SSBNX Under Pressure: Submarine Chief Says Navy Can’t Reduce


SSBN舰队的负责人Richard Breckenridge海军上将说,舰队的规模实际上是关于地理的。

汉斯·克里斯滕森(Hans M. Kristensen)

在一个博客和视频on the U.S. Navy web site Navy Live, the head of the U.S. submarine force Rear Admiral Richard Breckenridge claims that the United States cannot reduce its fleet of nuclear ballistic missile submarines further.

This is the third time in three months that Breckenridge has seen a need to go online to defend the size of the SSBN fleet. The第一次was in May in reaction to我的文章关于SSBN巡逻的下降。这第二次was in June when he argued that the design chosen for the next-generation SSBN was the only option.

Now Breckenridgearguesoperationa的数量l SSBNs cannot be reduced further if the U.S. Navy is to be able to conduct continuous deployments in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

在数月的时间内进行了三项公开干预措施,表明,花费700亿美元以上建造新的12个SSBN的计划承受着压力,而Breckenridge承认了很多:“五角大楼内部的热量可能一样糟糕”the summer heat outside and “with sequestration and the fiscal crisis and the budgetary impacts on the DOD topline, there’s a lot of folks looking at how low we can go with the SSBN force.”


A Matter of Geography


这answer, Breckenridge says, “really is a matter of geography.”

“For us to be able to conduct two-oceans strategic deterrence requires a bare minimum number of SSBNs of a force of twelve,” he claims. To get to that number, Breckenridge begins with a series of broad assumptions and claims about deterrence and SSBN operations.




That explanation might work well for a public relations sound bite, but I hope the Pentagon folks examining the SSBN force level probe a little deeper.

First of all, why does two-oceans strategic deterrence require 12 SSBNs? Three decades ago it required 41. Two decades ago it required 33. One decade ago it required 18. Now it requires 14. And in two decades it will still require 12 SSBNs, according to the navy.

Breckenridge explains that out of 14 SSBNs currently in the fleet, 11 are on average operational but it sometimes drops to 10, with the rest undergoing maintenance (有关SSBN操作的文章,请参见此处)。Breckenridge说,这10个操作的SSBN(太平洋中有6个,在大西洋中有4个)“是为战斗人员提供不间断的警报覆盖范围所需的最低限度。”

He says that the current SSBN fleet is a “lean” force. But there is nothing lean about it: the fleet is bigger than that of any other country; each Ohio-class SSBN carries more missiles than any SSBN of any other country can carry; each Trident II D5 missile can be loaded with more warheads than SLBMs of any other country; each missile is more accurate, lethal, and reliable than any other country’s SLBM; and the U.S. SSBN fleet conducts three times more deterrent patrols than any other country. The force is bloated both in terms of size, loadout, capability, and operations.

英国和法国都设法确保他们的安全性各自四个SSBN从一个基​​地运行。相比之下,布雷肯里奇(Breckenridge)倡导10个可部署的下一代SSBN的“最低限度”力量将能够携带160个SLBM,最多可携带1,280枚弹头 - 比英国,法国,中国,巴基斯坦,印度和以色列更多,合并!实际上,奥巴马总统在最近的柏林演讲中提出的10 ssbn部队将能够超越整个部署的战略弹头级别。

Like Russia’s future SSBN fleet, the U.S. Navy could easily operate eight SSBNs from two bases. That would ensure that six next-generation SSBNs would always be deployed or ready to deploy on short notice. Combined they would be armed with nearly 100 long-range missiles capable of carrying up to 760 warheads that can hold a risk the full range of targets. Try to put 760 Xs – even 100 – on a map of Russia or China and tell me why that would be insufficient for deterrence in this day and age.

同样重要的是,在这样的量表上提供“不间断的警报覆盖”的要求来自何处?情况是什么?为什么有必要 - 在冷战结束后二十年来,“为战斗人员为战斗人员提供不间断的警报覆盖范围”?


但是,当今世界的战略威胁环境中没有什么要求美国SSBN在正常情况下“提供不间断的警报覆盖率”。确实,新的核武器就业政策issued by the White Houselast month concluded that “the potential for a surprise, disarming nuclear attack is exceedingly remote” and ordered DOD to “reduce the role of launch under attack” in nuclear planning.


这Pentagon is already so confident in the capability of the SSBN fleet that it总结了that Russia “would not be able to achieve a militarily significant advantage by any plausible expansion of its nuclear forces” because it would have “little to no effect” on the U.S. ability to retaliate with a devastating strike.


然而,在接下来的二十年中,直到2031年第一个下一代SSBN计划在巡逻队上航行时,海军计划继续运营全部14个俄亥俄州SSBN。其中,这12艘运算船目前载有288艘Trident II D5导弹,根据《新起步条约》,到2018年将减少到不超过240枚导弹。但这比将在10个运营下一代SSBN上部署的160枚导弹高出80枚导弹(50%)。


这更令人困惑,因为Stratcom司令罗伯特·基勒(Robert Kehler)在2011年11月在国会作证,针对12枚SSBN的计划和16枚导弹的计划“没有对目标或就业指导进行任何具体更改”。



Conclusions and Recommendations

I may not know much about geography but it appears the SSBN force is significantly in excess of what is required now or planned for later. A force of 8-10 SSBNs with six operational boats would provide more than enough capacity to perform adequate deterrence deployments in Pacific and Atlantic.


Part of the problem with debating SSBN operations and the war plans they are tasked under is that everything is so secret that there essentially is no way to independently verify Breckenridge’s claims. All we have are bits a pieces and common sense.

And because of this secrecy, and the almost religious aura of legitimacy that the SSBN force enjoys, many lawmakers blindly accept the claims and do not question the size of the force or the assumptions for its operations. That ends up costing the U.S. taxpayers billions of dollars.

这issue facing us is not whether the SSBN force provides an important contribution to U.S. national security or not. It does. The issue is what composition it needs to have and how it needs to operate to provide sufficient security at an affordable price.

类别:核武器,United States