

如果美国空军撤回它存储了大约50 B61核弹的因吉尔利克空军基地在土耳其?The question has come to a head after Turkey’s invasion of Syria, Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian leadership and deepening discord with NATO, Trump’s inability to manage U.S. security interests in Europe and the Middle East, and war-torn Syria only a few hundred miles from the largest U.S. nuclear weapons storage site in Europe.

根据The New York Times,国家和能源部(?)的官员上周末悄悄地审查了从因吉尔利克撤离武器计划。“这些武器,一个高级官员说,现在都基本上是埃尔多安的人质。飞出来因吉尔利克的是,以纪念土耳其和美国联盟的事实上的结束。为了保留他们那里,虽然是延续应该已被年前消除核漏洞“。


The situation is even more untenable because Incirlik in just a few years is scheduled to receive a large shipment of the newB61-12制导核弹,which would be a recommitment to nuclear deployment in Turkey.

This year is the 60th anniversary of thefirst deployment of nuclear weapons to Turkey.现在是时候带他们回家。


The specific reference in the纽约时报文章官员因吉尔利克制成核武器是最新的,权威的确认,核武器仍然存储在该基地。这证实了我一直在美国的空军欧洲听力和消息来源证实的报告,告诉威廉·阿金日e weapons are still there.There have been rumors日e weapons were removed after the coup attempt in 2016 (and some really bad disinformation that they had been moved to Romania). All of those rumors were wrong. An文章在官方的因吉尔利克空军基地网站甚至证实,第39作战支援中队的任务是“协调和控制美国,土耳其,和联盟中的全频谱空中力量的执行在因吉尔利克空军基地作战部队和核威慑行动”(强调)。鉴于文章可能会被现在,我已经指出了这一点取出后,全文转载如下:

I have estimated for the past several years that the Air Force stores about 50 B61 nuclear gravity bombs at Incirlik, one-third of the 150 nuclear weapons currently deployed in Europe (see figure below). This estimate has been used by a wide range of news reports and commentators. The number of bombs at Incirlik hasdecreased over the past two decades from 90 in 2000。在那些日子里,90枚炸弹的40人专项用于土耳其F-16战斗机交付。使用这40枚炸弹在两个Akinci AB和AB巴勒克埃西尔(20每个)存放在金库6直到他们被转移到因吉尔利克时,美国空军于1996年,40“土耳其”撤回了弹药支持中队从土耳其基地bombs remained at Incirlik until around 2005 when they were shipped back to the United States as part of the Bush administration’s unilateral nuclear reduction in Europe.



尽管土耳其参与北约nuclear sharing mission was lessened (some would say mothballed) by the withdrawal of the “Turkish” weapons, the Turkish F-16s continued to serve a nuclear role. Despite local reports that F-16s never had a nuclear role, the US Air Force in 2010informed Congress日at “Turkey uses Turkish F-16s to execute their nuclear mission,” and that some of the F-16s would be upgraded to be able to deliver the new B61-12 bomb until the F-35A could take over the nuclear strike mission in the 2020s. That is now not going to happen after the Trump administration canceled the F-35 sale.

In 2015, satellite images发现建筑of a new security perimeter around most of the aircraft shelters with nuclear weapons storage vaults. Of the 25 shelters that originally were equipped with vaults, only 21 were included in the new security area with a capacity to store up to a maximum of 84 nuclear bombs. Normally only about two bombs are stored in each vault, for a total of inventory of 40-50 bombs at Incirlik.

The nuclear weapons mission areas at Incirlik AB include the “NATO Area” where nuclear weapons are stored and the nuclear weapons maintenance unit that manages the underground storage vaults



Recent Activities


从2019年3月22日,表演一架C-17运输机一张照片 - 可能从4在62空运中队NDAirlift Wing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington – parked right outside the main gate to the NATO Area. The 4空运中队,这是空军唯一单位,是合格的空运核武器,苍蝇总理核空运部队(PNAF)和核紧急空运行动(ENAO)任务(见下图)。

Click image to view full size.


This Maxar satellite image acquired via Earth Watch shows what appears to be a nuclear weapons movement or exercise in March 2019. Click on image to view full size.

另一组可能的核武器运动的Maxar卫星照片或运动是从12月一2017年核安全检查那年(至2014年)据说included weapons emergency evacuation drills. The scenario on the 2017 image is similar to that on the 2019 image: a C-17 parked outside the gate, security vehicles surrounding the scene, and transporters for moving weapons. But the 2017 photos are unique because they were taken moments apart as the satellite passed overhead. As a result, movements become visible: On the first image, a possible weapons trailer towed behind a truck in a column of armored security vehicles is moving toward the outer gate of the NATO Area. On the second photo, the column has passed through the gate onto the tarmac and the towed trailer is turning toward the rear of the C-17. The aircraft shadow shows the loading ramp is open and ready to receive the weapons (see image below).


