

我正在阅读美国国家核安全局(NNSA)最新的核储备管理和管理计划(Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan),想知道我应该选择什么来批评奥巴马政府的核政策。毕竟,有很多问题值得解决,包括:金博宝正规网址-为什么国家核安全管理局继续超支和过度承诺,并在2021-2026年产生支出弓波,超过总统的预算,与此同时,过度的空军和海军现代化项目预计将给国防开支带来最大压力?-为什么越来越小、弹头种类越来越少的核武器库存似乎越来越昂贵?-为什么每一个延长弹头寿命的计划都变得越来越雄心勃勃和昂贵,而且没有明显的结束迹象?为什么减少的政策,没有新的核武器,没有追求新的军事任务或新功能的核武器,克制,承诺“结束冷战思维,”和裁军的目标,而不是成为核过度记录资金的蓝图,全面现代化,史无前例的弹头改装,提高武器的准确性和有效性,重申三合会和非战略核武器,继续实施反力战略,重申核武器的重要性和重要性,以及将核武器保留到比目前存在的时间更长的无限期承诺?其他拥有核武器的国家呢?尽管奥巴马政府的核政策存在矛盾和缺陷,但想象一下,如果其他拥有核武器的国家也公布了自己的核武器计划概要。 Some do disclose a little, but they could do much more. For others, however, the thought of disclosing any information about the size and composition of their nuclear arsenal seems so alien that it is almost inconceivable. Yet that is actually one of the reasons why it is necessary to continue to work for greater (or sufficient) transparency in nuclear forces. Some nuclear-armed states believe their security depends on complete or near-compete nuclear secrecy. And, of course, some nuclear information must be protected from disclosure. But the problem with excessive secrecy is that it tends to fuel uncertainty, rumors, suspicion, exaggerations, mistrust, and worst-case assumptions in other nuclear-armed states – reactions that cause them to shape their own nuclear forces and strategies in ways that undermine security for all. Nuclear-armed states must find a balance between legitimate secrecy and transparency. This can take a long time and it may not necessarily be the same from country to country. The United States also used to keep much more nuclear information secret and there are many institutions that will always resist public access. But maximum responsible disclosure, it turns out, is not only necessary for a healthy public debate about nuclear policy, it is also necessary to communicate to allies and adversaries what that policy is about – and, equally important, to dispel rumors and misunderstandings about what the policy is not. Nuclear transparency is not just about pleasing the arms controllers – it is important for national security. So here are some thoughts about what other nuclear-armed states should (or could) disclose about their nuclear arsenals – not to disclose everything but to improve communication about the role of nuclear weapons and avoid misunderstandings and counterproductive surprises:






点击查看大版本。详细情况在这里。据美国空军全球打击司令部(AFGSC)称,中国和朝鲜正在开发具有核能力的巡航导弹。中国和朝鲜的新系统出现在《指挥简报》的一张幻灯片上,这张幻灯片展示了世界9个核武器国家中8个国家的核现代化(以色列没有出现)。中国导弹是CJ-20空射巡航导弹,由H-6轰炸机交付。朝鲜的导弹是KN-09海岸防御巡航导弹。这些武器,如果是真的,将是亚洲核武库的重要补充。与此同时,仔细研究一下各国用于核现代化的描述,就会发现泛化、不一致和错误,从而对简报所用的情报质量提出疑问。此外,幻灯片中对美国和英国现代化的省略是高度误导性的,并掩盖了这些国家过去、现在和计划中的现代化。对一些人来说,这次简报是为了说服国会为美国的新核武器提供资金。 Overall, however, the rampant nuclear modernizations shown on the slide underscore the urgent need for the international community to increase its pressure on the nuclear weapon states to curtail their nuclear programs. And it calls upon the Obama administration to reenergize its efforts to reduce the numbers and role of nuclear weapons.






全世界有111个地方储存着约2.33万枚核武器(点击地图)。根据FAS和NRDC发布的一份概述,世界上大约有23300枚核武器被储存在14个国家的111个地点。近一半的武器配备了能够在短时间内发射的运载系统。概述发表在《原子科学家公报》上,其中包括2009年7月的《削减战略武器条约》谅解备忘录数据。国际裂变材料小组(International Panel of fisile Materials)上个月发布的年度报告中包含了以前的版本。


伊朗拥有部分Eurodif -文件张贴

FAS发布了一份关于“美国以外的铀浓缩供应和技术”的报告,作者是来自橡树岭气体扩散工厂的S. a . Levin和S. Blumkin,该工厂当时由联合碳化物公司运营。该文件是为美国能源研究和开发局准备的,审查了截至1977年的国际铀浓缩能力和同位素分离技术。除了具有历史意义外,该报告还明确指出,法国组织的跨国铀浓缩财团Eurodif部分归伊朗所有。
