Ecosystems & Entrepreneurship


01.12.23 | 6 min read | 文字瑞安•&梅利莎·罗伯茨·查普曼(Melissa Roberts Chapman)

我们不知道国会是否像我们其他人一样做新年决议,但似乎至少有一个目标是继续'建筑区域创新经济。’ We can guess that much from that title – given to a众议院研究和技术小组委员会12月底听证会。在会议上,各方和专家的委员会成员讨论了经济发展管理局(EDA)现有计划的成功和挑战,以在美国创建创新集群。这次听证会上有一个明显的信息 - 一个已经在行动中回应了:有一种新的经济发展方式可以留在这里。

When you look back on it, 2022 was a record year for基于地方的政策。From the EDA’s $1 billion Build Back Better Regional Challenge (BBBRC) awards to the NSF’s TIP Directorate and Engines program, it is clear that developing geographically and technically diverse clusters is front of mind. A welcome surprise tucked into the end of year Omnibus spending bill was more than $750 million for theEDA启动进一步的基于地点的赠款计划,以投资于美国的整个社区。这包括第一天项目的区域技术和创新中心计划概述2022年4月。



Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grants awarded to 21 different regional coalition partners 美国救援计划(ARP)拨款10亿美元 EDA
好工作挑战 Grants awarded to 32 industry- workforce training partnerships 美国救援计划(ARP)拨款的5亿美元 EDA
Build to Scale Portfolio of national grant competitions to help regions plan and implement innovation ecosystem building strategies – 51 grants totaling $47 million already awarded. 2,000万美元的区域创新授予23财年综合法案 EDA
区域技术和创新枢纽 Planning grants to be awarded to create regional technology hubs focusing on technology development, job creation, and innovation capacity across the U.S. 23财年综合法案中拨款的5亿美元 EDA
重新组合试点计划 Investments in communities with large prime age (25-54) employment gaps 2亿美元在《 23财年综合法案》中拨款 EDA
区域创新引擎 Up to 10 years of funding for each Engine (total ~$160million per) to build a regional ecosystem that conducts translatable use-inspired research and workforce development.
NSF is encouraged by Congress to coordinate with regional tech hubs program at EDA.
总体而言,NSF获得了12%的预算增加,包括23财年的Omnibus法案中的3.35亿美元的补充资金来实施CHIPS和Science Act。 NSF
Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program 赠款在美国的社区建立6-10个清洁氢枢纽 基础设施投资和就业法提供的70亿美元 DOE
增长加速器基金 Competitive awards to Entrepreneur Support Organizations (ESOs) to increase number of R&D-focused, prospective SBIR companies, innovators, and entrepreneurs. 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
区域创新集群 授予小型企业,供应商和服务提供商集中在地理区域的枢纽。现在包括非营利组织作为协调合作伙伴。 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
联邦和州技术合作计划(FAST) 为州和地区计划提供资金,以增加代表性不足的群体的SBIR建议数量。 1000万美元的综合综合支出账单 SBA
Defense Manufacturing Community Support Program 奖项旨在建立关键技能,设施,劳动力发展,研发以及小型企业支持,以加强国防工业/创新基础(很大程度上在全州范围内)。 3000万美元的综合综合支出账单 DOD
农村创新更强大的经济赠款计划 向低收入农村地区提供赠款,以创造就业机会,开发行业集群和小型企业,ANC将企业与当地资产和供应连锁店联系起来。 200万美元的200万美元综合支出账单 农业



尽管最近获胜,persistent funding for regional cluster development programs is far from certain. A small portion of the funds for EDA’s programs was included in分区b在最近的综合法案中,但大多数是通过补充资金提供的。这意味着,如果新国会通过持续的决议(CR)或不适合24财年的支出账单中的资金,那么该计划将大大资金资金不足。这将扼杀我们已经进行的投资,并将否认社区在接下来的十年中应得到重塑和加强其地区经济的支持。

