恐怖主义预防法案 - 会议报告(参议院 - 1996年4月16日)

纳恩先生。总统先生,我敦促我的同事支持参议员拜登我知道,他会在几分钟内提出的动议 - 我认为尚未提出这项运动 - 建议会议报告,因为它无法解决法律中我们在法律上纠正的差距非常明显的差距通过了参议院法案,涉及在刑事恐怖活动中使用化学和生物杀害化学和生物武器。


在过去的6周中,我们在常设小组委员会的调查小组委员会中进行了四次听证会,我是等级成员和参议员Rothis the chairman. Let us be very clear. With the testimony from law enforcement officials, from fire officials, from city officials, State officials, and from our own people in the Federal Government, that, if there were a chemical or biological attack in this country, we would have as the first victims those who came to the rescue. It would be those personnel coming to the rescue of those innocent victims who are caught in that situation that would also become victims themselves because they are not equipped to detect. They are not equipped to really deal with and they certainly are not equipped to withstand the lethal capability of chemical and biological weapons. Over a period of time they may be able to.



A lot of people do not also understand that in the World Trade Center bombing there was really very strong evidence that a chemical component was in the explosive material. There was an attempted effort at chemical attack there also, but the chemical element was consumed by the huge fire and explosion. So we have had that attempt also in this country.

My point is that it is a very dangerous omission in not giving the kind of clear authority in this conference report that we had in the Senate bill.



100多年来,军事参与民用执法活动一直受到POSSE COMITATUS法案的管辖。该法案排除了军事参与法律的执行,但国会明确授权。这项具有里程碑意义的立法是国会关注对军事后战争时代的执法目的增加使用军队的结果,特别是在执行南部的重建法和抑制北部劳动活动方面。

There are about a dozen express statutory exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act, which permit military participation in arrests, searches, and seizures. Some of the exceptions, such as the permissible use of the Armed Forces to protect the discoverer of Guano Islands, reflect historical anachronisms. Others, such as the authority to suppress domestic disorders when civilian officials cannot do so, have continuing relevance--as shown most recently in the 1992 Los Angeles riots.


Over the years, the administrative and judicial interpretation of the act, however, created a number of gray areas, including issues involving the provision of expert advice during investigations and the use of military equipment and facilities during ongoing law enforcement operations.




Mr. President, the nuclear kind of incident is entirely possible. We have to be prepared for it. We are much better prepared to deal with nuclear than we are with chemical or biological. We have the capability in the Department of Energy with a team that has been training and working on this for years, and they are much better prepared. We do not have a similar capability for chemical or biological.


Last June, the Senate included such legislation in the counterterrorism bill with safeguards to ensure that it would only be used in cases of emergency and under certain specific, carefully drawn limitations. In my judgment, the question of whether we should create a further exception for chemical and biological weapons should be addressed in light of the two enduring themes reflected in the history and practice and experience of the Posse Comitatus Act and related statutes:

First, the strong and traditional reluctance of the American people to permit any military intrusion into civilian affairs.

Second, the concept of any exception the Posse Comitatus Act should be narrowly drawn to meet the specific needs that cannot be addressed by civilian law enforcement authority. The record is abundantly clear that we are talking about exactly that. These are cases where local law enforcement and State law enforcement simply could not handle the job.

These issues were examined at a hearing before the Judiciary Committee on May 10, led by the chairman of the committee, SenatorHatch,和the ranking minority member, Senator拜登。在听证会上,出现了五个主要主题:

First, we should be very cautious about establishing exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act, which reflects enduring principles concerning historic separation between civilian and military functions in our democratic society.

其次,不应为使用武装部队定期补充持续不断的执法问题的平民执法能力的目的而创建《 POSSE COMITATUS法》的例外。



Fifth, any statute which authorizes military assistance should not place artificial constraints on the actions military officials may take that might compromise their safety or the success of the operation.

