1996 Congressional Hearings
Intelligence and Security

1996年12月11日森SPECTER: The Intelligence Committee hearing will now proceed. Our distinguished vice chairman, Senator Kerrey, will be joining us momentarily, but has asked that we proceed until he arrives.

今天早上,我们在我们面前有一个非常杰出的中央情报局局长约翰·迪奇(John Deutch)博士,他将在参议院情报委员会之前上次露面。我们的目的是审查大量未偿还物品,以获得最终报告。

And at the outset, I know that I speak for all members of the committee, and really for the whole Senate and Congress, in thanking you for an extraordinary job, Dr. Deutch. You took on this responsibility at a time of real turmoil and left a position where you, I know, would have preferred to have stayed, to take on the responsibility in this department, and you have done an outstanding job. The only outstanding issue is the relatively short tenure, but it is understandable, all factors considered, that you feel your work ought to be brought to a close at this time, and that is something which I and the committee certainly understand.

The issues which you faced were monumental; candidly, they still are monumental. But you took on matters of discipline within the Central Intelligence Agency which were unparalleled and unprecedented and certainly needed. When the disclosures were made as to Guatemala, you took disciplinary action. And when the matters came to light about CIA failures in the wake of the Aldrich Ames case with the extraordinary, really incredible forwarding of tainted materials of the highest echelons of the government, including the president, you took disciplinary action. And there again, it was very needed, very important. Always a difficult balance as to what you can do in the Central Intelligence Agency and get the job down and maintain morale and maintain the appropriate line of discipline.


And I'd like to yield at this time to our distinguished vice chairman, Senator Kerrey.

森BOB KERREY (D-NE): Mr. Chairman, first of all, thank you very much. And I welcome our distinguished witness this morning, and I look forward to hearing his testimony on security issues which are important to the country and which you -- he and we have worked on for the past two years.

你来电话时,主席先生,这简讯hearing, I don't think any of us expected this to be the final hearing for Director Deutch. It marks the end, unfortunately, of a rather distinguished career. And I want to say to Director Deutch that I'm frankly disappointed that you're leaving. I mean no disrespect at all to Mr. Lake. I look forward to working with him as well. But you've brought a tremendous amount of intelligence to the job, understand the technical issues. You've brought a tremendous amount of organizational ability to the job in a culture, frankly, that's difficult for me to imagine much people doing a better job. But more importantly for me, you've brought a tremendous amount of courage to the job, willing to come before this committee and tell us what you think is the case, what's the truth, what does intelligence cause you to conclude, even though that might produce some discomfort for those of us who are trying to make policy decisions (and might ?) disrupt the status quo. And I think you have elevated the work of gathering intelligence, and you've made it more likely that your successor will be able to get the job done as well.


为了记录,我也可以说这可能是 - 我不知道这是否会,但这可能是主席先生主持该委员会的最后一次听证会。我不确定这是真的。但是,如果不是,我期待第二次这样做。但是在这段时间里,我说与您合作是一种荣幸。你一直很顽强。您将巨大的精力和智慧带给担任主席的工作。您一直将该国的利息放在首位。您以两党的方式操作。


森SPECTER: Senator Kerrey, I thank you very, very much for those very generous remarks. And I have said publicly and privately and will repeat today that it's been a first-rate partnership. I think we've circumvented some very, very difficult political waters and have kept the committee on the straight and narrow for the national interest.

Senator Lugar, would you care to make an opening comment?

森理查德·G·卢加尔(Richard G. Lugar)(R-in):主席先生,我没想到要做一个,但我会利用它来称赞您的主席,而克里参议员克里(Kerrey)伙伴关系,你们俩都表现为非常温暖和建设性,而且已经如此。作为委员会的成员,我很荣幸能与你们一起服务,并至少欣赏您所取得的成就。与本尼特·约翰斯顿(Bennett Johnston)一起在这个委员会中又与贝内特·约翰斯顿(Bennett Johnston)在一起真是太好了,因为他在美国参议院和该委员会中统治了杰出的职业生涯。

And for John Deutch I have the same warmth that has always been expressed by our chairman and our vice chairman. I think you have done a wonderful job. I wish you were continuing. I wish the hearing today was, in fact, a bold statement about all that you were going to do for the next four years. But we will all take advantage of your wisdom, of the extraordinary achievements you have had not only in Defense but with the CIA and with the intelligence community in recent months. And we really look forward to hearing that wisdom. That is at least the joy of this hearing, that we may make some progress that will be helpful to the successors of all this.



This, too, I believe will be Senator Bennett Johnston's last Senate speech. Twenty-four years of extraordinary service. Senator Johnston?

森J. Bennett Johnston(D-LA):主席先生,非常感谢您,并感谢您在委员会和参议员Kerrey的领导下的领导。我喜欢这个委员会的所有工作。

Mr. Chairman, this is my last committee hearing, my last Senate utterance. And I think it's appropriate that I'm here with John Deutch, who I've known very closely for over 20 years. He was the assistant secretary of energy for science and technology, I guess was the title, under Jimmy Carter and brought an expertise to that department that it did not have before, and I must say has not had since.



这是真正的成就感I look at his record, and a real sense of gratitude, I think, of all of those -- certainly of myself, and, I think, of the country, to someone who I think is an extraordinary public servant. So I'd like to say -- as I say bon voyage, I'd like to say bon voyage to John Deutch, who has really achieved for this country and for his country and for all of us.


Senator Glenn?

森GLENN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

我想我只是想在这里与以前的话联系在一起,以免今天早上的唤醒,安息或类似的东西。但是我认为以前的所有陈述 - (脱离迈克) - 约翰,我们在您的任期期间非常紧密地合作,我只是在今天与以前的所有评论联系在一起。我非常担心高离职率((Off Mike))做到这一点,因为我认为这是我看到的最大问题之一,营业额太多。



Director Deutch, the floor is yours.

先生。DEUTCH: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Thank you very much, all of you, for these very kind words.


This morning I want to make five points to the committee. The first point, which several of you recognized, is that progress in improving the performance of the intelligence community requires longer tenure by directors of Central Intelligence. Progress does not come only from leadership or from new ideas; it comes from sustained management attention and work to implement change.

It should come not as a surprise, given the cumulative four years of service that I have spent both in Defense and in the intelligence community, that I am leaving as director of Central Intelligence after a little less than two years at the end of President Clinton's first term. However, I am confident that Tony Lake, the individual who President Clinton has nominated to succeed me, will be an excellent director of Central Intelligence, and he has my complete support. Moreover, the continued presence of my excellent and beloved deputy, George Tenet, will ensure continuity for the agency and for all parts of the intelligence community. I hope that Tony Lake does not take it as an unfriendly sentiment that my confidence is that he will, when confirmed, stay in this job for the entire second term for a four-year period.


First, we have improved the quality and timeliness of the intelligence product for the senior policy customers in the government. Examples include in Bosnia, the Taiwan Straits Task Force, reporting on a variety of important nonproliferation subjects.

Second, intelligence support for military operations has never been stronger. We are able now, for example, in support for IFOR, intelligence support for all the coalition partners in IFOR, in Bosnia, to know how to provide intelligence responsibly to peacekeeping forces.

