爱德华·李·霍华德(Edward Lee Howard)(参议院 - 1991年11月27日)

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Mr.McCONNELL.总统先生,我想花点时间评论昨天的《华盛顿时报》上发表的一篇文章。它的标题为“ CIA叛逃者现在无人看管”,详细介绍了对爱德华·李·霍华德(Edward Lee Howard)的明显减少的兴趣,这是联邦调查局(FBI)曾经被联邦调查局(FBI)想要的前中央情报局雇员,以将美国秘密出售给苏联人。

I cannot image the future Howard envisioned for himself in the Soviet Union when he defected in 1986. He gave up everything he had--including his wife and son--to settle what appears to be a personal score with the CIA. Surely he didn't think the loving embrace he received by the KGB would last forever. If he did, his vision of a guarded life must certainly be changing with each day.

我只能想象霍华德目前是有限的use to Soviet authorities, having had several years to reveal his knowledge of United States intelligence operations and procedures. In short, Mr. President, Edward Lee Howard is no longer an asset to that intelligence organization. In the months to come, I anticipate that Howard will feel more than the Moscow winter--he will realize a definite chill in his relationship with his Soviet protectors.

Mr. President, in closing let me just add that I intend to continue to follow developments in this case. In the near future, Mr. Howard might very well find his welcome in the Soviet Union has worn thin.

In order that my colleagues become more familiar with this case, I ask that a New York Times Magazine article by David Wise and a copy of the Washington Times article appear in the记录following my remarks.



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据布什政府情报官员称,中央情报局叛逃者爱德华·李·霍华德(Edward Lee Howard)失去了克格勃在莫斯科提供的全天候保护,并担心他可能会移交给美国当局进行起诉。

一个西方记者最近接近霍华德在his Moscow apartment and the defector tried to have the reporter thrown out, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.

However, no security guards were present or came to Howard's aid in trying to oust the journalist from the apartment building, the officials said.

The officials said the incident was a clear sign the Soviets have abandoned the blanket protection once afforded their prize CIA defector.

FBI spokesman Bill Carter declined to comment on whether Howard has lost his security protection. But he said the former CIA operative still is wanted on espionage charges.

在莫斯科,苏联安全警察的发言人亚历克斯·扎哈罗夫(Alexi Zakharov)谈到霍华德时说:“我不认识这个人,但在我们国家,一切皆有可能。”

Asked if someone like Howard might leave the country someday, the spokesman said of the spy business; `In these days, ours leave, and yours come, so in general everything is possible.'


Trained as a Moscow case officer, he is the first CIA officer ever to defect to the KGB, and U.S. officials have said his disclosures caused the deaths of several agents working secretly in Moscow.

克格勃是苏联权力的中央支柱,在披露其董事长弗拉基米尔·克里奇科夫(Vladimir Kryuchkov)和几位顶级助手的披露后,被解散了,并帮助了去年8月的堕胎政变。


Howard told The Washington Post last year that he lived in a country house outside Moscow with two KGB guards who provided 24-hour protection against possible kidnapping by Western spy services.


1988年关于霍华德(Howard)的书《逃脱的间谍》的书的作者大卫·怀斯(David Wise)说,叛逃者还住在莫斯科购物区Arbat附近的克格勃(KGB)提供的公寓里。

It was at this second-floor apartment where the recent confrontation between Howard and a Western correspondent took place, the officials said.

`He worries a lot about being abducted,' Mr. Wise said in an interview.

According to Mr. Wise, Howard told him during a series of interviews in Hungary several years ago that he feared the CIA would abduct him or poison food sent to him from abroad.


联邦调查局情报部已故的主管托马斯·杜哈德威(Thomas Duhadway)在9月表示,美国应敦促苏联渡雅霍华德,以换取美国的经济援助。

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The Spy Who Got Away

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(大卫·怀斯(David Wise))

(Edward Lee Howard was a C.I.A. recruit bound for Moscow. Dismissed, he eluded the F.B.I., defected and left U.S. intelligence efforts compromised. Now it has been learned that another ex-C.I.A. agent was aware of the betrayal.)