The Task At Hand: Withdraw The Weapons!



Nuclear weapons security convoy at Incirlik AB in 2009.



The B61 bombs at Incirlik could easily be dispersed to empty storage vaults in the other countries. Space is not a problem. There are a total of 96 empty weapon slots in the active WS3 vaults in Belgium, Germany, Holland, and Italy. Moreover, there are 25 empty and inactive WS3 vaults with room for 100 bombs at RAF Lakenheath. But public and parliamentary opposition would likely prevent increasing the number of nuclear bombs stored in those countries. If the order goes out to evacuate Incirlik, it seems more likely the bombs would be returned to the United States.

There will be some people who will argue that deteriorating relations with Russia and Moscow’s alleged increased reliance on a so-called “escalate-to-deescalate” strategy of using tactical nuclear weapons first prevent the United States from reducing – certainly withdrawing – its tactical nuclear weapons from Europe. Those are curiously the same people who also argue that the United States should deploy a new low-yield warhead on its strategic submarines and a new nuclear cruise missile on its attack submarines to better counter Russian tactical nuclear weapons – a thinking that was recently endorsed by the Trump administration’s核态势评估报告。这似乎信号向欧洲盟友,美国实际上已经不再相信的B61核弹部署在欧洲是可信的,还需要其他的和更好的武器。

不管人们可能会想到美国战术核武器在欧洲,土耳其不再是一个可以接受的位置。埃尔多安的对抗性和独裁的领导迅速破坏土耳其作为北约的可靠盟友的地位,并在该地区日益恶化的安全局势呈现给武器在因吉尔利克一个真实的物理威胁。这种威胁是真实的,美国军方认为这是真的。正因如此,在意大利中队部署到从因吉尔利克阿维亚诺空军基地一个额外的安全部队to beef up nuclear security in response to “regional turmoil and government instability”根据美国空军源Ohio Army National Guard宪兵据说被派往因吉尔利克专门增加基地的安全。

安全威胁的武器驻防urgent and the continued deployment of nuclear weapons at the location is unjustifiable and incompatible with U.S. nuclear security standards. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself this question: If there were no U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey and someone asked for them to be deployed to Incirlik, would the Pentagon approve?


Additional information:



  1. 良好的分析,缺少的是什么概念整个核共享如何才能完成。它没有价值不是将处于危险中的欧洲。不同点:1,为例如德国的飞机是tecnicaly不能够携带B61更深俄罗斯没有正在加油了波兰或Whiterusia。
    4.将美国真的开始核战争的欧洲国家 - 我怀疑。为什么要在做,如果有与中国和俄罗斯的新地缘政治的平衡之间的交易。

  2. 全世界没有核武器的武器!我们必须支持ICAN,2017年诺贝尔和平奖得主的努力,并废除这种疯狂。观看该名男子谁拯救了世界(完整电影免费的流...
    2019年3月31日...... 1983年,斯坦尼斯拉夫·彼得罗夫单枪匹马避免了一场核战争。这部纪录片讲述了前苏联军官的令人难以置信的真实的故事。

  3. 几年前,我曾拜访谁被带到因吉尔利克用于治疗严重受伤的同事。被告知这是因为IMPOSIBLE土耳其军方掌管那里,他们拒绝的权限。
    所以我的问题是:这个方案是什么 - 他们的俄罗斯“朋友”土耳其人呼吁在中移动,并采取基地和武器的控制。创建俄罗斯,美国,土耳其和北约之间的大规模的政治和安全危机?土耳其已几乎放弃了欧盟的雄心,并果断地移动到俄罗斯的轨道。俄罗斯军事冒险急剧升级,显然这将是普京的另一个加分,特别是在仰卧特朗普管理。从FAS有什么想法?

    1. 如果发生这种情况,这是个很大的可能,这显然创造了严重的危机。但即使可以,我不认为俄罗斯有兴趣在移动和窃取武器,即使是在你所描述的假想的最坏情况。这将不仅仅是对土耳其大得多。尽管分歧和争吵,土耳其仍是北约,但它肯定似乎比以前埃尔多安少承诺的成员。有用于排空武器,如果必要的应急计划,这些计划最近已被“刷下来”,并审查。如果订单来了,在因吉尔利克的武器将被撤回到美国或转移到另一个国家,最有可能的意大利。

  4. “如果空军决定从因吉尔利克退出B61炸弹,它看起来很像由Maxar的卫星在2019年拍摄的活动和2017年这些图片显示这似乎是任何实际的核武器运动或训练删除它们。”


  5. 试想一下,如果奥巴马总统曾经让一个核弹落入埃尔多安的手以这种方式!我们已经有十年了听证班加西为上帝的sake-被恐怖分子杀害美国国务院外交官是奥巴马和克林顿SOS的错的 - 而不是恐怖分子。



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