其次,通过利用新技术 - 例如,正在进行的新图像架构,卫星建筑 - 我们能够保证,将来,美军将具有主要的战场意识,这是必需的。他们在冲突情况下可能会发现自己的完全军事优势。


Fourth, our counterintelligence capability has become a great deal stronger as a result of the reforms that were made after the Ames case. The CIA and FBI are working seamlessly for the first time on counter-intelligence cases.

更普遍的是,在我担任DCI期间,我强调了需要更大的社区合作。改进的CIA-FBI合作就是一个例子。但是,在中央情报副主任乔治·瑟特(George Tenet)的领导下,我们还赋予了对硬情报目标的关注,该目标汇集了所有情报机构的能力,不仅分析师和收藏家共同努力,以确保我们获得为我们的领先决策者回答问题所需的重要信息。

Our emphasis on strengthening the intelligence community relationships is exemplified by the strong centers that have been built and strengthened over the past two years in counterterrorism, counternarcotics, and counterintelligence, and, I hope soon, a new director of Central Intelligence Center for Counterproliferation.

We've improved our cooperation with the Department of Defense in program and resource planning across the intelligence community. It is absolutely important to assure, for the efficient use of taxpayer dollars, that we take maximum advantage of new technology over the

long term and plan for it in a systematic way over a five-year period, program the resources required to have these systems put into place, budget the required dollars, and, most importantly, have the financial controls put into place that will assure that excesses do not take place.

One of the matters that I am very proud of is that during the 20 months that I have been director we have strengthened our financial management capability in the community.

第三,我想说一些关于坏蛋rent status of our human intelligence effort, a subject which in my view frankly there is a great deal of misinformation. In the post-cold war world, human intelligence is needed more than ever before to collect information on the intentions and capabilities of terrorists, of rogue regimes like Iran and Iraq, and countries or groups that are trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction whether they are chemical, biological, or nuclear.



In my judgment the directorate of operations is thriving in an environment which has set high standards very explicitly. Case officers know their work is important and appreciated. As a result their morale is high as I have personally observed in my visits to 33 stations around the world over the past 20 months.

I have been tremendously impressed with the skill and dedication of these case officers in those operations that I have become personally involved.

我想引用 - 阅读上周日《纽约时报》社论中有关中央情报局的一句话。让我读一篇关于本社论结束的报价:“自CIA成立以来,该机构的运营局保留了一种孤立的,自大的文化,繁殖了对民主原则和问责制的危险。”



First, personnel reform legislation was passed this year that provides better tools for career management of our people and, importantly, increases the mobility of people between intelligence community agencies. Under the leadership of Executive Director Nora Slatkin, chair of the CIA's Human Resources Council, a new program has been put into place covering all career aspects of CIA employees -- recruitment, training, assignment, promotion, career development, compensation and retirement.

它是中央情报局各地未来的最重要计划 - 行动局,情报局,科学技术局和行政局。该计划需要您的所有支持。


It is not possible to do the job of director of central intelligence unless it has the support of the oversight committees and this committee in particular. I believe that during my tenure I've kept you fully and currently informed of intelligence activities as it is the duty of the directorate of central intelligence. This committee has supported me and helped me, and I could not have done my job without you. I've known several of you, especially Bennett Johnston, for many, many years, and I have the highest regard, the highest respect and the greatest personal gratitude for your support during my time as director of central intelligence. A strong relationship between this committee and its chairman and its vice- chairman and the director of central intelligence is vital to an effective and successful intelligence community operation in the future.

Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I'll look forward to answering your questions.


We will begin with five-minute rounds of questioning. And my first question -- I hadn't intended to ask this, but Director Deutch, why give added publicity to outrageous statements?



Director Deutch, on the subject of the alleged CIA role in crack sales in Los Angeles as a method of supporting the contras, I compliment you on going to Los Angeles and in standing up and in making available the top man in the Central Intelligence Agency to respond to questions. That is totally impressive and it's something that we senators do with some frequency in open house town meetings, and I think that was very, very important.

This committee has held two open hearings on the issue, on the allegations from the series of articles in the San Jose Mercury News about raising the question as to CIA involvement and either condoning or in some way being involved in the sale of crack cocaine. And we intend to pursue the matter further. We're now trying to find a way to question Mr. Menendez, who is in a Nicaraguan jail. And I know that your inspector general is proceeding with that investigation, as is the inspector general of the Department of Justice. Neither has the kind of subpoena power which is necessary, but I know that your agency will pursue it, and so will this committee.

Is there any updating that you would like to comment on at this time on that matter?

先生。DEUTCH: No, sir. It's just that I want to reemphasize that the inspector general's report will be thorough. As you know, the inspector general's efforts are independent, completely independent from the director, and that these results will be reviewed by congressional committees and that the report will be made public.


But the point I want to take up with you at this moment -- and I had intended to so before the major story appeared on the front page of the Washington Post today, which recapitulates what has been beyond the rumor mill as to possible involvement by Iran, and possible training in Lebanon, in the Bekaa Valley, and the implications as to what that might mean with Syria.


问题 - 我们已经有许多专家作证,但是我想考虑您的思考 - 依靠响应范围。而且我认为以公共方式和公共论坛的方式谈论这一主题还为时过早。

我们拥有 - 我们在恐怖主义和回应方面有很多经验,也许没有一个像对利比亚的反应那样戏剧性的证据,证明利比亚参与了在德国迪斯科舞厅中谋杀两名美国军人,并且然后是1986年在利比亚发生的爆炸案,然后在1991年11月15日由国务院提出的发现 - 这一发现尚不广为人知。1988年12月21日的103航班。”现在,最肯定的是回应我们对利比亚的轰炸。


I think one thing is plain, and that is that in response to whoever is responsible for the attack at Dhahran, doing nothing is not an option. Something must be done. And as a man who has been in the top level of the Defense Department and CIA, I would be interested -- and I'm sure the country would be interested -- in your thinking on the subject.


I will say that the issue you place before me in your question, I think, regrettably, is going to be progressively in front of the government in times to come.

也就是说,您如何应对针对美国或美国利益的国际恐怖行动做出什么?因此,这是一个问题 - 不幸的是,我预测我们会更频繁地与我们在一起。

我要说的是,正确的人 - 做出回应类型的合适个人实际上是政策委员会,当然最终是总统。情报界正在装备自己的工作 - 我认为以一种非常有能力和好的方式 - 在这些事件之一发生时,尽可能快地确定谁是负责任的,什么是什么导致恐怖事件的行动 - 事件,以便决策者可以对哪种类型的回应做出判断,而且我们还保持了秘密行动能力阻止将来更多的恐怖活动,或破坏全球恐怖组织的活动和行动。



导演Deutch,我想以Khobar Towers调查的例子为讨论点。在调查中将联邦调查局成为领先的领先机构的决定是与美国法律有关的,或者是行政决定,或者是由于沙特人所做的决定,这是“这是我们更喜欢领导者”?