在圣达菲附近的沙漠中的暮光之处的沉默中,天空会改变颜色,阴影变成粉红色和红色,日落在金蛇,刺刺的梨仙人掌和杜松树上散发出橙色的光芒。Sangre de Cristo山脉变成紫色,然后迅速变成黑色。突然,第一批恒星出现了,夜晚属于土狼,the吟着的蟾蜍和猫头鹰。

一年前的一个夜晚,乌云由四分之一月的月份赛车,中央情报机构的33岁前任官员爱德华·李·霍华德(Edward Lee Howard)逃离了联邦局的代理商调查并消失了。

今年8月7日,他在莫斯科浮出水面,授予俄罗斯人的政治庇护。根据情报官员的说法,霍华德背叛了C.I.A.使用的方法。在情报行话中联系其间谍(“归属”)在苏联,直接导致逮捕此类C.I.A.苏联辩护研究员阿道夫·托尔卡乔夫(Adolf G. Tolkachev)资产,其处决是由苏联新闻社塔斯斯(Tass)宣布的一周半。霍华德的信息也可能导致莫斯科驱逐了几位美国情报人员,并拘留了为C.I.A.工作的其他苏联公民。

Howard is the first known C.I.A. man to have defected to the Soviet Union in the 39-year history of the agency. His defection was, perhaps, the greatest embarrassment ever suffered by the C.I.A. But a second former C.I.A. man, whose identity and role have been a tightly guarded secret, is also a key figure in the case. The second man is William G. Bosch.

联邦调查局。agents tracked Bosch down on South Padre Island, at the southernmost tip of Texas, near the Mexican border. For four days, they interrogated him, even as other agents maintained a 24-hour surveillance on Howard in Santa Fe, N.M. According to intelligence sources, Bosch finally told the F.B.I. that on a visit to the island, Howard confided to him that he had sold secrets to the K.G.B. in Europe and sought to enlist him in further espionage plans. The officials said Bosch also told the F.B.I. that the two men discussed taking a trip to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico.

But in a day of high drama, at the very moment that F.B.I. agents were questioning Bosch, Howard was planning his successful escape from his home in the New Mexico desert.

爱德华·李·霍华德被指控阴谋to violate the espionage laws by his visit to South Padre Island. Bosch, who, like Howard, left the C.I.A. under a cloud, has not been charged. But his statements provided the key evidence that enabled the Department of Justice to file a criminal complaint against Howard. Bosch, who lives in the Los Angeles area, has declined to comment.

前中央情报局局长斯坦斯菲尔德Turner has said that United States intelligence was `very badly hurt' by Howard, who had `very critical information about operations inside the Soviet Union.'



但是,一件事很清楚。霍华德的案使C.I.A.感到尴尬和F.B.I.在幕后,两个机构之间有很多指责 - 责备另一个机构。


爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)和他的妻子玛丽(Mary)都受到C.I.A.运营局的雇用,该机构的秘密部门。他们接受了该机构的培训,可以在莫斯科作为一支夫妻间谍团队在莫斯科运营。

Only one F.B.I. agent was watching the Howards' house on Sept. 21, 1985, as Mary Howard helped her husband escape by driving home with a dummy in the front seat, a dummy made of clothes shaped in a human form and topped with a wig stand for its head. In the darkness, the agent apparently mistook the dummy for Howard--a ruse that gave the ex-spy a 24-hour head start.

Mary Howard further aided her husband's escape by playing a tape recording of his voice over their telephone that fooled F.B.I. agents, who were wire-tapping the phone, into believing he was still at home.

Mary Howard was with her husband at a Austrian ski resort near the Swiss border on Sept. 20, 1984, during a trip when the F.B.I. believes he met with K.G.B. agents. But she insists he was only gone from their hotel room for a short time and maintains she never had any knowledge of his alleged spying for the Russians. For a year after her husband vanished, Mary Howard declined to talk to the press. She broke her silence and agreed to be interviewed for the first time by this reporter.


霍华德案所做的不仅仅是妥协正在进行的秘密行动。对于C.I.A.来说,它仍然是一个绞线,如果解开,则可能在该机构的秘密行动及其官僚程序的行为中揭示缺陷。不可避免地,爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)的叛逃引起了人们对C.I.A.的更大关注。安全,招聘和人员政策,以及整体美国反情报努力。

此案还提出了许多有趣和未解决的问题,大概是C.I.A.的官员。和F.B.I.在问自己。爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)为什么要去威廉·博世(William Bosch)告诉他他在背叛自己的国家时感到安全?当博世第一次接近霍华德时,为什么不挺身而出并通知当局?这种情况是否表明美国情报盔甲中存在较大的裂缝?

On the morning of Aug. 1, 1985, Vitaly Yurchenko, deputy chief of the K.G.B.'s First Department, which is responsible for operations in the United States and Canada, told colleagues at the Soviet Embassy in Rome that he was going to take a walk and visit the Vatican Museum. Yurchenko, then 49, had arrived in Rome a week earlier.

When he did not return by dinner time, embassy officials were frantic. Not until the next day did they file a missing persons report with the Italian police. But the K.G.B. resident in Rome must already have suspected the worst: Vitaly Yurchenko, a trusted `general-designate' in the K.G.B. with 25 years of service in the Soviet intelligence agency, had defected.

