

创新 机构捐赠政策 经济政策与企业家精神 U.K./scotland经济政策/政治

詹妮弗埃里​​克森专注于将创新和数据驱动的解决方案应用于器官捐赠短缺。她的工作得到了Arnold Ventures和Schmidt期货的支持,她是一名创新研究员。她在奥巴马白宫担任科技政策办公室创新助理主任,她的工作侧重于支持全国各地的包容性企业家,促进结束器官移植的等候名单等大挑战。Previously, Jennifer served as the Director for Competitiveness and Economic Growth at the Center for American Progress where she worked with partners in the public and private sector to develop long-term strategies for the U.S. economy, and was a media commentator on networks such as Bloomberg, NPR, and the BBC. Jennifer served as Special Adviser to Scotland’s First Minister with portfolios covering the economy and innovation. She started her career at Bain & Company and also worked at Bain’s nonprofit spin-off, The Bridgespan Group. She received a B.A. from the University of Virginia and a masters degree in public policy from the University of Edinburgh.