先生。DEUTCH: I really think that I'm going to -- we were not going to be able to successfully pursue this in open question. I think it's a -- in open session. I think it's a very good question. I might say that the cooperation between the FBI and the CIA throughout the investigation has been extremely good, but I really think it's not possible for me to pursue this in open session. My first answer will lead to another question, and we --

森Kerrey:是 - 在一个公开会议中,您当然可以说是否有美国法律说 -


我觉得 -

森KERREY: Do you think that -- is there any credibility to the concern that the leaks that have become repetitious now at the CIA contribute to people's unwillingness to work with your agency?

先生。DEUTCH: I don't believe -- the leaks that occur from the CIA -- remember, I represent the intelligence community, which includes the national security division of the FBI, and I would say to you that it is not noticeable to me by any means that the leaks are greater from the CIA than other places. So I wouldn't accept that. I do think that philosophically you can ask -- the question can be raised is it sensible to have a law enforcement agency as being the lead agency in a foreign country in such an important matter. I could accept that question.

森KERREY: Particularly in a military operation. I mean, this is in response to an attack on military personnel.

先生。DEUTCH: Especially when military forces are involved, that's correct.


先生。DEUTCH: That's correct.

森KERREY: I mean, it seems unusual to have the FBI take the lead. I think they've -- they've apparently done a good job thus far, I have no criticism of that, but it's an unusual situation. I'm trying to determine whether that's in response to U.S. law or in response --


森克里(Kerrey):您是否期望在接下来的60天内发生德国起诉 - 我知道他们正在为伊朗的情报负责人提起诉讼,以杀害德国内部的库尔德人,而意大利人可能正在寻找可能这样做一样的东西。

Is this going to make it more difficult, is it going to make it less difficult for us to fashion a correct response in this case? I mean --

先生。Deutch:嗯,作为一个单独的事情,让我说 - 情报问题,我认为看到德国人采取这样的行动反映了欧洲日益认识的,伊朗不仅对美国,而且对美国没有良好的意图西欧总体上一般。因此,我认为德国的行动是对伊朗在赞助世界各地非法活动和恐怖活动中的意图和活动更加欣赏的证据。

森KERREY: I just -- it seems to me that we've got a very, very difficult task to fashion an appropriate response in this case. And it's my belief it could very easily get away from us and be more difficult to fashion a response. And I'm personally concerned when I read that our number one intelligence person -- you -- are giving a briefing of some of the details or all the details of what went on. And I -- let me -- if you want to do that in closed session, I'd be pleased to do that.

Let me ask you if you -- I presume you read Jeff Smith's -- some of the things that he has said about personnel changes in the DO?


森克里:您是否同意试图带出来的人的想法 - 给他们与我们在战争学院中所做的军队中类似的机会,让他们有机会与整个世界重新建立联系?


Very similar to the requirement in Goldwater-Nichols legislation that before you reach flag rank, you must have a joint tour, we believe that encouraging these kinds of tours are important.


森KERREY: Thank you.

森SPECTER: Thank you very much, Senator Kerrey.

Senator Lugar?

森理查德·卢加(Richard Lugar)(R-IN):Deutch主任,本着这是关于安全问题的总结,让我要求这些问题的状态:情报委员会对该问题的询问的地位是什么金博宝正规网址在波斯湾战争期间或之后,美国军事人员可能会暴露于化学武器或生物武器上?根据您的经验,情报界在监视此类武器中的局限性是什么?

先生。DEUTCH: Well, Senator, the issue of potential exposure or exposure of Gulf -- individuals who served in the Gulf to chemical agents has been a matter which has been of tremendous concern to me since I was undersecretary of defense, when Les Aspin was secretary and asked me to pay -- devote particular attention to this.

我的一个在我四年的各种后悔positions that I have had is that we have not been able to resolve these issues, publicly and convincingly, early enough. And I hold myself -- I regret very much that I was not able to bring forward all information that has, in time, come -- become available and be convincing enough to give especially Gulf War veterans a sense that we are doing everything we can to treat their medical illnesses and also to do everything we can to uncover all issues that have come up about how such chemical agents were used.

Let me just say that the intelligence community, in my judgement -- and I now speak relative to my own case -- has done a particularly good job of following up all intelligence information that was available on this. Where we have had trouble is making prompt use and understanding what information was available in the Department of Defense on U.S. forces' exploding of chemical munitions in the gulf.

因此,我认为我们必须继续关注这个问题。情报界正在做很多事情,以便将来能够拥有所需的技术,可用于检测世界上任何地区的化学武器和 - 生物武器的早期敌对使用。但这是一个(n)不幸的经历,因为美国人民不满意,应该满足他们的满足,一切都知道,需要在墨西哥湾在墨西哥湾服役的个人接触化学代理商中所知道的一切。我们应该继续解决这个问题。

森LUGAR: But at least in your judgment everything is known that should be known at this point about this?




We've made it very clear to case officers that when an agent is recruited -- and many of them, most of them, the majority of them are going to have very unsavory backgrounds -- that by documenting with headquarters, complying with the laws that we have to about informing the Justice Department about any criminal activity that is known or suspected by us, that we are protecting the case officers and helping them take risks, and that this is a measure, when properly understood as it is now in the field, it helps us to take risks and it helps us manage risks so that we know that we're getting worthwhile information back.

我可以明确的说,没有娱乐ruitment that has been denied because of the unsavory character or the criminal character of a potential agent. The issue is only we want to know about it and make the judgment and take the required action. But this is exactly the reverse. This is a way of strengthening morale, of appointing case officers in the field, not of reducing their flexibility; it is a way of helping them and protecting them. All the management of the Directorate of Operations agrees with that point; that's just not my point. This is what I mean by requiring the highest professional standards of conduct for our case officers. It helps them. It makes them stronger. And I think it's in very good shape.


先生。DEUTCH: Senator, I believe that I had tremendous background in intelligence. And I don't understand the question, sir. I mean, where did I not have -- if the question is had I been a clandestine HUMINT collection person, the answer is no, but as I recall -- I mean, I ran the intelligence part of the Defense Department for two years. I was a member of President Bush's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Panel. I was a member for unknown number of decades of the Defense Science Board, of the NSA Science Advisory Board, of thousands of advisory committees.

我认为 - 我不明白 - 我的意思是,我无法想象有人推荐这个职位时具有更大的智力背景,除了专业人士一生都在智力上度过一生的人 -

森卢加(Lugar):我的问题是从中央情报局或情报服务中的专业人士的角度提出的 - 我说实际上拥有一个我们自己的问题会更好吗?从本质上讲,这就是提出问题的精神,是您或国家对某人的优势 -

先生。Deutch:参议员,如果您谈论的是技术情报,我声称他们确实有自己的一员。如果您说的是人类秘密智慧,有时也许。我的意思是,有一些伟大的导演在那里有背景,例如理查德·赫尔姆斯(Richard Helms)。但是,让我告诉您,您不会仅通过查看人类的情报收藏来在这个国家获得智力。

So I don't mean to be too defensive about the question, but I would say to you, sir, I have a background in intelligence; it happens not to be human intelligence collection. And some day there will be a director, as there frequently have been in the past which have that background. The most important thing is that you have an individual that has the confidence of the president, that will be honest and say what they think, and can get along with the Department of Defense. Those are the three criteria.