参议院的规定被起草是为了反映《 POSSE COMITATUS法》的传统目的以及该法案的例外性质有限。提出建议我们将在几分钟内进行投票的动议将要求陪同下的规定以较小的技术澄清来恢复该规定,这是自参议院法案通过以来一直引起的。



First, the situation involves a biological or chemical weapon of mass destruction.

第二,形势对th构成严重的威胁e interests of the United States.











This provision is set forth in the motion to recommit. If it is agreed to, and I hope it is, it would make it clear that nothing in this provision would be construed to limit the existing authority of the executive branch to use the Armed Forces in addressing the dangers posed by chemical and biological weapons and materials.

The motion to recommit would address two important concerns. First, as a general principle, the types of assistance provided by the Department of Defense should consist primarily in operating equipment designed to deal with the chemical and biological agents involved, and that the primary responsibility for arrest would remain with the civilian officials. As a law enforcement situation unfolds, however, military personnel must be able to deal with circumstances in which they may confront hostile opposition. In such circumstances their safety and the safety of others and the law enforcement mission cannot be compromised by putting our military in that dangerous situation and then precluding them from exercising the power of arrest or the use of force.

总统先生,有些人想通过一项法规,说军队可以做所有事情,但他们永远无法逮捕。我认为他们几乎在所有情况下都应该服从平民。但是我们不想让我们的军队穿着化学装备,寻找化学武器,其中一些可能已经逃脱了,没有警察可以因为他们没有设备而能够进入在中,直接陷入对行为的人,无法对此做任何事情。因此,我们必须在不寻常的环境中给他们那种有限的权威,上帝禁止 - 我希望他们永远不会发生。但是我必须说,在我看来,在接下来的5到10年中发生这种类似的可能性非常高。




The motion to recommit, which reflects the Senate-passed provision, is prudent and narrowly drafted. It was strongly supported in the Senate by the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, SenatorThurmond。参议院一致通过。国防部和司法部的政府都作证说,现行法律不足,他们需要处理类似于他们现在对核恐怖主义的权威的化学和生物恐怖主义的权力。让我们的执法人员和军事人员没有明确应对这些危险的权力,这是不负责任的。


So this immediate-threat-to-life inherent authority, though possibly available in desperate situations, is simply not the way to proceed. It would be a classic lawyers' debate. What we are doing now, if we leave the law as it is, as this bill before us will do unless it is amended, unless it is sent back to conference and amended, we are basically saying we are going to have one big furious debate among lawyers as to what authority would be used in what could be a matter of urgency, extreme urgency where every minute and every hour counted for the military to get into the business where we have a true emergency and American life is threatened.

So the present law is inadequate. The constitutional inherent authority of the President is inadequate in this situation, and the insurrection law would be, I think, resisted fiercely by any President where you would have to basically make an almost preposterous-type plea for the people who are perpetrating this act of terrorism to disperse and retire peacefully to their abodes within a limited time.




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我必须补充说,我支持参议院法案中的该条款,即被称为Nunn-Thurmond Propision。美国人一直怀疑在国内执法中使用军队,这是正确的。从宣布独立到《宪法》和《权利法案》,在该国的早期历史上对军事的平民控制和将军方与国内执法部门的分离显着。的确,在我们对英格兰国王的不满中列出了他“在我们中间,在和平时期,未经我们立法机关同意的站立军队中的驻军,并影响了军事,使军事部队独立于上级和上级致公民力量。

It was abuse of military authority in domestic affairs, especially in the South after the Civil War, that motivated Congress to impose the first so-called posse comitatus statute. The term `posse comitatus' means power of the country and has as its origin the power of the sheriff through common law to call upon people to help him execute the law.

The statute, in 18 U.S.C. 1385, prevents the Federal Government from using the Army or Air Force to execute the law, except where Congress expressly creates an exception. Domestic law enforcement thus remains as is, in the hands of local communities.

