Agency's work necessarily limits the information available for public release. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns on this matter. Sincerely, David P. Holmes, (for John H. Moseman, Director of Congressional Affairs.) Question 1. Has the Intelligence Community been officially tasked to report on Chinese government attempts to influence the American political system? Answer. The CIA as a matter of regular practice reports to senior US policymakers on Chinese activities, including attempts to influence US policy. The Agency brings this information to the policymaker in several ways. 有时,传播的报告直接发送给我们的客户。 成品智能也发挥了大量作用 - 通过全国情报日报,经济管理人员智能介绍以及众多简报,情报报告,以及量身定制的备忘录,以满足特定的要求和受众。ReportsReports问题2.作为解放军联络部的副主任,邓茂浩是否对媒体安置或其他试图影响美国政治体系有任何责任?的答案。我们无法提供一个非机密的答复来回答这个问题。参议院安全办公室收到了一份机密回复。问题3.中国共产党的统一战线工作部门是否在中国努力中发挥着影响美国政治体系的作用?的答案。我们无法提供一个非机密的答复来回答这个问题。参议院安全办公室收到了一份机密回复。问题3a。 Did the Second Department of the PLA's General Staff Department play a role in Chinese attempts to influence the American political system? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 4. How much money does the Intelligence Community devote to China? To Russia? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 5. How many Chinese language officers do you have at Level 2 or better? How many Russian linguists? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 6. What is the relationship between Stanley Ho and Beijing authorities, especially the Chinese Communist Party? Answer. According to various Hong Kong press reports, gambling magnate Stanley Ho was awarded Macau's casino monopoly in 1962. He is the Managing Director of the Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau (STDM), which operates nine casinos, the Macau Jockey Club, and several hotels and banks in the territory. 据道琼斯报道,何鸿燊还持有澳门航空14%的股份。该航空公司的大股东是中国民用航空局的全资子公司。媒体报道表明,北京与何鸿燊的关系是相互猜疑的。 香港新闻委员会声称,北京对何赌博垄断感到不舒服,并长期以来一直试图确保更大的影响力 - 包括保护STDM董事会席位的努力 - 超过数十亿美元的税收收入为此澳门政府。 1996年9月6日报告的远东经济综述是何正在增加对中国的投资。问题6A。TED Sioeng和北京当局之间的关系是什么,特别是中国共产党?的答案。我们无法提供一个非机密的答复来回答这个问题。参议院安全办公室收到了一份机密回复。问题6B。北京当局和查理特色之间的关系是什么[发音树]?的答案。我们无法提供一个非机密的答复来回答这个问题。 A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 7. What is the business relationship between Ng Lap Seng [pronounced Ung Lop Song] and Charlie Trie? Are they partners in Ng Lap Seng's Hong Kong Food City operations? Answer. We are aware from open source materials, including the Wall Street Journal, that they are close associates and that Mr. Trie appeared to have helped Mr. Ng establish a subsidiary of his Macau-based property development corporation here in the United States. The same reporting also shows that Mr. Ng subsidized a number of Mr. Trie's business activities here in the United States. Question 8. While a member of a White House U.S.-Asia advisory group, Charlie Trie received a CIA briefing on Asian economic issues. How many classified briefings did Charlie Trie receive? How many classified documents did Charlie Trie receive or review? Please furnish the contents of all classified briefings and documents that Charlie Trie received. Answer. On 23 April 1996, analysts briefed the 18-member Presidential Commisson on U.S.-Pacific Trade and Investment at the unclassified level on the general economic outlook for East Asia. Mr. Trie, as a member of this Commission, was present at the briefing. The briefers provided a general overview of China's economy, it's importance to the global economy, and its major trade and investment partners, especially those in East Asia. It also covered China's, Hong Kong's, and Taiwan's economic futures. No classified information was disclosed or furnished. Question 9. What is the relationship between Ted Sioeng and James Riady? Answer. Indonesian press reporting shows an indirect link between Ted Sioeng and James Riady through the Tanuwidjaja family of Indonesia. The Riady family and the Tanuwidjaja family are reported in the press as long-time friends. Sioeng is related by marriage to the Tanuwidjajas--one of his daughters is married to Subandi Tanuwidjaja. There are also business connections--the Tanuwidjaja family bought into the Worldwide Golden Leaf company, which distributes the same Chinese cigarettes as Sioeng's companies. Question 10. What ties does Mr. James Riady have to Beijing officials? Answer. A variety of press reporting shows that James Riady--the eldest son of Mochtar Riady--is in charge of Lippo's Indonesian operations and plays a substantial role in managing Lippo's international businesses, particularly in Hong Kong, where he is Deputy Chairman of Lippo Limited, which controls most of Lippo's investments in China. According to Moody's International, Lippo has 17 of its 138 subsidiaries and 13 of its 30 affiliates incorporated in China. Almost all of these are joint ventures with local, regional, and central governments in China. Lippo has provided financial backing for large-scale public works projects; for example, Lippo has provided concessionary-rate loans to finance many of these projects in key party members' home areas. Question 11. What ties does Stephen Riady have to Beijing officials? Answer. Stephen Riady lives in Hong Kong and is the Chairman of Lippo Limited, which manages Lippo's investments in China. U.S. business press reporting states that Lippo has substantial interests in China--about $2 billion in the Riady's ancestral province of Fujian alone. These include real estate, banking, electronics, currency exchange, retail, electricity, and tourism. According to Moody's International, Lippo has 17 of its 138 subsidiaries and 13 of its 30 affiliates incorporated in China. Almost all of these are joint ventures with local, regional, and central governments in China. Lippo has provided financial backing for large-scale public works projects; for example, Lippo has provided concessionary-rate loans to finance many of these projects in key party members' home areas. Question 12. What relationship did John Huang develop with Chinese authorities while he was a banker in Hong Kong? Answer. U.S. press reports claim that John Huang worked for the Lippo Group, which is a co-owner of the Hong Kong Chinese Bank with China Resources--owned by China's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. 