MARCH 6, 1997

美国政策在中美洲:1980- 1991年:

当里根政府于1981年上任时,其首要任务之一是结束萨尔瓦多的游击战。第二个首要任务是帮助尼加拉瓜的桑达尼斯塔斯人对抗游击战。洪都拉斯(Honduras)是位于萨尔瓦多(El Salvador)和尼加拉瓜(Nicaragua)之间的一个小国,成为美国在中美洲努力的基地,将成为该报告的这一部分的重点。



前萨尔瓦多局局长詹姆斯·莱莫恩(James LemoyneThe New York Times, on June 5, 1988. In his article, LeMoyne told the story of Florencio Caballero, a self-confessed interrogator in a Honduran army death squad. Caballero says he was trained in Texas by the Central Intelligence Agency.


"interrogation in order to end physical torture in Honduras. They taught us psychological methods - to study the fears and weaknesses of a prisoner. Make him stand up, don't let him sleep, keep him naked and isolation, put rats and cockroaches in his cell, give him bad food, serve him dead animals, throw cold water on him, change the temperature."3

卡瓦列罗告诉莱莫恩,美国人已经训练了他不要谋杀和身体折磨的人。4Caballero claimed the interrogations had started out okay, i.e. they just involved psychological "coercion", but somehow everything had gone all wrong, and they began to physically torture and murder people.5卡瓦雷罗告诉莱莫恩,他折磨了约120名洪都拉斯和其他拉丁美洲人。他告诉勒莫因有关秘密监狱,谋杀和中央情报局在洪都拉斯的参与。6

Between 1980 and 1984, the Honduran army, with American support, uncovered and then systematically wiped out much of the small Honduran guerrilla movement.7当时,洪都拉斯不存在民事司法系统。没有审判法院或律师来捍卫被告。

Caballero told LeMoyne about the torture of 24 year old Ines Murillo in 1983, which LeMoyne was able to confirm. Murillo was a prisoner in a secret army jail in Honduras, and Caballero interrogated her and watched her get tortured. For 80 days, Murillo was beaten, electrically shocked, burned, starved, exposed, threatened, stripped naked, and sexually molested. To keep her from sleeping, her captors poured water on her head every ten minutes.





一位与Lemoyne交谈的美国官员告诉他"the CIA knew what was going on, and the Ambassador [John D. Negroponte] complained sometimes. But most of the time they'd look the other way."10Ambassador Jack R. Binns, who was stationed in Honduras before Negroponte, expressed the same sentiments.

Ambassador Binns made the point that torture practices in Latin America were used long before Battalion 316 came into existence. However, he also stressed that the United States was complicit in Battalion 316 activities, and complicit in training the individuals who made up Battalion 316, because the United States ignored the human rights violations that were taking place in Honduras. Ambassador Binns felt strongly that USSOUTHCOM should be closed down.11

宾恩斯大使试图将局势引起华盛顿特区国务院的注意。根据本恩斯的说法,他报告了侵犯人权行为,并且是"begging for them to take some action."12国家不仅没有接受,而且还告诉Binns停止通过常规渠道举报侵犯人权的行为。他被告知使用后频道,并非常注意没有向国会泄露信息。否则,他被告知,很难获得国会对洪都拉斯的安全和经济援助的认可。13

This attitude undoubtedly sent the message that human rights abuses would not be punished by the United States. It was the same attitude that contributed to the development of training manuals that taught torture, execution and murder in Latin America in the 1980s.

Development of the Training Manuals



In 1983, a manual known as the 1983 CIA Interrogation Manual was put together with material from notes from the Honduran training course, lesson plans used in the course, and the 1963 KUBARK manual.151983年的手册正式命名为“人力资源开发培训手册”,于1988年6月16日首次在情报听证会的特定选择委员会上浮出水面。纽约时报文章“作证酷刑”,美国教授了使用酷刑的洪都拉斯军官。


The CIA confirmed at a hearing before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee in 1988 that it provided intelligence and counterintelligence training to Honduran military groups. At the hearing, Richard Stolz, Deputy Director for Operations at the CIA, testified that from February 8 to March 13, 1983, the CIA trained Caballero, Maro Turo Regalatta, and other Hondurans in interrogations.