Yurchenko, a big catch for the C.I.A., was whisked to a safe house near Fredericksburg, Va., for questioning. Before he escaped his C.I.A. handlers and redefected to Moscow three months later, leaving a trail of recrimination and confusion within the intelligence community, he provided vital information. The first order of business when a defector is interrogated is to learn whether he knows of any penetrations of United States intelligence. Yurchenko said he knew of two. He provided details that led the F.B.I. to Ronald W. Pelton, a former employee of the National Security Agency, who was convicted of espionage in June 1986.


这一消息使Yurchenko的C.I.A.感到震惊询问者。如果是真的,那意味着他们的内部圣所(该机构最敏感的部分)是苏联欧洲师。莫斯科已经有令人不安的暗示。至少进行了一次重大行动,C.I.A.的苏联联系人Adolf Tolkachev被捕。如果罗伯特(Robert)与K.G.B.进行了交谈,则C.I.A.的整个苏联网络可能处于危险之中。


他的名字叫爱德华·李·霍华德(Edward Lee Howard)。

他申请了C.I.A.1980年。当时,他28岁,已婚并担任芝加哥地区办事处的经理。玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)说:“他刚刚提到他申请了该机构的工作。”“我认为这就是他很长一段时间以来想做的。”

玛丽·塞达利夫·霍华德(Mary Cedarleaf Howard)是一位安静,聪明的女人,有棕色的头发和蓝眼睛,现在与她的小儿子和她的父母在明尼苏达州圣保罗的父母隐居。玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard霍华德(Howard),除了确认他有一个饮酒问题,这是他们之间辩论的原因。同时,她似乎忠于她的前雇主C.I.A.她说,她仍然喜欢丈夫,尽管她拒绝了他和他们的儿子加入莫斯科的要求。

To the C.I.A., Howard had apparently looked like an ideal recruit. He had a graduate degree, work experience, and both he and his wife were accustomed to living overseas. Howard was fluent in Spanish and German, a smooth, well-spoken man who collected guns and knew how to use them. Although born in New Mexico, he had grown up in Europe, his father, Kenneth Howard, had been an Air Force electronics specialist who worked on guided missiles and had been stationed at bases in Germany, Texas and England.

`He played Little League and everything,' Kenneth Howard said of his son. `He was in the Boy Scouts, up to Explorer.' Ed Howard graduated from high school in Branden, England, then enrolled at the University of Texas, where he belonged to the karate club and graduated cum laude in 1972, the same year his father retired from the Air Force.

Ed Howard and Mary Cedarleaf met in the Peace Corps in 1973, both in their early 20's and fresh out of college. Mary had grown up in St. Paul, the daughter of an insurance executive and a physician. In the Peace Corps, `we started out in the same town in Colombia, called Bucaramanga,' she said. They were married three years later, at a Lutheran church in St. Paul.

同年,埃德·霍华德(Ed Howard)从华盛顿的美国大学获得了工商管理硕士学位,并加入了国际发展局。1977年2月,霍华德(Howards)在秘鲁利马(Lima)离开了两年,在那里他为A.I.D.开展贷款项目。虽然C.I.A.有时使用AI.D.作为外交掩护,没有证据表明霍华德除了贷款官之外。秘鲁之后,霍华德人返回美国,他在芝加哥找到了环境工作。

In January 1981, the C.I.A. hired Edward Howard as a career trainee in the Directorate of Operations, also known as the D.D.O. (in reference to the Deputy Director for Operations) and as the Clandestine Services. Mary stayed at their home in Barrington, a Chicago suburb, while Ed reported to C.I.A. headquarters at Langley, Va. He was sent for several months to the Farm, a secret C.I.A. installation at Camp Peary, Va., near Williamsburg. There, Howard learned the `tradecraft' of intelligence, practicing the recruitment of agents and the use of `dead drops' to pass messages. He was given five aliases. He also learned from F.B.I. agents at the Farm how to detect and evade surveillance.

In the spring, Mary came east to join him. They purchased a house on Scotch Haven Drive in Country Creek, a development of single-family town houses in suburban Vienna, Va.

