
日历164号第104届国会参议院报告1会话104 - 127  _______________________________________________________________________ 授权拨款1996财政年度的情报和结果的活动,美国政府和美国中央情报局退休和残疾系统,其他目的_______ 8月4日(立法日,7月10日),1995。——命令被打印出来  _______________________________________________________________________ 瑟蒙德先生,从军事委员会提交以下R E P O R T[陪s . 922]军事委员会提交了批准1996财政年度为美国政府和中央情报局退休和残疾系统的情报和与情报有关的活动以及为其他目的拨款的法案(S. 922),ReportsReports对该议案提出赞许的报告并提出一项修正案,并建议经修订的法案获得通过。第922号法案的目的是授权1996财政年度美国情报活动的拨款和其他事项,包括在军事委员会管辖范围内的某些与国防部情报有关的活动。情报特别委员会(SSCI)于1995年6月14日报告了该法案,并根据第94届国会参议院第400号决议第3(b)节提交给了军事委员会。委员会审查范围委员会对1996财政年度的情报界授权请求进行了详细审查。该委员会举行了听证会,并会见了参议院情报特别委员会主席和副主席。该委员会仔细审查了情报特别委员会的报告(参议员代表104-97),并将该委员会的相关预算决定纳入S. 1026,即1996财政年度国防授权法案,该法案于1995年7月10日提交给参议院。 The following explains the Committee's amendment to the bill as reported by the Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as the Committee's clarification to the report issued by the Select Committee. Scope of schedule Section 102 provides that the amounts authorized to be appropriated are those specified in the classified Schedule of Authorizations. Unfortunately that Schedule of Authorizations contained two subparts; one relating to the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP) and one relating to the Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP). The JMIP is a new budget and organizational category of the Department of Defense. The JMIP consists of four component programs, each of which was formerly funded in the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) aggregation. The Senate Armed Services Committee has sole authorization jurisdiction over TIARA and hence over the JMIP which is an aggregation of TIARA activities. Accordingly, the Armed Services Committee recommends an amendment to section 102 that clarifies that the Schedule of Authorizations is only the Schedule of Authorizations for the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP). COMMITTEE ACTION In accordance with the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended by the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970, there is set forth below the Committee vote to report favorably S. 922 with an amendment. The Committee conducted two votes. First, the Committee adopted the Committee amendment by voice vote. Second, the Committee adopted the underlying bill with an amendment by voice vote. After both votes, Senators Glenn and Bryan requested to be recorded in the negative. fiscal data The Committee will publish in the Congressional Record information on five-year cost projections when such information is received from the Congressional Budget Office. REGULATORY IMPACT Paragraph 11(b) of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate requires that a report on the regulatory impact of a bill be included in the report on the bill. The Committee finds that there is no regulatory impact in the cost of S. 922. CHANGES IN EXISTING LAW Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 12 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the changes in existing law made by certain portions of the bill have not been shown in this section of the report because, in the opinion of the Committee, it is necessary to dispense with showing such changes in order to expedite the business of the Senate and reduce the expenditure of funds.