目前,据我了解,国会对POSSE COMITATUS法案创造了有限的例外。如果恐怖分子威胁使用核武器,或者拒绝任何人民的权利以及他们居住的国家无法或不愿意确保其合法权利,总统可以召集军队。

军方也有权分享智力information with Federal law enforcement in attempts to combat drug trafficking. These are limited exceptions to the act, however, and do not generally empower the military to be actively involved in the enforcement of domestic laws. We have done well with a separation between military authority and domestic law enforcement. Although this proposal seems sensible and appears simply to expand upon the military's preexisting authority, to become involved if the use of nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons is threatened, it may, in fact, be unnecessary.




这项修正案将使Posse Comitatus法案的核心引起令人不安的含义。它必须承认,每当执法人员参与不断发展的犯罪事件时,都会有不可预测且紧急的情况。现场的人员必须能够采取必要的步骤,包括逮捕,进行搜查和癫痫发作,有时还使用武力来保护生命和财产。然而,精确颁布了POSSE COMITATUS法规,目的是确保军方不会从事这种平民执法职能。

Let me just say this. I agreed to the language that the distinguished Senator would like to put back in this bill in the Senate bill. I would not be unhappy if that language was in this bill. Unfortunately, the reason it is not is because we have people in the other body who basically are concerned about some of these issues that I have just raised. Rightly or wrongly, they are concerned, and we were unable in our deliberations, as much as we got this bill put together, as much as we have made it a very strong bill, we were unable to get that provision in.


Frankly, we have a very good bill here. It may not have every detail in it that I would like to have. It does not have every detail in it that the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee would like to have or our distinguished colleagues Senators拜登或者纳恩想拥有。我可能会补充说,它没有国会议员的所有规定BarrMcCollum买方Schiff和其他人想拥有。

Nobody is totally going to get everything they want in this bill. But what it does have is a lot of good law enforcement provisions that will make a real difference, in fact, right now against terrorism in our country and internationally. We simply cannot shoot the bill down because we cannot get a provision in at this particular time that we particularly want.

我们都明白这个过程。我们都明白that we cannot always get everything in these bills that we want to. But I will make a commitment to my friend and colleague from Georgia, as I have on other matters. I do not disagree with him in the sense that this is something that perhaps we should do. I will make a commitment to do everything in my power to make sure we look at it in every way, and if we do not do it here--and I suggest we should not do it here on this bill under these circumstances--then I will try later in a bill that we can formulate that will resolve some of these conflicts that both the distinguished Senator from Delaware and I and the distinguished Senator from Georgia and I would like to see in this bill--and others, I might add.


我赞扬众议院成员。那里有很多很棒的人为此而努力。我今天在这里的讲话中提到了其中一些。但是当然,那边的杰出董事长查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer),和others, and鲍勃·巴尔和其他人在这项法案上非常努力。


同时,我们在努力的一个问题bring together people on this very important piece of legislation is that there have been some perceptions over in the House as a result of some of the mistakes that law enforcement has made that perhaps we might be going too far if we follow completely the Senate bill as it came out of the Senate Chamber.

I think those perceptions are wrong, but the fact is they are there. I think we have to work on them and educate and make sure that we, by doing future bills, will resolve these problems, solve them in the minds of not only Members of the House of Representatives who have complaints against some of this information, but also in the minds of others who would like their own provisions in the bill.

我不得不说,有些人 - 我不包括佐治亚州的杰出参议员 - 但有些人只是简单,只是试图阻止这项法案。他们讨厌本法案的人身保护规定。我知道与佐治亚州的杰出参议员没有,他在这些问题上与我同在,但他们确实如此。金博宝正规网址他们将使用任何策略试图制止该法案,因为他们不想进行死刑改革。该法案将将其带给我们所有人。这是值得的。




昨天,我们也有来自Pan AM 103的人。我们有其他。坦白说,他们都要求我们通过这项法案。我正在竭尽所能。因此,我希望人们会投票反对这一动议,即使我本人对佐治亚州参议员有很大的尊重,对他的立场有很多同理心,即使我不明白,我也会想像我经常在美国参议院地板上所做的那样,支持他。







I have tremendous respect for my friend from Utah. He knows that. He and I have been on the same side of the habeas corpus issue for a long time. Now the Governor of Florida, then Senator from Florida, Lawton Chiles, and I came to the floor for 2 or 3 weeks in a row every day back in the 1970's, I believe--time slips by--about the importance of reform in habeas corpus. So I certainly share his view on that.

