
华盛顿,D. C. 20510

RE:1473 S.

Space Imaging L. P. respectfully submits the following comments on the proposed draft Commercial Space Act of 1997, S. 1473. Our comments are directed specifically to Title II, Remote Sensing, and the importance of its inclusion in S. 1473 to the survival of the U. S. commercial remote sensing industry.

空间成像。空间成像L. P.是一个有限合伙。它的创始人和最大的两个合作伙伴是洛克希德·马丁公司和雷声公司E-Systems公司空间成像的总部设在桑顿,科罗拉多州,现有员工约225人。空间成像是,今天,全球领先的卫星来源的地球图像商业供应商。空间成像操作美国陆地卫星系统,是印度的IRS系统的国际营销。空间成像还经销的产品来自日本的JERS系统和欧洲的ERS系统。空间成像的未来取决于,然而,在美国的遥感生存作为商业行业。

美国商业遥感。直到本世纪初,遥感技术被用于由美国几乎全部用于国防/情报有关的用途。在1993年年初开始,洛克希德公司(现为洛克希德·马丁公司)等防御性行业的领导者,参加了合作努力与美国政府官员的远程开发新的商业空间感的政策。The purpose of the new policy was to permit U. S. entrepreneurs, including defense contractors and others in the remote sensing field , to use their expertise in high-resolution imaging to create new commercial opportunities and compete in the global commercial market with foreign entities already offering improved-resolution products. These efforts culminated on March 10, 1994, in the adoption of the President's new remote sensing policy, PDD-23.


Relying on PDD-23, its commitment to the commercial development of high-resolution satellite imagery and its assurance that remote sensing was to be treated like every other commercial industry (i. e. regulated primarily by the Department of Commerce), Space Imaging created a new business to commercialize high quality 1-meter satellite imagery. More that $1 billion has been invested industry wide in the effort to commercialize the U. S. remote sensing industry since PDD-23 was issued. Space Imaging alone was capitalized with over $500 million dollars.

The U. S. House of Representatives recognized that in order for PDD-23 to become a reality and for U. S. remote sensing to survive as a commercial industry, clear direction was required from Congress regarding Commerce Department jurisdiction and the imposition of definite standards on State and Defense review of license applications and foreign agreements. In the fall 1997 term, the House of Representatives, notwithstanding State Department objection, stated their commitment to the survival of U. S. remote sensing as a commercial industry by passing H. R. 1702 with a remote sensing title that imposed the standards required to bring certainty to the regulation of the remote sensing industry. Space Imaging applauds the efforts of the House.

S. 1473,伴随法案H. R. 1702,作为介绍,省略了遥感任何参考文献。S. 1473的修正版,现在是在此之前委员会重新整合一个关键区别在于H. R. 1702遥感称号。这不同的是,所有的强加的应用程序和协议,国务院和国防部审查标准被省略。具体来说,注释在特定的时间期限内,在适当的细节提交给商务部部长的要求不再存在。在没有这样的标准,该行业经历,以加强对无故拖延和恣意和反复无常决定的机会,不可预知的和不确定的监管方案。在美国遥感产业不能竞争和在这种调节气候无法生存;因此它是我们心中的生存,我们寻求有H. R. 1702中包含的S. 1473标准。


空间成像计划,以达到通过利用区域分支机构的高分辨率产品预期的全球需求。该地区子公司的关系相似,在空间成像是卫星图像的批发商特许经营的关系,以及各区域子公司是增值产品的零售商。这些区域性的联盟关系,预计将产生通过前面隶属关系费和定期的接入费用空间成像的年收入超过50%(或200多万,每年$)。该地区子公司的关系是一个区域性的联盟协议和区域运营中心购买协议中阐明。这两个协议,或变体,是提交给美国政府的审查中最常见的协议。正如任何商业交易,当务之急是各方有一定的日期,可以在签字时确定具有约束力的协议。In the absence of definitive time limitations on government review, Space Imaging (or another U. S. company) is put in the position of asking a potential affiliate to put up millions of dollars for an agreement without any assurance when or if the U. S. government will approve the affiliate agreement. Moreover, if it is rejected none of the commercial parties involved will have any insight as to why. The uncertainty of this situation makes the creation of a business plan with a hard date for the start of commercial operations almost impossible. It is likewise impossible for either the potential affiliate or the company to project revenues. This combination makes obtaining financing for both the potential affiliate and the U. S. company extremely difficult and in some cases impossible. As foreign remote sensing enterprises, not burdened by such regulatory uncertainty, continue to enter the market, more and more potential affiliates/ customers of U. S. companies will be lost, resulting in a direct and significant loss of U. S. jobs in this industry. This loss of business will not necessarily occur as a result of actual delays in the review process, but will occur because of the mere potential for unlimited delay or unsubstantiated rejection. The market will ask, why do business with a U. S. company when you don't know when or if you will ever have an agreement, when you can do a similar deal with the Israeli's, French or Russians and have a deal today?

If Space Imaging (or any other U. S. company) cannot be certain that its agreements will be reviewed in a timely manner, then it cannot generate revenue and it cannot compete in the world market, particularly against foreign based competitors who are not subject to such restictions.

外国竞争。在商业遥感系统的开发和高分辨率图像的对外营销竞争是显著,并继续以迅猛的速度增长。法国在设计一个1米长的商业系统,目前提供用于出售的人谁购买价格“交钥匙” 3.5米的系统。俄罗斯有几个1和2米项目正在进行,其中包括他们最近成功推出了商用2米SPIN-2卫星。以色列正计划推出一个1米长的系统几乎相同的空间成像公司在1999年他们对这个系统,这是顺利进行,营销方案包括使用与子公司和分销商的合同,并从太空影像公司的经营计划,否则难以区分。德国,日本,中国,印度和其他国家都在设计和施工阶段的商业项目。美国目前拥有的,因为产生更好的技术,更快,更便宜比其他许多国家的能力的竞争优势。这边缘将丢失,但是,如果像空间成像监管的不确定性防止企业采取我们的技术向市场及时和有效的方式。


为了使美国遥感产业要实现商业上的成功,必须有支配该行业的法律确定性,可预见性和透明度。必须有明确的标准,包括时间限制和义务,与某些特异评论,强加给那些谁审查行动或遥感公司拟采取的行动。总之,行业必须鼓励和支持像任何其他美国商业产业,必须有保护自己免受任意和反复无常决策的潜在能力。如果国会不愿给予必要把透明度和可预见性的监管制度的标准,则发送明确的信息,遥感是不是一个商业的行业,而是保持技术仅用于政府使用。空间成像敦促该委员会支持H. R. 1702标题II的包容性,在整体,在1473 S.感谢你的机会来提出这些意见。我们将很高兴为您提供可能需要或接听在您方便的任何问题的任何其他信息。