森LUGAR: I think your answer has overwhelmed the question. (Laughter.)


Senator Johnston?

森Bennett Johnston(D-LA):Deutch博士,您的预算中有多少比例用于人类,而不是技术情报?

先生。DEUTCH: Somewhat less than 10 percent.

森JOHNSTON: So that most of really what you do, most of your big decisions are that about which the press prints very little, and is highly important, which is satellites and electronic intelligence; is it not?

先生。Deutch:是的。Yes, sir.

森JOHNSTON: And should the job be divided between human on the one hand and technical intelligence on the other?

先生。DEUTCH: No, I think the argument is overwhelming that the cooperation between human intelligence and -- first of all, intelligence analysis is critical for the targeting. We don't want to have collection go on for things that don't matter. On the one hand, that connection is tremendously important.

And secondly, quite frankly, in the future -- and I've tried to encourage this during my time -- technical collection and human collection can come together in very interesting ways, especially against terrorist targets and proliferation targets.

So I see a very important synergy there, and I think it's very important to manage these together.

森约翰斯顿:Deutch博士,我看到了您 - 我认为是洛杉矶 - 出现在非裔美国人社区的一个团体面前,向他们保证中央情报局没有参与裂缝可卡因业务 - 提醒我一个我参加过的一些城镇会议很少 - 您所说的话似乎并没有完全让人感到放心。您是否满意您需要做出的所有信息来做出明确的判断,即中央情报局实际上从未参与美国的可卡因业务?

先生。DEUTCH: I have no information that leads me to believe that the intelligence community in the past -- remember, this is an allegation about the early and mid-80s -- I have no information to suggest any CIA involvement at that time whatsoever.


森JOHNSTON: But you have no reason to suspect that there was that involvement?




森JOHNSTON: And the inspector general is in the process of making that investigation (now ?)?

先生。DEUTCH: Yes, sir.

森JOHNSTON: And you're satisfied he will have all the information he will need; he will not need subpoena power or any ability that he does not now have?

先生。Deutch:如果他遇到一个认为自己需要传票权力的情况,他应该挺身而出,我敢肯定,我们会找到一种让他获得他所需的访问权限的方法。因此,他会 - 他会 - 他负责挺身而出,说他是否 - 如果他处于需要传票权力的情况下,他会让我们知道。




Senator Glenn?

森GLENN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

我记得不久前在您的婚礼当天回想起 - 我相信据说您有婚礼并重新出任,并在当天下午开展业务。我希望在这一点上,Deutch夫人可以在您的新化身中获得一个不错的蜜月。




DIA发布了一份报告。或者他们于5月6日通知该委员会 - 这是对委员会查询的无分类回应。他们说以下内容:



先生。Deutch:我认为朝鲜政府是 - 朝鲜确实有三条道路,在接下来的几年中,它将倒闭。它要么要成为自己 - 在一个或另一个问题上入侵南方,要么会破裂,要么由于该国面临的令人难以置信的经济问题而在内部崩溃,要么会崩溃。或第三,随着时间的流逝,它将导致一些和平的解决方案和与南方的统一。

这些道路中的哪一条将出现 - 实际上会跨越不确定。

我自己的估计是 - 参议员我不会将其作为绝对声明 - 在未来两三年之间将解决这三个方向之间的发展。几十年来,这不是会持续的事情。

我对您说,我相信有关于朝鲜未来的情报估算,我们可以为您提供给您一个社区范围内的情报 - 不仅在DIA上,而且在社区范围就像在朝鲜一样。他们将大致按照我向您提到的台词。因此,我对DIA言论并不同情。我的描述方式将不那么分类。

森格伦(Glenn):我们在这个委员会和参议院中进行了很多讨论由于朝鲜或中国的威胁,应捍卫,依此类推。您是否认为 - 对美国弹道导弹威胁的情报估计是否应该包括对这些国家的内部发展的评估,例如我刚才提到的国家?

先生。DEUTCH: Yes, they should. I think that the national intelligence estimate, which was done on the ballistic missile threat to the United States, which has been reviewed by an independent panel headed by former deputy -- former Director of Central Intelligence Gates, confirms the essential correctness of the National Intelligence estimate, number one; it says that it wasn't politicized, number two; and it points out very constructively ways that (that estimate ?) could have been strengthened. But fundamentally I think that the internal political developments are an integral part of making estimates about intentions rather than capabilities.

森GLENN: The North Korean threat is mainly a threat yet to be developed. The Chinese actually have a -- the PRC has an intercontinental capability. The figures on the numbers of ICBMs they have, have those figures been released?

先生。Deutch:我不能 - 我不知道 - 我只是在这里不知道是否有未分类 - 我敢肯定,对导弹的数量有未分类的估计。我不知道它们有多准确。


我还想让您有机会回答有关办公室任期的问题。这是整个政府的问题。总统面临的所有问题中最糟糕的问题之一是 - 我一段时间以前在政府事务委员会上遇到的数字,但我记得,大概30%的任命人在18个月内消失了,就像50%在27个月内消失了,或类似的东西。您不能这样运行这样的程序。您不能 - 在中央情报局(CIA),在过去的五年中,我们已经有四位董事。

Do you think that should be a certain term out there? You're appointed for five years, whatever happens, or three years? Or should it be at the pleasure of the president, as it is now? Or should we change that?

先生。DEUTCH: Well, first of all, senator, I want to again say that when I came to Washington, I was prepared to spend four years. Then my expectation was that I would return. It's not -- I can't be blamed for having been pushed toward a post!

森GLENN: I wasn't blaming you. (Chuckles.) No, no.

先生。DEUTCH: But I certainly do not believe the director of Central Intelligence should have a fixed term. I think that it is a very serious misunderstanding of the relationship of the director of Central Intelligence to the president of the United States.

成为成功的中央情报主任的最重要的事情,在您和我之间的力量很少 - 我记得我的朋友参议员Cohen坐在这里说,Deutch先生,他们不应该称您为“导演”,因为您不喜欢t指导任何东西。有很多事实。



森GLENN: My time is up, but I have just a comment. I've -- there's got to be some better way of doing it than we're doing it now --


森格伦: - 我知道。如果不是固定的术语,那么我们该怎么做?

先生。Deutch:是的 -

森格伦:我 - 好吧,我想我会把它保存在下一轮中。但是四年中的四个 - 五年来的四名导演不能那样经营一家商店。

先生。Deutch:参议员,我开始 - 我提出的第一点是 -

森格伦:是的 -

先生。Deutch: - 您绝对是对的;必须有更长的任期。

坦率地说,如果我在那里更长的时间,它将有助于实施正在进行的变化。但这并不是我对我的看法。但是我同意你的观点。我只是不认为 - 我认为将固定期限的解决方案比该疾病要差得多。

森GLENN: Thank you.