As much as I think that needs reforming, I do not think that habeas corpus statutes are the problem now. It has been somewhat modified by the courts themselves. I do not think that is as urgent as what we are talking about here, because with the hearings we have had and with the tremendous amount of effort that I have made and Senator卢加尔和others have made in this whole problem of the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons, I do not know whether anything is going to happen next week, next month, or next year.

I do know that we could have some calamity happen without any notice in this area. I hate to see our Nation so ill-prepared to deal with a threat that is much more likely to happen than some of the threats that we are prepared to deal with.

总统先生,我们在众议院的共和党朋友发生了一些事情。我不确定那边达成了什么交易,但是我记得在参议院的地板上非常好 - 我来自犹他州的朋友也可能回想起这一点 - 当众议院通过了一项修正案,这是一个多年前,里根政府(Reagan Administration) - 基本上下达了命令,放弃了Posse Comitatus法规,给了国会议员的命令Hunterfrom California, to shut the borders down with our military, basically shut them down, I believe, within 45 days saying the military would be deployed all over the borders of the United States to basically close the borders, not let any drugs come through.

We computed that we would have to bring all our military forces back from Europe, from Korea, from Japan, everywhere else to put them side by side virtually on the border to comply with that. It passed the House, and it was a Republican-sponsored amendment. Of course, after some light was shone over here on the floor of the Senate, we rejected that amendment. It did not happen.

I also have a long history in this posse comitatus area because I thought certain carefully crafted exceptions to the statute needed to be made in the law enforcement and drug area, but carefully constructed so we did not get our military involved in search and seizure and arrest on a routine basis. I found myself debating the then-Senator from California, now Governor of California, where he proposed an amendment that would have had the military be able to make any kind of arrest and search and seizure for drug transactions in the domestic United States.

这是我本来可以反对的posse comitatus法规的又一方面的豁免。这将在日常基础上对执法部门做出军事反应。我反对。那太过分了。

Here we have my colleagues on the House side, and for some reason now they have switched all the way over and they are worried about even using the military in a situation where we have a desperate situation with chemical and biological weapons where nobody else can handle it. I do not understand it. I do not understand what has transpired. But something strange has taken place here.

I do think we have to approach this whole posse comitatus area with great care. We do not want our military engaged in law enforcement except as an absolute last resort when there is no other alternative and when the result of failure to be involved would be catastrophic.

我还会问我的朋友来自犹他州 - 我知道他试图维持参议院的立场。我非常了解他,知道他已经做到了,您不能在会议中的每个项目上都这样做 - 但我不明白如何支持Posse comitatus comitatus comitatus法规的人如何里根政府的要求现在有不同的看法。在里根政府期间,他们说他们需要这个例外。当时,我们有相同的宪法,同一最高法院的裁决,相同的起义法规,但他们希望对核地区进行豁免,以便他们显然可以拥有法定权力。我们支持这一点。那根本不是党派问题。民主党人和共和党人支持它。里根总统将其签署为法律。



I make one other point. The Senator from Utah mentioned the provision we passed recently in the defense authorization bill that allowed the equipment of the military to be used and to be loaned to law enforcement and other domestic officials in situations that are chemical-biological. That is a very useful addition to the present authority. What you have to have there is personnel who are trained to use that equipment. You cannot jump into chemical protective gear and know how to operate it in an emergency situation, if the Defense Department brings it in and hands it to local police. You have to be trained in that.