这些具有里程碑意义的计划的好消息是他们享有两党的支持。来自双方的国会议员都希望发展强大的创新经济体并支持小型企业,特别是专注于农村和服务不足的少数民族社区。众议院小组委员会主席海莉·史蒂文斯(Haley Stevens)(D-MI)在12月的听证会上对此表示了开幕词在最近的听证会上。排名成员兰迪·芬斯特拉(R-IA)也在他的声明中反映了这一点,召集了最近的成功2021年的大都会区保护与标准化法。显然,在过道双方都对基于地方的经济发展策略有一种胃口。

白宫还认为集群是其经济政策的核心。拜登总统称赞9月,Build Ret Boter Boter Regial Challenge的21名获奖者。总统国家经济委员会主席布莱恩·戴斯(Brian Deese)强调了此类计划在实施现代美国工业战略在去年10月在克利夫兰举行的演讲中。他说, ”我们建立的计划将集中在地点和公平(我们的何处和方式)上,因为这有助于我们释放更多国家的经济潜力。”So how exactly do these plans unlock this growth?

Place-based economic development focuses on communities


这种政策的一种形式是促进集群开发: the co-location of firms in a given geographic area. These groups, or clusters, of companies and workers in a particular industry share equipment, space, and talent in ways that maximize regional efficiency and increase firm productivity. As we’ve written before, this idea was pioneered by Michael Porter. “集群,”波特说, “allows each member to benefit as if it had greater scale or as if it had joined with others without sacrificing its flexibility。”现代集群发展与大学,政府,国家实验室,公司,资本提供者和企业家参与利益相关者,以创造当地生态系统的比较优势。

These gains come from knowledge spillovers, development of local supply chains, and access to capital, among other factors. That firms gain such massive benefits when they are located next to each other seems intuitive—just look at Silicon Valley or Boston, MA. What is more, there is evidence that the creation of certain innovative high tech jobs leads to a乘数效应这在相邻的服务和行业中创造了更多工作。



正如国家科学委员会所写的那样,我们需要'expand the geography of innovation’使所有人都有机会从科学技术的进步中受益。扩大这个地理要求我们也需要考虑增加STEM教育和职业发展的方法,但是这样做的政策必须符合他们所在的社区并利用其现有优势。

对于拥有历史上较低水平的联邦赠款资金的社区,可能很难知道从策略制定开始。这就是为什么EDA方法的另一个关键部分是communities-of-practicethat help grantees and mentor organizations learn from each other.

积极的,包容性的社区范围内的经济发展方法并不是一个不错的特征。将获胜的建议汇总在一起至关重要。作为一个BBBRC获奖者来自底特律地区合作伙伴关系testified:“Two things: inclusiveness and transparency were the two keys to doing this … five years ago the EDA would have received 5 different proposals from our region, and none of them would have talked to each other。”Other cities/regions should follow their lead. While there’s no one recipe for success, we’ve seen that the best proposals for clusters come from communities that:

  1. 积极,有意制定多年策略。
  2. 包括各种各样的社区利益相关者。
  3. 依靠证据而不是政治影响来制定其战略。
  4. 避免将联邦赠款作为交易资金机会。
  5. 研究同伴社区正在做出哪些选择,并预测哪些选择可以提高其比较优势,相对于这种“竞争设置”。


EDA和NSF在其区域技术中心和发动机计划中可能产生的影响是大量的。特别是考虑到国会已经明确表示应该合作。提高我们已经进行的投资的一种方法是通过适合当今行业和挑战的使命重新授权EDA。EDA在17年内尚未重新授权 - 这项行动是Eda Alejandra Castillo的助理商务部长反复陈述是至关重要的。

Secretary Castillo’s评论在12月,不仅表现出对帮助社区的深刻承诺,而且还表现出对EDA的专业知识和负责任的管理深度,以采取这些大胆的举措。我们应该赋予EDA扩大其能力,以帮助社区发展到未来的行业。

The new Congress should look for ways to continue supporting agencies’ efforts to promote regional development. These programs and the recent hearings signal the seriousness with which Members of Congress and the Executive Branch are treating their responsibility to support regional economies. The idea that “innovation comes from everywhere” is no longer a hot take. Innovation ecosystems across the country are building our shared future in what amounts to a modern approach to industrial policy: inclusive innovation ecosystem building.