森Specter:Deutch主任,现在转向根据制定的安排将伊朗武器转移到波斯尼亚的问题 - 由国务院和国家安全委员会组成,在那里他们根据“无指示”进行了问题。“政策,由加尔布雷思大使和雷德曼大使给克罗地亚总统图杰曼,由加尔布雷思大使确定为副秘书塔尔博特将其确定为“绿灯”或“可感知的绿灯”,这些武器可供波斯尼亚人提供,这是可提供的,波斯尼亚人可以使用。违反了联合国的武器禁运,是在国会在非常激烈的辩论中考虑是否要改变武器的时候,以及有关“无指示”政策或“感知绿灯”的信息,正如我所说的那样它告诉国防部长佩里(Perry)或参谋长Shalikashvili联席会议主席,后者向参议员Kerrey和我传达了这些信息。


但核心问题,除了一些非常broad policy ramifications of not telling Congress, involved the executive branch policy of not informing the CIA director. My first question to you is, do you agree with former Director of Central Intelligence James Woolsey that the Central Intelligence Agency should have been told by Mr. Talbott and Mr. Lake that the United States had given this perceived green light that Iranian arms could be transmitted to Bosnia through Croatia?


在这种特殊情况下,我不知道所有不同的观点是什么,但我了解到中央情报局长是否真的被告知是有区别的,当他被告知时,吉姆·伍尔西(Jim Woolsey)当时,当时。副部长塔尔伯特。但是,让我清楚地表明,在我看来,在此处,在这里的一般情况下,中央情报局主任和国务卿,应告知国防部长。


现在,我注意到您 - 脸上有奇怪的表情。您想对此发表评论吗?

先生。DEUTCH: Well, I'm trying -- what is worrying me is we've had this discussion before. I've forgotten whether we did it in open session or in closed session. But I want to make a point --

森SPECTER: We have not had this discussion in open session.

先生。Deutch:好的。好吧,让 -

森SPECTER: We had a number of witnesses in. But since this was not on your watch, we have not put this on the record with you.

先生。Deutch:对。但是让我清楚一些事情。我的判断是 - 这个事件不是情报问题。这是外交问题。因此,我去过那里吗?如果国会被告知,问题是,这是外交问题,如果 - 哪个是适当的委员会?我确实认为,加尔布雷思大使和副秘书塔尔伯特之间的交流是外交问题,而不是情报问题。因此,我认为这不是智力问题。


好吧,我的红灯刚刚继续,但是我想在下一轮中与您一起追求。而且我相信它确实有 - 您已将您的认可给了莱克先生,我可以理解。但是,我想提出一个问题,即莱克先生对他目前保留该委员会并充分了解的敏感性的参与,这不是在波斯尼亚问题上,也没有得到国会的通知。正如我们杰出的副主席曾多次说过的那样,我们不必从《华盛顿时报》获得信息。也许我对新闻来源进行了宣传,我对我提出了一个问题。

Senator --

先生。Deutch:我认为您会发现Tony Lake充分了解需要完全保留该委员会并目前了解情报活动。在我看来,您将毫无困难。

森Kerrey:Deutch导演 -

森SPECTER: Well, I'm going to pursue that with you in some depth.

先生。DEUTCH: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.



导演Deutch,也许在60天或六个月内,您和我可以就参议员格伦的要求进行对话。我只是 - 我只想 - 为了您的信息,我真的很有 - 我不知道我是否会圈出圈子,但这肯定改变了我对您的陈述的看法董事是永久的 - 一个永久性的期限,您说他们将能够减少控制权,并且它们的相关性将变得越来越少。

I respect very much your view on it.

但是,当您在四年任职韦伯斯特(Webster)和18个月的盖茨(Gates)董事盖茨(Gates)和伍尔西(Woolsey)董事28个月中,现在您在20个月中 - 如果我们与美国国税局(IRS)专员与社会保障管理员的失误,几乎是任何其他 - 我的意思是,国务院的人们,辩方 - 人们会说:“我的上帝,你知道,这太多了。”我的意思是,要使您的方位需要一段时间。需要一段时间才能弄清组织。它需要 - 我的意思是,无论您是管理参议院办公室还是管理中央情报局,在任何管理结构中;我的意思是,我真的不是 - 我的意思是,这是我认为您现在非常接近的东西。而且我还没有对此形成明确的意见。我只是告诉你,我的信心一直在我们继续由总统遗嘱的政治任命的能力上动摇。我的意思是,这些问题太重金博宝正规网址要了。

And it leads, actually, into my next question, which I alert you might be uncharacteristically unfair for me to be asking this question of you. But in your confirmation hearing, you were asked a question that was a very hot issue then as to whether or not the director should be a Cabinet secretary. And in your answer, you stated that the DCI must understand, quote, "how to provide unvarnished objective assessments and not permit himself or herself to get involved in formulating policy, nor to permit policy-makers to influence the formulation of the best objective assessments about foreign events."

现在,如果该标准仍然达到,那么一个人像安东尼·莱克(Anthony Lake)这样的国家安全顾问,他在过去四年中参与了美国政策的制定 - 他将如何能够建立或做客观分析?

先生。DEUTCH: Senator Kerrey, let me go back first to the first point. I really do look forward to reflecting on this and coming back in 60 days.

But my concern is that if you appoint somebody for a finite term and halfway through that term the president or the senior foreign- policy leaders in the country lose confidence in that director, you then have a real problem; that it's better to make the change than to go through the whole term. That's where I'm coming from. But I will reflect on it, and I promise you that I will come back in 60 days and work with you; because if you have a situation where the secretary staying, and the president, the vice president, the secretary of

国防确实对那个中央情报总监没有信心,没有办法带来关键的情报功能 -

森克里(Kerrey): - 我认为,有了四年,18个月零28个月零20个月的这种模式,您可以继续前进,而长长的托尼湖(Tony Lake)在那儿幸存下来。

我的意思是,我只是认为您无法继续这种模式。这是一个重要的组织,具有至关重要的任务。再说一次,我的意思是,我 - 分开问问自己,如果您正在管理任何操作,需要一段时间才能使您的海腿达到一个地步 -

先生。DEUTCH: But Senator, that's -- I started off by agreeing -- I agree with that.

森Kerrey:无论如何,我们可以在以后谈论这一点。我不想 -

先生。DEUTCH: Yeah, but I don't think you can -- I mean -- and I also want to -- I don't want to apologize, but I want to say --

森KERREY: I'm much more interested in your view about --

先生。DEUTCH: I do think --

森KERREY: I know and I like Tony Lake a great deal, and I think he's got the capacity to come in and do an excellent job, but I'd like to have you square what you said, which I think is correct, I think the person who's DCI has to be able to come in and give the unvarnished truth even if the unvarnished truth is that Iraq is stronger today than they were before the Gulf War. I mean, whatever the unvarnished truth is --



先生。Deutch:嗯,我认为一个人可以做到这一点。我认为一个人可以做到这一点,我很有信心,托尼湖(Tony Lake)是一个非常有能力的人 -

森KERREY: I don't disagree.