根据斯托尔兹(Stolz)的说法,这些课程包括与实际囚犯的实际练习,以及在审讯期间的中央情报局教练的存在。该课程的课程计划或教学计划是基于教师在美国陆军,陆军野外手册(FM)的个人经验,尤其是FM 30-15以及个人经验。17


Under questioning, however, Stolz acknowledged that the agency taught the Hondurans that in dealing with prisoners they should deny them sleep, make them stand up, keep them isolated. In terms of teaching to change the room temperature, or, as stated in the manual, to "manipulate the subject's environment, to create unpleasant or intolerable situations," Stolz asserts that "that's not impossible." He denied all other allegations raised by LeMoyne in his 1988纽约时报article. When asked if there were any corrective actions dealing with the person responsible for the manuals, Stolz responded, "Not to my knowledge."

The most graphic part of the Interrogation Manual is the section discussing "coercive techniques." This section recommends arresting suspects early in the morning by surprise, blindfolding them, and stripping them naked. Suspects should be held incommunicado and deprived of any kind of normal routine in eating and sleeping. Interrogation rooms should be windowless, soundproof, dark and without toilets.

手册建议折磨技术可以backfire, and that the threat of pain is often more effective than the pain itself. It notes that "while [the CIA] does not stress the use of coercive techniques, [they] do want to make you aware of them and the proper way to use them." It states that "illegal detention" and "coercive techniques"19always require prior headquarters approval.20It justifies the use of coercive techniques for those subjects "who have been trained or who have developed the ability to resist non-coercive techniques.21

The Manual then goes on to recommend psychological techniques to break an individual's will to resist. The techniques include: prolonged constraint; prolonged exertion; extremes of heat, cold, or moisture; deprivation of food or sleep; disrupting routines; solitary confinement; threats of pain; deprivation of sensory stimuli; hypnosis; and use of drugs or placebos.

The U.S. military made a superficial attempt between 1984 and 1985 to correct the inappropriate material contained in the 1983 Interrogation Manual, primarily because of the strong public reaction following the disclosure of the Contra Training Manual, discussed below, which was made public in October, 1994. A page advising against using coercive techniques and discouraging torture was inserted into the Interrogation Manual.



The Contra Training Manual

A CIA document instructing Nicaraguan rebels in the techniques of political assassination and guerrilla warfare was leaked to the House Intelligence Committee in October, 1984. The manual, "Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare," instructs how to organize a guerrilla movement and lead it to power by winning popular support and using violence.

该手册是由Contra Rebels的CIA顾问John Kirkpatrick于1983年底编写的。这份长达90页的文件建议雇用专业犯罪分子从事“选择性工作”,通过安排暴力示威来创造“烈士”,从而导致叛军支持者死亡,并迫使尼加拉瓜人违背他们的意愿进行任务。

The document also states that unpopular government officials can be "neutralized" with the "selective use of violence." These terms are not defined in the text. And according to President Reagan, being "neutralized" simply means being fired from one's position. According to almost everyone else, however, it means something entirely different.

1984年10月,当《反对手册》公开发布时,该文件的内容受到了普遍的强烈抗议。众议院情报委员会举行了有关其披露的听证会,高级官员对该文件进行了强烈的讲话,并呼吁当时的中央情报局导演威廉·凯西(William Casey)辞职。然而,最终结果并没有什么戏剧性或决定性的。一些美国官员在手腕上拍了一巴掌。


因此,在1980年代至少两次,美国陆军在拉丁美洲使用的培训材料受到了严格的审查。25As a result of that scrutiny, the Pentagon issued a policy brief which stated that the U.S. would not participate in interrogation techniques that violated U.S. policy, and would actively discourage the use of those methods. It also stated that U.S. personnel should play a positive role in promoting human rights.26



Contra手册公开几年后,在1987年,在巴拿马Ussouthcom的第470 Mibde从Usarsa取回了一系列文件,其中包括教授谋杀,勒索和酷刑的培训材料。尽管上述中央情报局对美国陆军政策发表了有关美国陆军政策的声明,但这些培训材料还是在拉丁美洲和USARSA分发。USARSA培训手册的历史始于项目X。


Project X, part of the U.S. Army's Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program, was the basis for the training materials taught at the U.S. Army School of the Americas in the 1980s. The program was developed from 1965-66 by the Office of the Assistant of Staff for Intelligence to assist select foreign countries in organizing and developing military intelligence operations.