当C.I.A.人事总监Robert Magee后来审查了Howard案时,他发现即使在开始时,安全屏幕上也有一个碎片。C.I.A.的每个候选人通过两个初始筛选的人将在C.I.A.中进行测谎仪测试。行话。Patti Volz,A C.I.A.发言人说,霍华德的最初测谎仪表示“某些药物使用”。但是C.I.A.承认使用药物的申请人如果同意在雇用时结束这种做法,则不会自动取消资格。帕蒂·沃尔兹(Patti Volz)对霍华德的酒精问题一无所知。该机构显然没有意识到这一点。



该机构的秘密操作员还倾向于在D.D.O.的同事中选择他们的朋友。霍华德在那里遇到了威廉·G·博世(William G.在该机构行政方面任职的资深人士,然后转到D.D.O.霍华德加入C.I.A.的前不久他们有共同的背景。霍华德在利马工作;三岁大的比尔·博世(Bill Bosch)曾在玻利维亚(Bolivia)任职,并且像霍华德(Howard)一样讲西班牙语。两个人成为好朋友。


By late 1982, Howard had been selected for the most prestigious duty in the D.D.O., assignment to the Moscow station for a two-year term. His cover: diplomat in the American Embassy.

Why did the C.I.A. choose to send to its most sensitive post a newcomer with no previous experience working as an intelligence officer overseas? William J. Casey, Director of Central Intelligence, and other C.I.A. officials have declined, for the most part, to comment publicly on the Howard case. But Casey has defended privately the decision to send a rookie to Moscow as a common agency practice.


Howard was given special training for his Moscow assignment. He received careful instruction in the arcane techniques of maintaining the delicate and difficult contact with the C.I.A.'s assets.

玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)也接受了C.I.A.的培训与她在莫斯科的丈夫一起工作。她说:“他们喜欢对妻子进行一些培训,简短的课程。”当被问及是否可能包括反游乐会 - 例如坐在汽车上,当她的丈夫会见特工时充当look望 - 她回答:“可能就是这样。”

Early in 1983, Ed Howard told neighbors he was studying Russian; the State Department was sending him to the Soviet Union. The Howards bought a new car and prepared to ship it to Moscow.

为了建立他的封面,C.I.A.给了霍华德证书,将他确定为外国服务官员,并任命他在外交部任命他的“领事官和秘书”。它的日期为1983年3月11日,由罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)和乔治·P·舒尔茨(George P. Shultz)签署。

Eight days later, the Howards' son, Lee, was born. Spring was on the way, and the future looked bright.

然后,底部从埃德·霍华德(Ed Howard)的生活中脱颖而出。

A second lie-detector test suggested that some of Howard's answers were deceptive. The second polygraph `picked up drugs and petty theft,' the C.I.A.'s Patti Volz said. (Howard's family insists that, although he drank, he did not use drugs.) An investigation was launched.

两年后,当霍华德因涉嫌监视苏维埃时,C.I.A.命令其当时的监察长Carroll Hauver的内部报告。那些读过秘密报告的人说,霍华德在测谎仪测试后面对霍华德,接受了毒品,从自动售货机上窃取并从妇女的钱包里拿走钱。

C.I.A.decided it could not send Howard to Moscow. In fact, it decided it did not want him in the agency at all. Howard was fired. By June 1983, he was out of a job. He was now walking around with detailed knowledge of the agency's most sensitive operations in Moscow in his head. He was also furious at the C.I.A.

对于新墨西哥州立法机关财政委员会参谋长柯蒂斯·R·波特(Curtis R.立法财务委员会正在寻找一位经济分析师,爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)拥有正确的证书。而且,他是新墨西哥州人。在他的简历上,他放下了美国1981年1月至1983年6月。

到八月,霍华德人在弗吉尼亚州出售了他们的房子,并在埃尔多拉多(El Dorado)买了一所房屋,这是在圣达菲东南部12英里处的开发项目。他们带着新的婴儿,在阳光皮带中定居下来。


Meanwhile, Howard's drinking was getting worse. On Feb. 26, 1984, a Sunday night, he was involved in a shooting incident with three young men. According to the police report, Howard said he had met the men `at a bar and had followed them home as they had promised him a girlfriend for the night and a good time.'

But Peter Hughes, then 24, said that he, a friend and their two female companions were never inside the bar, but were in their Jeep, backing out of a motel parking lot, when Howard stared at one of the women, then followed in his own Jeep.


To Hughes, Howard seemed to have been drinking; his speech was slurred. `I'm inside the Jeep and he's pointing the gun at me. His eyes get this blazing look and he starts walking toward me with the gun, pointing it at my head. I think,He's about to pull the trigger. He's going to shoot.枪的枪管驶入窗户。所以我躲开。我抓住了枪,开了枪,在屋顶上打了一个洞。

With Howard disarmed, the youths beat him beat him up; one threw a rock, hitting him on the head. They forced him back to his own Jeep, kicking the door several times for good measure. Then they called the police, who found Howard, bloodied, a block away. He was placed under arrest for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