先生。Deutch: - 他能够做出这种区别,就像我能够对从国防部副部长到中央情报局局长的政策做出区分。我在确认听证会上表示您刚刚阅读的标准是正确的标准。如果您允许中央情报局局长允许政策制定者影响情报判断或开始成为政策的倡导者,那么您会有一个真正的问题。但是我相信标准是正确的,我相信您可以从一个职位转移到另一个职位,并了解您承担的不同职责。

森KERREY: I'm sure Mr. Lake's going to be given plenty of opportunity to answer that question when he comes through for confirmation. But let me just briefly -- and in the second round perhaps we can get into the detail of the answer of it -- one of the concerns that I've got with intelligence gathering is the way it's disseminated, and I'd like you specifically to address the concern that we've talked about, and that is the concern of getting intelligence in the right form in a timely fashion to diplomats at the State Department.

与军队中的人不同 - 我会问这个问题,您可以考虑一下并在第二轮回答,这样我们就不会把它拖出。但是,正如我所看到的,我们将国防部和国务院视为客户所面临的问题之一,这两个组织之间的差异 - 人们经常会归因于权力 -饥饿的国防部似乎是他们似乎主导着智力的传递,但我实际上认为这不是对权力的渴望,而是军队中人民的本质。

Number one, they learn how to plan and how to specify their needs, particularly technical needs. And there is no comparable situation, I think, in the State Department, and it's a real problem. You know, we hope that the State Department, through diplomacy, prevents the need for the Department of Defense to send people into combat in the first place.


因此,您没有这两个要素。因此,在我看来,您必须 - 当我看照片时,我认为您在向国务院客户交付情报方面确实有弱点,我对此感到担忧。正如我所说,我们可以 - 我们现在有第三轮。我不想挖掘主席的时间。我们可以在我的第三轮比赛中谈论这一点。

先生。DEUTCH: Mr. Chairman, can I answer this, or do you want me to wait?

森SPECTER: Of course.

先生。DEUTCH: What you have said is tremendously important. All of our efforts to plan for new collection systems shows that the key issue is dissemination and not more raw collection. So processing and dissemination in all these areas is absolutely key. That's the first point. You ask the CINCs, even they in the military side will tell you processing and dissemination is key.

Secondly, I would like to say that your own personal interest in how this is done via information technology is having an effect on certainly the CIA and the DOD.



That takes two things. It takes a little bit of money -- which is difficult to fund in the State Department budget, where typically the distribution pieces are funded -- and it takes some technical expertise, either within the department or provided by the community, to have happen.

但这是您做出的绝对正确的观察结果,我认为在这一点上可以取得更大的进步,在更有效的 - 电子(尤其是电子)向国务院分发产品。



森SPECTER: Director Deutch, returning to the issue of the sale of arms to Bosnia, and reviewing the hard facts, Ambassador Redman asked National Security Councilor Anthony Lake if he should file a written report on what Ambassador Redman had done on this "no instructions" to President Tudjman of Croatia, which was the perceived green light, and Mr. Lake said no written report. And Ambassador Galbraith said to Undersecretary -- or Deputy -- number-two man in the State Department Strobe Talbott, "Shall I file a written report as to what we did with President Tudjman?" And Mr. Talbott said, "File one after you have the affirmation" -- and he identified two State Department officials -- "after they call you." And neither of them called, so the effective instruction from Mr. Talbott or Mr. Galbraith was "no written report."

And the Intelligence Committee has had one tough time finding out what happened, and I'm not sure we know what happened to this day. We were aided materially by the fact that Ambassador Galbraith prepared a personal memorandum at the recommendation of one of his subordinates, which he signed and, I believe, the subordinate signed. So we have some information as to what went on.

But when you talk about the sensitivity of Mr. Lake to be the director of Central Intelligence, the agency, I have grave reservations about Mr. Lake and about his sensitivity, given what went on in this matter and given the special sensitivity of what has happened historically with other directors of the Central Intelligence Agency, with the big issue Iran-contra.


问题出现,我们在这里——Congress is debating getting out of the arms embargo line. The United Nations has this resolution for an embargo. And the Congress is debating it and taking votes on it, and the Congress does not know that this arrangement was made with a green light for the United States to acquiesce, agree to the sale of arms to Bosnia.

Now, Director Deutch, isn't that something that the Congress should have known when it was debating whether the Congress should take action to stop the arms embargo to Bosnia?

先生。DEUTCH: Mr. Chairman, I cannot answer for Ambassador Redman, for Strobe Talbott, or for Tony Lake on the particular --




森SPECTER: Well, Director Deutch, I'm interested in your knowledge of the man and I'm interested in your conclusions. But I'm a lot more interested in the facts as to what he did in this matter. And he was a party to a secret transaction where the United States acquiesced in the sale of arms to Bosnia that the Congress didn't know about when the Congress was debating whether we ought to lift the arms embargo. And my question to you, is that sort of information which the CIA director ought to tell the Congress about?

先生。Deutch:直言不讳,这些信息是外交信息,应该向国会提供。我无法回答。这不是我的能力领域,或者 - 我什至没有对此进行反思。但是我会告诉你,如果他知道这一点,我认为如果他知道这一点,就不是中央情报局长的法律义务或责任。

森Specter:好吧,如果那是莱克先生的观点,那么我毫不怀疑至少我自己的结论是,他不会成为中央情报局局长的合适人选。如果有人坐在这里的确认程序中 - 莱克先生将在中央情报机构(SIC)面前 - 他说他是中央情报部门的主管,并且知道没有指示和绿灯的政策,一个感知到的绿灯和美国在向波斯尼亚出售伊朗武器时默认了,国会正在辩论是否应该举起武器禁运,他说:“这不是我作为中央情报局董事告诉情报的那种信息委员会“并了解国会已被告知,这将使我对他的确认投票给我一个简单的问题。

先生。Deutch:主席先生,这并不是我所说的。我说他没有 -

森SPECTER: Pretty close.

先生。Deutch:不,有区别。让我还提醒您什么 - 当时谁是董事长。这与今天的情况不同。


先生。Deutch:让我回去说我要提出的要点是 - 我想对此非常确切地说 - 如果这是一项情报活动,那么中央情报局局长就有绝对的法律义务通知委员会。

如果这是外交问题,那么个人是否应该(或不会)会有更多的酌处权。我来与您和副主席谈谈很多事情。他们没有强制性。所有 - 我试图在这里提出的观点不是这不是 - 我的判断是这不是智力活动。因此,他们告诉委员会并不是必须的。很可能他应该这样做,应该这样做。也许我会这样做;这是一个假设。但是我在我看来告诉你,这样做不是义务。这就是我要提出的重点。

I might have well have done it. I don't know. I might well have come up and talked to you about it.

森SPECTER: Well, I am going to get into the issue of the obligation in terms of the statute, which is very important. But I would say to you that when you deal with the executive branch and the Director of Central Intelligence and the Intelligence Committee, we really ought not to be parsing semicolons as to what ought to be done.