项目X,对外援助的类型之一available through the Foreign Intelligence Assistance Program, provided U.S. Army Intelligence Publications and Training Materials. It was developed and executed by the U.S. Army Intelligence School, Fort Holabird, Maryland. Virtually no official documentation of the origin or scope of the project exists today.28

在1970年代中期,在搬到亚利桑那州的瓦丘卡堡后,美国陆军情报中心和学校(USAICS)开始应要求向参加美国友好国家 /地区的美国咨询培训工作的美国军事机构项目X材料。此外,USAICS的讲师还将项目X材料作为参考材料,用于为外国军官课程准备课程。




The working group asked the OACSI whether Project X material was still releasable to foreign students. The OACSI replied that USAICS could release all unclassified Project X material to the School of the Americas after reviewing it to ensure that it was current. The material was reviewed and released for use at the School of the Americas. All Project X material was in English.

Victor Tise中校是USAICS军事课程的年轻队长。1982年2月下旬,他被任命更新美国陆军库里克堡,巴拿马运河地区的美国陆军学院的全源情报课程。Tise与也在瓦丘卡堡的约翰·辛达上尉合作。


蒂斯(Tise)和辛达(Zindar)直到9月底才能在SOA设计和实施情报培训30and to update Project X material for use at USARSA.31他们是由理查德·L·蒙哥马利少校在瓦丘卡堡监督的,并给出了SOA的拟议教学计划,其中概述了Tise和Zindar要发展的课程。


Tise表示,他没有注意到项目X文件中包含的不适当的培训材料。Tise还指出,尽管所有项目X材料均未分类,但其中很大一部分来自FM 30-18,这是一本有关智能策略的机密现场手册。33Zindar, on the other hand, does recall the inappropriate material, and says that most of it dated back to the Vietnam era, and needed major revisions.34Tise和Zindar都致力于修改材料,以便可以在SOA进行教授。

Major Ralph Heinrichs was in the Department of Training Development at SOA during the period that these training manuals were being updated and transferred to SOA. Heinrichs confirmed that Project X material was in use at the School prior to 1982.35根据海因里希(Heinrichs)的说法,直到1970年代中期,学校都使用了X项目的材料。36

海因里希(Heinrichs)表示,他的老板拉蒙·奎贾诺(Ramon Quijano)和Usarsa的指挥官Nicholas A. Andreacchio上校前往华盛顿特区,在从Huachuca堡转移并通过Tise and Zindar进行了更新后,获得了批准来教培训材料。据海因里希斯(Heinrichs)称,Quijano和Andreacchio与五角大楼情报助理参谋长有分歧,五角大楼最终批准了X材料将重新引入SOA的材料。37It was Heinrichs' understanding that a few changes in the training material were needed. For example: the SOA should not use the term insurgent, insurgency, or counter insurgency. Rather, they should use the term guerilla.


根据蒂斯(Tise)的说法,1982年在SOA教授人类情报的人玛格丽托·克鲁兹(Margarito Cruz)认识到1970年代从1970年代教授的材料,当时他也是SOA的讲师。据报道,克鲁兹建议在DC获得批准后对一些材料进行修改,而Tise认为删除了令人反感的措辞。39It is unclear, however, how much of the objectionable material was removed from the training material before the intelligence classes were reinstated at USARSA in the fall of 1982.

辛达(Zindar)和蒂斯(Tise)都说,他们个人没有在Usarsa教任何令人反感的材料。他们无法确认或否认其他人是否教这些材料。Tise于1982年11月离开SOA,并从1986 - 89年返回。辛达一直呆在SOA到1983年中。从1983 - 1986年开始在学校任教的人没有人接受采访。五角大楼声称,在此期间,Usarsa没有教过令人反感的材料。

Development of USARSA Training Manuals:

There is broad consensus as to how the existing training manuals were developed. In 1984, the SOA moved to Fort Benning, Georgia. In 1987, the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade (470th MIBDE) of the U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), stationed in Panama, asked SOA for help putting together instruction materials for Mobile Training Teams (MTT's) in Latin America.


第470军事情报旅获得的培训材料包括克鲁兹(Cruz)在1982年标记的原始培训材料,并带有令人反感的措辞。40Apparently this material was not subjected to an independent review by the 470th MIBDE or USSOUTHCOM when it was brought into Panama from USARSA.