对于圣达菲地区检察官埃洛伊·马丁内斯(Eloy F. Martinez)来说,此案是一个问题。一方面是彼得·休斯(Peter Hughes),他的家人在这座城市中广为人知 - 他的父亲是越南的战俘,尽管没有成功,但十年前的共和党州长提名。另一方面是霍华德(Howard)。马丁内斯说,他短暂地考虑起诉霍华德未遂谋杀。但是霍华德聘请了圣达菲律师莫顿·西蒙(Morton S.4月25日,霍华德在布鲁斯·E·考夫曼(Bruce E. Kaufman)法官面前对严重袭击的指控认罪,布鲁斯·考夫曼(Bruce E. Kaufman)判处五年缓刑,并下令他向休斯支付7,500美元。马丁内斯和考夫曼都否认了C.I.A.的出版报道。ReportsReports与他们联系或试图代表霍华德影响案件。

霍华德自愿参加了一项针对州雇员的咨询计划,临床社会工作者尼尔·伯曼(Neil Berman)明年半为他酗酒。心理学家Elliot J. Rapoport进行了法院命令的心理评估;他的报告发现,霍华德经历了一段异常压力和“饮酒问题”的时期,但“否则尚未以刑事为导向”。他建议霍华德留在州咨询计划中。

9月18日,霍华德(Howards)离开了为期一周的欧洲之旅。根据Vitaly Yurchenko的说法,在1984年秋天,“罗伯特”遇到了K.G.B.在奥地利出售C.I.A.秘密。F.B.I.确定1984年9月29日在奥地利圣安东(St. Anton)的霍华德人(Howards)尚未说过是否认为这是霍华德(Howard)与K.G.B.会面的日期

Mary Howard said they first visited friends in Switzerland. `We visited Zurich and Lucerne and then decided to go to Austria and then Milan.' But she insisted that they chose St. Anton at random. `We were just driving around, and it was getting toward dusk and it looked like a pretty little town,' she said. `I'm not aware of any goings-on in St. Anton.'

`We had a disagreement,' she said. `Our fights were usually over his drinking. He took off in the car. I could see him drive away from the window. He drove around in the car.' Could Howard have met the Russians then? `He was only gone a short time,' she replied, `perhaps 10 or 15 minutes.' She added that they did not stay overnight anywhere else in Austria.

The Howards were back in the United States on Sept. 24, for on that date, Howard met with two current C.I.A. employees--perhaps at C.IA. headquarters--and told them how he had lingered outside the Soviet Embassy almost a year earlier, in October 1983, but did not enter.

Now Howard, a former C.I.A. officer with knowledge of top-secret data, had admitted that he had contemplated betraying his country. The C.I.A. insists that the two employees reported Howard's story to the proper agency officials. But for almost a year, those officials sat on that explosive information and failed to pass it on to the F.B.I. The C.I.A. will not say whether disciplinary action was taken against the officials.

Howard may have confessed the embassy incident as part of a plea to the C.I.A. to pay for psychiatric treatment. Howard did see a private psychiatrist in Santa Fe for a period of time and the C.I.A. paid for his visits.

Howard was still acting like a man under a great deal of stress. On a business trip to Boston the next month, Curtis Porter of the finance committee found Howard in his hotel room with a bandaged head; he claimed he had walked into a glass door and been given pain killers at the hospital. Later, Howard abruptly left a banquet and Porter found him packing and on the phone trying to make plane reservations to Austria. Recalled Porter: `He said, `Sorry, I got crazy with the pain killers and booze. Don't worry, Mary knows every time I get drunk I try to go to Vienna.' But Howard did not go; he realized he had no passport with him.

凯特(Kate)和鲍勃·加勒戈斯(Bob Gallegos)在霍华德(Howard)的办公室工作,并住在埃尔多拉多(El Dorado);两对夫妇是朋友。鲍勃·加勒戈斯(Bob Gallegos)说,霍华德(Howard)曾经向他展示了一堆克鲁格兰兹(Krugerrands),价值2,400美元。加勒戈斯还声称,霍华德在办公室里与妇女有多个事务。其他朋友说,他们不知道霍华德所谓的女性化,尽管有人说他知道一件“零星”的事情。

In the spring of 1985, friends say, the Howards visited Europe again. Dennis Hazlett, a co-worker, said Howard came back with a Rolex watch and intimated he had been to Vienna.

On June 14, 1985, Tass, the Soviet news agency, announced that Paul M. Stombaugh, a `second secretary' at the United States Embassy in Moscow, was being expelled as a spy. Three months later the Russians disclosed that they had also arrested Tolkachev, the Soviet researcher, as he attempted to pass secret documents to Stombaugh.

American intelligence officials later confirmed that Tolkachev was an expert on `stealth' technology to conceal aircraft and missiles from radar, and had been one of the C.I.A.'s most valuable assets in Moscow. They also claimed that Tolkachev had been betrayed by Edward Lee Howard.