但是,在国会辩论我们是否应该举起武器禁运的时候,您进行了这项非常重要的行政部门活动,在这种活动中,有默许和违反联合国武器禁运的行为以及向波斯尼亚出售武器- 尤其是出售伊朗武器 - 在我看来,中央情报局局长将告诉主席和副主席,行政部门的任何人都会看到国会有一个关于事实是什么,国会正在就在这里做什么制定公共政策。

但是请记住 - 这段时间被忽略了 - 国会是该政府的最终力量。国会可以覆盖总统并否决否决权,并在国会做出决定的情况下做出决定。我们的确认当局是我们政府体系中存在的真正重要的制衡之一。

We make a lot of requests of the executive branch, and a lot of requests that the committee has made during my tenure have been ignored by the executive branch because they have a different view.

And our authority lies in the appropriations process and also in the confirmation process. And there are many people in America today who aspire to key posts in the United States government where they have to be confirmed, and Anthony Lake is one of them and there are many others. And one of the real checks and balances we have is to evaluate their work, which we can't touch as long as they are in the executive branch; they can ignore us if they chose to do so. We can withhold appropriations. But when they come before the Senate for confirmation, that's an important check and balance, and that's why I'm pursuing this matter in some detail with you.

As to matter of good faith and fair operation, let me ask you once more; when we're debating in the Senate altering the arms embargo, don't you think we're entitled to know what Ambassador Redman and Ambassador Galbraith said to Croatian President Tudjman?

先生。DEUTCH: Actually, Mr. Chairman, we emerge from this not that far apart. First of all, I agree with you; while I was stressing the legal obligation here, I agree with you that that is not really the key issue. The key issue is the open communication between the executive branch and Congress or the DCI and this committee, on key foreign policy issues which come up. That is the key issue, the openness and the ease of exchange and the trust that exists between them when these come up, and that is the right issue.

在这个特定的情况下 - 使用这些标准,实际发生的事情以及是否应该告知国会是一个不同的问题 - 合理的人有不同的看法。我要强调的是,DCI必须遵守该委员会必须告知的义务,必须是任何中央情报局局长的第一个标准;这些义务必须首先履行。

森SPECTER: Well, I hear you about reasonable people on different views. I think this is not within that category.

But the Constitution talks about advice. I've given a little advice here. And on the consent function, that's the prerogative of the senators in the Senate.


森KERREY: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.


我的意思是,这个问题我在这种情况下,because I quite agree with the chairman I do not believe this was normal diplomatic -- traditional diplomatic activity, and the committee should have been informed. But equally of concern to me is that Director Woolsey at the time, suspecting there might actually be a covert operation in place -- and he suspected there might be something going on here at the time and was concerned about what was going on -- should he, then, have come to the committee and said, "Look, something's going on here, I don't know what it is," even though that might put him at risk of getting his rear end chewed out by the executive branch, by the president? You follow what I'm saying. I mean --


森克里:我的意思是,就是这样 -



But let me ask you --

先生。Deutch:我的意思是,我会在六个月内回到你身边 -

森KERREY: Yeah. I look forward to it.

让我询问您有关您已经制定的资产验证程序。我的意思是,有一些报道称,资产验证降低了企业家精神,使人们更加厌恶风险。让我在这里扮演一个小角色。让我们假设我是您的代理商之一,尽管想像一下,坐在这里桌旁的一群人涉及麻醉品或毒品或增殖或 --

先生。DEUTCH: We could sort that out --

森KERREY: -- or terrorism. Let's just say that this group over here is involved with terrorism, this two tables over here to my right, your left. All right?

你呢 -


森KERREY: And you want me organize -- you want me to penetrate them. Now, they've already indicated they're going to violate the law. There's a law -- we have a law against terrorism, against narcotics, against proliferation. So they don't care about the law. We've already established that they're either convicted criminals or they're people that ought to be convicted as criminals. So we're already established that that's the case. Now --

先生。DEUTCH: We're still in agreement, senator.

森克里:对。现在,我如何 - 我可以接近他的规则?

多伊奇先生:你可以接近他们。你可以应用roach them all, although I'd hope you'd come to me for advice about which ones to go to first. You could approach them all, and then you can come back and say to your -- as a case officer, you'd come back and say "I have 12 candidates to report on terrorism, to be agents on terrorism." And then someone can say "Look, we're not giving you -- your professional competence is not being evaluated solely by whether you recruit 12 or six. What we're interested in is knowing that you have done enough work to select among those the six which will provide the best information," or the four, or whatever it is. And we understand that they are going to have -- they're not going to be lovely people. You'd better tell us about what you know about their background, because it may be necessary for us to inform the Justice Department that one of those individuals that you have recruited has committed a crime against an American. But all we are saying is when you've done that, you go out, you get your approval to do it, and we will stand behind you no matter what happens because you followed the rules and you did it exactly right. And that's the way the process is supposed to function.

森KERREY: Let me take -- I don't want to -- we need to wrap this here and get out. I know the chairman's got other things to push on to as well. Let me say that -- put that on -- add this to the list.

I think it would be helpful -- presuming that Tony Lake is confirmed, I think it'd be helpful for me, at least, to do my oversight job better to have a conversation about this issue, about this asset validation issue. That was a response to Guatemala, a good response to -- I think to Guatemala, but I emphasize "I think". I don't know. And we certainly don't want to tie the hands of people that are out there trying to get information and then ask them in a follow-on when we have a disaster "How come you didn't know?" So for me, for my purpose, it would be helpful to do that.


It's made it -- in some ways it's made our job more difficult, but it really has increased the confidence of us when we do our oversight. And I would add that to the list of things because I think -- again, presuming that Tony Lake is confirmed, whoever is confirmed, they need to continue that and they need to continue to evaluate this asset issue and how we validate those assets.

先生。DEUTCH: Senator, I think it's absolutely tremendous that you have the interest to understand that asset validation program. Its alternate purpose is to assure that those case officers don't take risks which aren't going to yield relevant intelligence, number one; and number two, that the record is there so we can stand behind them no matter what happens, for their protection. And let me tell you --


先生。DEUTCH: No. No. And they like it. They see this as raising the bar of performance, that when they make it, they're even more relevant and more producing what this country needs to defend it. And that's true not only -- that's true all up and down the line. And you should satisfy yourself that that's the case. It's very important in this case.

森KERREY: Thank you.

森Specter:Deutch主任,掌握了法规本身和中央情报局局长的义务,就此而言,包括国家安全委员在内的行政部门的所有人主任将伊朗武器出售给波斯尼亚的时间,这是1947年《国家安全法》第501(a)(1)条的时间:“总统应确保情报界充分保留,并目前了解到目前了解的情报活动美国。”然后是第502节 - 注意,这是总统的责任。“中央情报局局长兼美国政府所有部门,机构和其他参与情报活动的实体的负责人应使情报委员会充分及时了解所有情报活动。”因此,他们在这里谈论实体。国家安全议员当然是一个实体。

And then the question is, what is an intelligence activity? And Section 14(a) provides, quote, "As used in this resolution, the term `intelligence activities' includes the collection, analysis, production, dissemination or use of information which relates to any foreign country or any government, political group, party, military force, movement or other association in such foreign country and which relations to the defense, foreign policy, national security or related policies of the United States, and other activity which is in support of such activities." Close quote.