In 1987 USSOUTHCOM began issuing the training manuals, with the objectionable material, to students and military intelligence schools in Latin America. In 1989, a former member of the 470th Military Intelligence Brigade assumed instructor duties at the USARSA, and used these manuals as student handouts.41这些手册是向十个国家 /地区的学生发行的:玻利维亚,哥伦比亚,哥斯达黎加,多米尼加共和国,厄瓜多尔,危地马拉,洪都拉斯,墨西哥,秘鲁和委内瑞拉。

In March 1991, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) discovered the objectionable materials while planning for Mobile Training Team unit to be sent to Columbia to provide training in counterintelligence and foreign intelligence. DIA requested a copy of the proposed Program of Instruction and training manuals from USARSA. The Spanish language manuals that were to be used were translated into English, and DIA discovered the objectionable material.43

The CIA reviewed the manuals, and noted some policy and classification discrepancies. The documents contained several passages which provided training regarding use of truth serum in interrogation, abduction of adversary family members to influence the adversary, prioritization of adversary personalities for abduction, exile, physical beatings and executions.


During the first week of August 1991, the Assistant Secretary of Defense notified the Congressional Committees on this matter, and the Assistant to the Secretary for Defense reported the incident to the President's Intelligence Oversight Board.

8月9日,在向陆军部长的秘密备忘录中,美国首席指挥官南部指挥官(USCINCSO)和国防部长的助理,国防部长宣布,它完成了一项手册的研究有问题的是“ Manejo de Fuentes”(或“来源的处理”)。研究得出的结论是,手动提倡与美国陆军政策相矛盾的方法和活动。

As a result of these findings, a number of offices were tasked to review U.S. training material and training procedures. USCINSCO was responsible for reviewing all intelligence and counterintelligence training material. It was also responsible for recovering the objectionable materials and educating foreign military groups on acceptable U.S. material. USCINSCO also informed military groups that the recovered manuals were not U.S. policy, and that an error was made by including the objectionable material in the manuals.

The Assistant to the Secretary for Defense was responsible for launching a full investigation into the use of the manuals, submitting a report, together with recommendations, to the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of the Army was tasked to collect all Project X related and training material at USARSA and Fort Huachuca related to the objectionable material, and to put the materials under secret level and wait for instructions for disposal. The ATSD was also tasked with reviewing all intelligence and counterintelligence training material.

On June 28, 1996 the Intelligence Oversight Board issued a Report on the Guatemala Review. In that report, there was a short reference to training materials that were used at USARSA which violated U.S. army policy. Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy launched an effort to have the manuals released to the public. On September 20, 1996, the Department of Defense made the manuals public.


在1991年夏天,切尼国防部长在USARSA使用的培训手册通知后,他指示国防部长 - 情报监督(ATSD -IO)的助手调查使用西班牙语情报培训手册的使用,该手册使用该手册,该手册的使用包含被认为与美国和国防部政策不一致的材料。ATSD-IO于1992年3月10日发布了报告。


The Inspector General report has a number of inaccuracies. First, the Report claims that army personnel did not realize that the USARSA manuals violated standard army policy. However, this office has spoken with several individuals who indicated that they raised the issue of the content of the manuals to their superiors, and were still told to teach the training materials.

其次,根据搞笑,无论是军队element at the USSOUTHCOM nor the faculty at USARSA followed army policy for doctrinal approval of the manuals. Yet before the material was transferred to USARSA, it was approved by at least two different people at Fort Huachuca and in Washington, D.C.,45以及乌萨尔(Usarsa)。尽管在亚利桑那州瓦丘卡堡的五角大楼,前USARSA教练和美国官员打来了无数电话,但该办公室仍无法确定哪些构成官方陆军的教义批准政策。但是,所有接受采访的人都指出,这些手册似乎在在Usarsa教授之前进行了广泛的审查。





The IG report released February 21, 1997 does analyze whether corrective actions recommended by the March 1992 report were satisfactorily implemented. The IG report concludes that they were not, that the report had only a minimal impact, and that ultimately it was unsuccessful.48

The IG report summarizes why the 1992 investigation and recommendations were unsuccessful. It states that:


The United States Army School of the Americas - also known as the School of Assassins - has graduated many of Latin America's most notorious foes of democracy and human right violators. In El Salvador, 48 officers cited for human rights violations in a U.N. Truth Commission were trained at the school.