In July, Howard went to South Padre Island, to visit Bill Bosch. Bosch, too, had gotten into trouble with the C.I.A. after questions had been raised about alleged currency transactions in South America, according to intelligence officials. `He was dismissed by the C.I.A., or left before they could fire him,' a senior intelligence source said.


博世现在住在加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩,这是洛杉矶以南约一个半小时的资源。尽管拉古纳海滩是一个古老而既定的小镇,但也被称为年轻单身和瞬态的家园 - 这个地方可以相对轻松而不是引起人们的注意。



On July 27, 1985, the Gallegoses went to the Howards' home for dinner. Howard and his son Lee modeled two fur hats, Bob Gallegos said. `They were in a box with Russian writing. He said he had asked a friend in the State Department to send them to him.' Gallegos said he has an indelible memory of Howard standing inside the house `wearing gym shorts and a fur hat, smoking a cigar and drinking a St. Pauli Girl.'

Five days later, Vitaly Yurchenko vanished in Rome. The C.I.A. called in the F.B.I.

对于詹姆斯·盖尔(James H. Geer)来说,此案不可能在更糟糕的时候。1985年8月5日,他担任F.B.I.的助理董事的第一天负责情报部门,霍华德·凯斯(Howard Case)降落在华盛顿局总部的办公桌上。盖尔抓住外国特工是盖尔的工作。当时45岁的盖尔(Geer)和F.B.I.的21年退伍军人面临着一个重大且可能具有爆炸性的反情报案。

盖尔(Geer)在该部门的副总监Phillip A. Parker召集。现年49岁的帕克(Parker)在F.B.I. 20年中的大部分时间都在外国反情报案件中工作,他已经在该部门担任了三年的第二名。

帕克通知了威廉·布兰农(William D. Branon),后者刚刚接管了F.B.I.的阿尔伯克基办公室。联邦调查局。来自其他几个城市的特工被带进来帮助他。几天之内,一支小型F.B.I.特工部署在阿尔伯克基和北部60英里的圣达菲。

F.B.I.开始观看霍华德,但是有问题。霍华德(Howards)居住在108 Verano Loop,这是一条圆形的圆形道路,有广泛的模拟房屋,在那里很快发现了陌生人。具有讽刺意味的是,托马斯(Bill)Gillesple是四名居民F.B.I.圣达菲(Santa Fe)的特工在112 Verano Loop的霍华德(Howards)居住了两所房屋。这是监视的理想场所。但是吉莱斯皮(Gillespie)刚刚卖掉了他的房屋,新主人于8月4日搬进了F.B.I.得到了案子。所以房子没有。F.B.I. did not, in fact, use any house as an observation post. Whether it employed `special coverage'--agents posing as a street repair crew, telephone linemen or the like--is not known. What is known is that the Howard residence was placed under surveillance.

法律问题更加强大。盖尔解释说:“我们没有可能逮捕霍华德的理由。”Yurchenko的证据还不够。盖尔说:“ Yurchenko从未见过他。”`他不认识他。这是一个环境案例。您必须有一个不止一个人的话。Yurchenko甚至没有身体描述。现在退休的帕克同样强调了F.B.I.没有立即逮捕霍华德的依据。


By the beginning of September, wiretaps were in place on the Howards' home telephone. The results were disappointing. Howard said nothing incriminating.

By Thursday, Sept. 19, the F.B.I. had made the decision to confront Howard directly. Still lacking probable cause to arrest the ex-C.I.A. man, the bureau hoped that Howard himself might provide the necessary evidence. The decision to approach Howard was made by Parker. There was a risk, he knew, that Howard might run, although it seemed minimal, given the round-the-clock surveillance then in place. The interview technique had worked in the past, and was used to convict Ronald Pelton, the other man named by Yurchenko.

That morning, an F.B.I. agent telephoned Howard at his office and asked to interview him. Within the hour, Howard met with the agent at the Hilton Inn, but he refused to say anything of substance.


那个星期五早上,菲利普·巴卡(Phillip M. Baca)感到紧张。立法财务委员会的新任主任巴卡(Baca)在前一天访问了两个F.B.I.特工,要求在霍华德上找到记录。上午8:30委员会的工作人员简报,为立法者准备上午9点。公开听证会即将开始,埃德·霍华德(Ed Howard)迟到了。他终于在上午8:25到达办公室。巴卡说:“他就18个月的经济前景做了一份精美的简报。”`他有图形。在听证会上,关于石油价格的一些问题。 He answered them and was completely calm.`


`We did a lot of talking that weekend,' Mary Howard recalled. Howard had told her of the approach by the F.B.I. It was, she said, the first she knew he was in trouble. `It was like a nightmare,' she said. `It's very traumatic still.' But, she added, `I don't have any knowledge he spied.'