Now, that is about as broad a formulation as legislators can make to try to throw an all-inclusive net over intelligence activities. And it makes it the responsibility of the president -- so the whole executive branch. But then it goes beyond that and delineates heads of all departments, agencies and other entities, and that would include Mr. Lake. And then, as it defines intelligence activities, it has as broad a brush as you can paint with.

Now, as Senator Kerrey said, he concluded that this was not traditional diplomatic activity. That's an exception on covert action. It is not an exception, however, on informing of intelligence activities. Even if it is traditional diplomatic activity, it does not exempt someone from reporting on intelligence activities.

Now, someone may say that this is not intelligence. I mean, anybody can say anything about anything. But it seems to me it's very hard within the broad sweep of these provisions to exclude Mr. Anthony Lake from a duty to inform the Intelligence Committees, which is really a duty to inform Congress.

现在,我不知道如何更严格地绘制法规。而且我认为我们无法运作 - 这可以追溯到一个以前的问题 - 如果我们要在法规中解析半殖民地。

But let me come back to the technical definition. Doesn't that comprehend Mr. Lake, and doesn't that comprehend matters like this transaction with Bosnia to tell the Intelligence Committee, and tell the Congress, especially when the Congress is debating the arms embargo?

先生。DEUTCH: Mr. Chairman, I've noted before you that I'm not a lawyer; I haven't read that particular definition carefully recent.


森SPECTER: I don't want to do that, I really don't. It's only if you know about it and if it comes within a fair interpretation of what the Intelligence Committee ought to know and what the Congress ought to know. You can't write a statute and say, "Please tell the Intelligence Committee what it ought to know" --

先生。Deutch:但是,主席先生 -

森幽灵: - “请告诉国会应该知道什么。”但是在这里 - 我并不是在中央情报局的主任伍尔西(Woolsey)的主任;他不知道。但是问题是,莱克先生是否要对此有所指责,还是莱克先生是否处于中央情报局局长的职位,他将具有足够的敏感性来告诉情报委员会。当他没有告诉伍尔西时,我认为他没有足够的敏感性 - 当他没有看到国会知道的情况下。莱克知道国会正在辩论武器禁运,莱克先生知道国会不知道这一秘密交易。



森SPECTER: Well, are you saying, then, that Mr. Anthony Lake had a duty to see to it that the Foreign Relations Committee knew about this secret deal?




森SPECTER: I doubt it, but try.

先生。Deutch:我想再次说谢谢。你有 -

森SPECTER: Well this -- we're not finished with the hearing now!

先生。DEUTCH: You got me again!




But then on -- in early October, there were reports that China had secretly sold more nuclear-weapon-related activity; a specialized industrial furnace and highly sophisticated diagnostic equipment to Pakistan in September, which would violate the pledge, which China made to the United States in May of this year, where we had excused them on the ring-magnet operation.

What is your view as to what ought to be done with respect to sanctions as to China, where we come to these very major matters of nuclear proliferation?


森SPECTER: Has there been a violation? Or should we go into closed session to talk about it -- of the May 1996 Chinese pledge?


森SPECTER: All right. Well, we may have to -- we may have to proceed in that direction.

关于反情报的充分性,Deutch导演 - 我对尼科尔森先生的担忧表示赞赏 - 我们的代理机构和联邦调查局(FBI)是否能够充分处理反情报,而艾姆斯(Ames)和尼科尔森(Nicholson)等监视?

先生。Deutch:根据我的判断,我们能够应付诸如俄罗斯等敌对的外国情报服务,他们试图渗透到美国国家安全组织,而不是两年前。我对中央情报局和联邦调查局之间的加强反智能系统具有极大的信心和满足感。因此,您的答案就是 - 您总是可以做得更好,但是我对您的回答将在这里肯定。

森Specter:稍作稍作介绍战争罪行法庭的活动 - 我再次赞扬中央情报局和您在那里所做的事情 - 美国对战争罪行法庭的支持的现状是什么?有助于使被起诉的人(Karadzic,Mladic,其他人)更有可行,以了解战争罪行法庭能够执行其指定职能吗?

先生。DEUTCH: The answer to that is yes. I cannot -- should not go into the details in open session. But both the intelligence community -- many different parts of the intelligence community are addressing this question of supporting the War Crimes Tribunal. It's a very strong interest of the president and of the secretary of State, and we are working this problem, as you know. And I'd be delighted to go into details in closed session.

森SPECTER: You made a brief reference to the legislation which we passed this year in response to the Aspin and Brown Commission on reform. And while we did not achieve all that we had sought, with this committee taking the position that the director of Central Intelligence needed more of an input on the appointment of key officials and more control over fiscal matters, considering the fact that the Department of Defense has 85 percent of the budget, how would you characterize the success in the legislation which we did enact in moving along toward a necessary reform of the intelligence community?

先生。Deutch:首先,我感谢您在此问题上的努力。我认为取得的进步虽然不如以前那么多 - 并非所有措施都通过了阿斯平棕色委员会提倡的所有措施,但取得了重大进展,我对结果非常非常满意。而且我认为其中很大一部分与您和参议员Kerrey对此有关,我认为取得了重大进展。

森SPECTER: Do you --

先生。DEUTCH: Be assured directors of Central Intelligence will be in better shape to carry out their responsibilities because of that legislation.

森Spectre:我刚刚递给您有关您的笔记 - 您需要离开的需要,我将在另一个分钟内将其包装好。


先生。Deutch:先生,我将在接下来的六个月中对此进行反思。我确实认为 - 您知道我已经是一个或多或少是现状的中心。在接下来的六个月中,我认为我会认真考虑是否要坚持这一点,或者我是否认为可能提出了更多雄心勃勃的建议。

森SPECTER: All right, there are other subjects, but I'm going to ask you just one more, and that is you commented about the CIA nuclear proliferation force. And -- where do we head on reorganization of the government? And let me show you, as I did Director -- former Director Gates last week, the chart which shows the vast, complex, obviously ineffective bureaucracy dealing to combat proliferation: 96 separate agencies. And the legislation which came out of this committee and which was passed calls for the appointment of a commission to deal with this. Without unduly burdening you for a response, what is your net assessment as to where we ought to be going on reorganization of the government to combat nuclear proliferation?

先生。Deutch:先生,有两个问题。金博宝正规网址一个问题是关于 - 在政策制定方面的复杂性,这是该图表所解决的问题。我确实认为有空间,就像我在能源部以来我所说的那样,那里有重大改善的空间。


森SPECTER: Well, as usual, we can't cover everything, but we've made a good start. We thank you for being here today. We thank you for the service which you have given to CIA, to the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, and we look forward to your future service to the country. And in an unusual department (sic) from precedent, you may have the very last word.

先生。DEUTCH: Well, Mr. Chairman, thank you for letting me have the last word. I want to thank you personally for your support. And I leave here having satisfaction in my job because of the support you've given me, Senator Kerrey and this committee. But most of all, I leave with real affection and respect for Arlen Specter, and I want you to know that's not going to vanish. I really treasure what has grown between us in the last 20 months. It's been good, and I appreciate it very much, sir.