其中包括埃琳娜·富恩特斯上校,该国是该国最臭名昭著的硬线官员之一。埃琳娜·富恩特斯(Elena Fuentes)在房间里,当时萨尔瓦多军事领导人于1989年下令谋杀谋杀耶稣会士神父。他于1985年和1996年担任学校的讲师。参与耶稣会的谋杀和掩盖是SOA毕业生。

而且有无数的受害者 - 那些在我们政府内部被教导折磨和谋杀的人遭受了巨大苦难的人。

Archbishop Oscar Romero was gunned down in cold blood by SOA graduates because he stood up for the powerless against the powerful. Four Ursuline nuns were ravaged and mutilated and thrown into a ditch for the crime of teaching children to read. The children of El Mozote were machine gunned by SOA alumni for the sin of living in the wrong place at the wrong time.



Half a century later, it is time to shut the School down.

尾注(这些以#3为#1和#2开始Executive Summarywhich was released as part of the whole report).


4.卡巴雷若不包括心理的方法s under the heading of torture. According to LeMoyne, Caballero did not include psychological "coercion" in the same category as physical torture.

5. 1997年3月5日与Lemoyne的对话。

6. Lemoyne,James,“作证酷刑”,《纽约时报》,1988年6月5日,第6节,第6页。45,第1列。

7. Ibid.

8. Ibid.



11. Conversation with Ambassador Binns, Jan. 27, 1997.

12. Ibid.




16. Cohn, Gary et al, "Torture was Taught by CIA; Declassified manual details the methods used in Honduras; Agency denials refuted," The Baltimore Sun, January 27, 1997, p. 1A.



19.人力资源剥削手册 - 1983年,第1页。A2。


21. Ibid., p. L-4.

22.人力资源剥削手册 - 1983年,第1页。K-7。


24. Senate Select Committee Hearing, 1988.

25. Those materials, discussed previously, include: (1) the "1983 Interrogation Manual"; and (2) the "Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare" Manual, also known as the Contra Manual.

26. See page 10 of this report.

27. In December, 1981, President Reagan issued Executive Order 12333, which clarified the authorities, responsibilities, and limitations concerning U.S. intelligence.

28. Department of the Army Memorandum to ATSD-IO, Nov. 4, 1991.


30.因此,Tise和Zindar大约有6个月的时间完成了一项任务,根据SOA的拉尔夫·海因里希(Ralph Heinrichs)的说法,通常将花费12-18个月。

31. Both men remember that when they arrived in Panama, they found some Project X material already there.

32. 1991年8月1日,Victor Tise和OASD之间的对话,由OASD于1996年11月22日解密。

33.同上。Tise无法解释为什么X材料未分类,而培训手册FM 30-18仍被分类。

34. Tise和Zindar都回想起X项目的大部分材料都没有分类,但其中一部分是最高机密。

35.当项目X文件包含令人反感的材料时,该材料在1982年之前在Usarsa发行的事实表明,美国在1960年代和1970年代正在教授这些策略。Heinrichs,Tise和Zindar不记得是否从USARSA档案中获取了某些项目X材料,或者仅使用Tise和Zindar修订的Project X材料。


37. Heinrichs could not recall the nature of the disagreement.

38. Tise和Zindar都指出,有很大的紧迫性将情报培训的材料汇总在一起。他们清楚地表明,里根总统希望立即完成。辛达(Zindar)认为军队对限制有灵活,并且采取了许多捷径。

39. This office was not able to locate Margarito Cruz.

40. According to Tise, objectionable material that was removed by Cruz in 1982 remained in SOA archive files, per SOA policy. Tise believes that material obtained by the 470th MIBDE at USARSA was from current lesson plans as well as archive materials.



43. Point Paper - USSOUTHCOM.

44. Policy and Oversight Report, February 21, 1997, p. 7.

45。It was approved by at least one, and maybe two, offices: DCSOPS and Deputy Secretary for Intelligence.

46. Tise conversation with OASD, August 1, 1991.

47. It is our conclusion that there was no deliberate attempt to violate Department of Defense policies. However, we do believe that there was an unspoken policy coming from the top that the rules could be ignored.

48. Policy and Oversight Report, Feb. 21, 1997, pp. 13-14.

49. Ibid., p. 14.