下午3点,罗莎·卡尔森(Rosa Carlson)接到邻居玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)的电话。由于那天下午他们有同一个婴儿的保姆,如果保姆和李一起走到卡尔森斯并将工作结合在一起,那会没事吗?卡尔森夫人说,这很好。

下午4点,16岁的吉娜·杰克逊(Gina Jackson)到达霍华德(Howards)。玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)没有停止以她通常的友好方式与她聊天。相反,她将吉娜(Gina)和李(Lee)直接带回露台。

吉娜·杰克逊(Gina Jackson)说:“当我穿过房子时,我以为我听到两个人在说话。在我的眼角,我看到一个完全秃头的人站在书房和客厅之间的入口处。

后来,吉娜说,``F.B.I.告诉我不是两个人说话,它是埃德·霍华德(Ed Howard)的录音机和一个假人。

On the patio, Mary Howard seemed distracted. She did not provide the sitter with a phone number but told her the name of a Spanish restaurant in Santa Fe where they would be. In a few moments the sitter heard the car pull out of the garage.

What happened next is baffling, either a mix-up in communication, or human error. Only one F.B.I. surveillance agent was on duty, several hundred feet from the Howard house. Although it was about 4:30 P.M. and broad daylight, the Howards drove away in their dark red 1979 Oldsmobile undetected.

埃德(Ed)和玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)离开了埃尔·多拉多(El Dorado),然后转到25号州际公路,向西北驶向圣达菲(Santa Fe)。其他F.B.I.代理商被散布在几英里外的汽车上,等待广播的单词搬出去跟随霍华德。信号永远不会出现。

Around 6 P.M. Gina Jackson walked a block to the Carlsons with Lee. She watched while Lee and the two young Carlson boys, Zac and Jonathan, played with water in the bathtub.

一小时后,大约7点霍华德开车来回m the restaurant where they had dined. In the darkness, somewhere in the downtown area, Ed Howard jumped from the slowly moving car into a `blind spot,' as he had been trained to do at the Farm. It was the last time Mary saw him.

当玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)左右左右回到家时乘客座位上有一个假人代替丈夫。它是由形状变成人类形状的衣服制成的,上面戴着一个不露面的假发架。在假发上是某种头饰。(玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)说她使用了充气假ReportsReports人的报道是“不正确”。)

值班的监视代理人惊讶地看到霍华德回来了,因为他没有看到他们离开 - 愤怒但松了一口气,因为他们在一起。埃德·霍华德(Ed Howard)似乎戴着帽子,但在黑暗中,F.B.I.男人不确定。

自动车库门打开,玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)开着里面。几分钟后,她独自一人开车出去。她于晚上7:30到达卡尔森斯的房子。捡起李,然后开车回他们的房子去车库。监视代理商尽职尽责地记录了他们。

那天晚上,玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)进行了她丈夫与她计划的另一种诡计。前C.I.A。人在录音机上录制了他的声音。按照他的指示,玛丽拨打了一个商务办公室,霍华德知道她会到达答录机。在哔哔声中,玛丽在电话旁边拿着录音机,并按下了“播放”按钮。联邦调查局。聆听“现场”的经纪人听到霍华德确认了即将到来的任命,并得到了放心。他们的目标仍在家里,呆在镇上。


F.B.I.在南帕德里岛(South Padre Island)上追踪了威廉·博世(William Bosch)。该局发现,霍华德与博世保持联系,并在长距离收费通话记录的帮助下找到了他,并从C.I.A.那里得知了他的背景。联邦调查局。特工搬进来,并开始在周中对他进行深入的询问。逐渐地,博世的故事正在发展。


南帕德里岛没有安全的电话线,因此必须将Bosch审讯的激动人心的报道驱动到F.B.I. 300英里。ReportsReports在圣安东尼奥市的办事处,然后将其电视为F.B.I.四楼的情报部门。总部。

James Geer said it was midnight in Washington, two hours later than in Santa Fe, before the F.B.I. decided it now had probable cause to seek a warrant for the arrest of Edward Howard. It could not be obtained at that hour, on a weekend, but there was no reason to worry. The lights had gone out at 108 Verano Loop. The surveillance was still in place in the desert, and the Howards were safely tucked away for the night.

Late on Sunday afternoon, Phil Baca went into the office unexpectedly. On his desk, he found an envelope, and, inside it, a letter of resignation from Ed Howard, along with the keys to the office and a smaller envelope addressed to Mary, which Baca did not open. He called the F.B.I `I told them Ed Howard had resigned,' Baca said. The F.B.I was stunned.