1994年1月,力宝集团和阿肯色州政府赞助了5名中国政府官员访问美国,其中4名来自对外贸易经济合作部,1名来自中国友好服务局。该组织指定黄为其联络人。问题13。关于中国建设银行(CCB)的执照申请,中央情报局给美联储什么建议?Ted Sioeng在许可证申请中扮演什么角色?的答案。我们无法提供一个非机密的答复来回答这个问题。参议院安全办公室收到了一份机密回复。问题14。关于萧德华的“红塔”牌香烟特许权,他是如何获得特许权的? What area does it cover? The U.S.? Southeast Asia? What is its value? Answer. According to U.S. press reports, including Business Week, Mr. Sioeng made money in the late 1970s by selling refurbished tobacco equipment to China's Yunan Province. He was later granted government rights to manufacture and export Hongtashan (``Red Pagoda Mountain'') cigarettes throughout the world. The producers of Hongtashan cigarettes made pre-tax profits of $975 million in 1996, according to press reports. A company official told the press in May that the Yuxi Cigarette Plant in Yunan Province earned $115 million in foreign exchange last year through export. Question 15. What relationship does Ted Sioeng have to the Iowa Wesleyan College? Answer. According to U.S. press reports, including Business Week and Time, Mr. Sioeng has donated money to Asian-American groups and his donations to Iowa Wesleyan College were recognized with an honorary doctorate. Question 16. What relationship does Ted Sioeng have with Mr. Chio Hocheong of Macao? Answer. Our review of Hong Kong and Western press reporting shows that Chio Hocheong is a Macao legislator and nightclub owner. He won a seat in Macao's September 1996 legislative elections. Chio ran under the banner of the Macao Economic Promotion Association, which was backed by the territory's gambling, entertainment, and property development interests. Press reporting is unclear about the nature of the relationship between Ted Sioeng and Chio Hocheong, if there is any. Question 17. Johnny Chung started seven California companies with Chinese nationals as officers, directors, or shareholders. Who are the Chinese nationals involved in these businesses?: What relationship does Johnny Chung have to the China International Trust and Investment Corporation aka CITIC? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 18. What relationship do the Riadys have with CITIC? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 19. What relationship does the CP Group of Thailand have with Beijing authorities? Answer. The Charoen Pokphand (CP) Group is the single largest foreign investor in China with, according to a Harvard study on major corporations in ASEAN, 130 joint ventures and subsidiaries in 27 provinces worth about $3 billion. More than 60 percent of CP's revenues come from China. CP's investments are diversified in numerous industries including agro-business, auto parts manufacturing, real estate, telecom, and energy. 正大集团1979年首次进入中国市场是在农业商业领域,这已经成为正大集团的主要收入来源,占公司总收入的50%左右。据路透社(Reuters)等西方媒体报道,正大是全球第二大鸡肉锅炉生产商,在超过12个国家运营着100多家饲料厂。ReportsReports仅中国就有大约70家饲料厂,每年生产600多万吨鸡饲料中的大部分,每周加工200多万只鸡,占据了相当大的市场份额。 正大是中国第二大摩托车经销商,在中国增长最快的行业之一占有超过15%的市场份额。正大集团还在上海的房地产开发方面进行了大量投资。 正大集团成立了子公司Chia Tai,这是该公司泰文名称的中文翻译。正大集团的名字几乎总是用于商业投资、会见中国官员和进行慈善捐赠。 CP是来自其他外国投资者的独特,他们主要集中在工业上。此外,当其他投资者停止或放缓投资时,CP在天安门事件发生后继续投资中国。CP还为慈善和基础设施项目提供了慷慨的贡献。根据1991年,Dhanin将陈红,中国民政部长,中国委员会秘书长,为中国洪涝区的救济援助,中国委员会秘书长,中国委员会秘书长为陈红。官方媒体。问题19A。CP组与PLA有什么关系?的答案。根据几次新闻报道,PLA和CP都有零售石油业务的企业。ReportsReports问题19B。 What relationship does the CP Group have with CITIC? Answer. Western press reporting shows that the CP Group is the single largest investor in China--concentrating in agro- business and auto parts--and CITIC is the primary vehicle for foreign direct investment into China, making commercial interaction between the two organizations likely. Question 20. Does the CP Group do business with or in Iran, Iraq, Syria, or Libya? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 21. What are the business relationships between Gregory Luchanskiy of Nordex and Vadim Rabinovich of OSTEX? What business relations do either of them have with Roger Tamraz? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 22. Does the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) have a business relationship with Johnny Chung, Charlie Trie, John Huang or Ted Sioeng? Answer. According to U.S. press reports, Johnny Chung brought a COSCO executive into the White House. COSCO's shipping fleet handles about 85% of Chinese exports to the United States. Question 23. Is it true that the last National Intelligence Estimate on the Chinese military was issued in 1992? Is it also true that a draft NIE on the PLA was prepared by the CIA last summer but was suppressed by an outside panel of experts? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security. Question 24. In 1976 CIA Director George Bush established a Team B to have a second look at Community reporting on the Soviet Union. Team B was composed of outside experts who were critics of the reporting at the time and who later became the leading policymakers of the Reagan Administration. Would you consider a Team B for China headed by, for example, former Ambassador to Beijing James Lilley? Answer. We cannot provide an unclassified response that answers this question. A classified response has been provided to the Office of Senate Security.