Agents rang the doorbell at Howard's house and learned from Mary that Howard was gone. Mary Howard turned her husband's letter over to the F.B.I. One cryptic line in the letter, not previously known, said: `National security is like holding a royal flush in Santa Fe.' The note also said, in part: `Well, I'm going and maybe I'll give them what they think I already gave them,' and instructed Mary to `sell the house, Jeep, etc., and move with one of our parents and be happy.' Howard also told Mary to tell Lee that `I think of him and you each day until I die.'


On Monday, Sept. 23, the F.B.I. finally got its arrest warrant from a United States magistrate in Albuquerque.

Howard called Mary once, the following month, but did not say where he was. In the spring, he sent her a letter, postmarked Vienna. On Aug. 7, 1986, Howard surfaced in Moscow.

Edward Howard has been charged with espionage. Intelligence officials say the damage he did to the C.I.A.'s Soviet operations was enormous. Some sources have suggested that the damage continued beyond Tolkachev, the C.I.A. agent executed by Moscow. On March 14 of this year. Tass announced that Michael Sellers, Second Secretary of the United States Embassy in Moscow, was being expelled for espionage. On May 7, the Russians said, Erik Sites, listed as a civilian employee of the embassy's military attache office, strolled along Malaya Priogovskaya street to contact a Soviet C.I.A. asset when the K.G.B. closed in. Sites's wife, Ursula, was waiting nearby as a lookout, the Russians said. Sites, too, was expelled.

Certainly, the Howard case exposed major flaws inside the C.I.A. The agency hired a man who drank heavily and, according to the agency at least, used drugs. It ignored early warnings on his first polygraph test. It selected him for its most sensitive post, despite his lack of experience. Then, when it discovered he had serious character defects and problems, it fired him instead of easing him into another job where he might have posed less of a security risk. It paid for his psychiataric counseling after it was too late. Most astonishing of all, when Howard confessed to the agency that he had contemplated entering the Soviet Embassy in Washington to sell secrets, the C.I.A. sat on that information for almost a year before telling the F.B.I. Finally, after Howard was fired, the C.I.A. neglected to recover both his diplomatic passport and a false-name passport he had been issued by the Clandestine Services.

Within the intelligence community, some of the heat in the Howard case has been taken by Clair E. George, the C.I.A.'s Deputy Director for Operations, and certainly the affair suggests that the agency's clandestine arm performed sloppily. But the case also appears to illustrate loopholes in the agency's personnel and hiring policies and a lack of coordination between its medical and security offices. It suggests that, in order to avoid embarrassment, the agency attempted to suppress at any cost what eventually turned into a major spy scandal.

对于F.B.I.霍华德(F.B.I.)这一事实感到非常尴尬。导演威廉·H·韦伯斯特(William H. Webster)称之为“畸变”。詹姆斯·盖尔(James Geer)是F.B.I.情报部门的负责人,同时承认了“在我们的现场行动中”的错误,他看到了“没有机构弱点”,并引用了F.B.I.在F.B.I.的成功中,在围捕其他几个间谍方面的成功霍华德逃脱的同年。

Howard's motive remains unclear. He was angry at the C.I.A., but had no apparent ideological sympathy for the Soviet Union. Dennis Hazlett, his friend, said Howard seemed, if anything, conservative, patriotic,' a little Reaganite in his views.'

`I love my country,' Howard said on Soviet television on Sept. 14 of this year. `I have never done anything that might harm my country.'

如果霍华德(Howard)为其信息付了大量资金,则F.B.I.一直无法追踪它。一位高级F.B.I.:“我们只是不知道钱在哪里,”男人说。玛丽·霍华德(Mary Howard)说:“我从未见过不寻常的钱,也没有任何克鲁格兰兹(Krugerrands)。她说,他们生活在丈夫的薪水33,012美元的薪水上。

肯尼斯·霍华德(Kenneth Howard)说:“如果他做了什么,那是通过报仇或对代理机构对他所做的事情的愤怒。”爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)的父亲甚至想知道C.I.A.是否是否“可能正在玩一些奇怪的游戏”,是否可能仍在为该机构工作。其他人也想知道霍华德是否被允许逃脱,并且是双重代理商。但是F.B.I.官员嘲笑这个想法。

爱德华·霍华德(Edward Howard)是一个陷入超能力的人。他在外星人的土地上面临着黯淡的未来,加入了叛逃者的可疑诉讼,这些叛逃者在铁幕后面有避难所:金·菲尔比,盖伊·伯吉斯,唐纳德·麦克林,乔治·布雷克。K.G.B.都没有完全信任或者,如果俄罗斯人允许他面对无期徒刑的判决,霍华德有一天可以回家。


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